Chapter 17: For My Wife to Play With

This is likely the case when individuals claim that adversaries frequently cross paths.

As Wei Wei turns to face her opponents in the opening combat of the points accumulation round, she can't help but feel incredulous.

On Friday, after considerable anticipation, the couples PK competition officially got underway. The first round of point accumulation contests will take place without any viewers for a duration of half a month. To take part, couples simply need to click on the NPC to be taken to a battleground where the system will randomly select their opponents. Until they get there, they won't know who their rivals are.

YuGong and the others click on the NPC to enter the field, sending Wei Wei and NaiHe out. Wei Wei is astounded when they first arrive at the field because they are facing Real Water Is Scentless and Little Rain Yao Yao (Little Rain Enchantress), who are positioned on the other side.


The method allows players to prepare for their PK bouts for three minutes before to the combat, so they don't start their matches immediately. After taking a quick look at their rivals, NaiHe quips, "I'll take care of Little Rain Yao Yao."

Wei Wei immediately picks up on the Great Master's strategies for combat; Little Rain Yao Yao's avatar type is a doctor, and her skill level is low, giving her little chance against NaiHe. NaiHe can defeat her first, then team up with Wei Wei to take down RealWaterIsScentless. This is the quickest way to terminate the conflict.

However, NaiHe will have to kill Little Rainy Yao Yao as a result of this. Will the members of the LittleRain clan create a stir about it, go on the international channel, and accuse NaiHe of tormenting a little girl who is vulnerable?

Wei Wei won't be shocked to hear someone say anything like that, even if it's absurd. The reason for this is that LittleRainQingQing (LittleRainForeverYoung) just performed this on the international channel the other day.

After all the ups and downs, Wei Wei is bursting with energy just thinking about what occurred the day before; this is what you call the tables turning; let the climax begin~~.

The debate about someone snatching the boss of someone else is the root of it all.

Despite Wei Wei's claim that she would actually steal Prior to leaving the guild, LittleRainQingQing's supervisor made it obvious that she didn't think LittleRainQingQing was significant enough to spend time tailing. When Wei Wei and NaiHe were halfway through a quest, NaiHe abruptly stopped, took her with him, and walked off. Wei Wei had initially intended to keep her vow to herself whenever she ran into him.

LittleRainQingQing was just finishing a boss fight there.

As predicted, classmate Wei Wei defeated her first monster in the game and obtained Ice Feather, the most sought-after precious element; the game even reported her accomplishment through a system bot.

Little RainQingQing was enraged.

As it happened, YuGong's equipment from the previous boss was not the goal that LittleRainQingQing had in mind. Her desire was for the "Ice Feather" that the supervisor would sometimes give her. The system had just introduced this new item. The player might create excellent equipment by combining it with other valuable goods.

Considering that the Ice Feather ended up in Wei Wei's possession, it was clear that Little RainQingQing would not tolerate this. As a result, she sobbed on the global channel, accusing higher-level gamers ReedWeiWei (HumbleReed) and ASmileNaiHe (WhyNotJustSmile) of bullying the helpless and vulnerable girl. She sobbed as she described how she had gone to battle a monster to obtain the Ice Feather—the final component she needed to create new equipment. According to her, she spent a great deal of money acquiring the other components, but ReedWeiWei stole the ice feather, turning the other pricey supplies into worthless trash.

She was well-prepared, and after tricking a few players, she claimed Wei Wei was to blame. A few members had occasionally backed her on the global channel. The followers of LittleRainQingQing seized the chance and asked Wei Wei to give up the Ice Feather.

Little Rain Yao Yao made an appearance as well. She thought that Reed Wei Wei had gone a bit too far, even if she did not hold Wei Wei responsible and only offered a few kind words to clarify that they had a small misunderstanding. She continued by saying that making enemies was simple, but making friends was difficult; thus, she wanted ReedWeiWei to stop doing her performance and similar things.

There was no denying the power of a lovely girl. Not long after, a lot of people gave their approval.

RealWaterIsScentless promptly obliged, declaring he would gladly shell out a lot of money to obtain the ice feather.

Wei Wei chuckled aloud.

Although LittleRainYaoYao appeared to be mediating a conflict, in reality, she was encircling Wei Wei. People would continue to view Wei Wei as a petty and bitter person even if she gave a detailed explanation of the entire event. Regarding the question, Is Real Water Scentless? He gave a perfect example of the expression "compromise for the general interest." You see, we are prepared to pay money to purchase the item you took, even if you stole our boss. Look at us—how pathetic, how abused we have been, and how sincere!

Disgusting was Wei Wei. She wasn't an easy person and, of course, was subjected to harassment. She captured screen grabs from her chat with BattleTheWorld. As she was ready to respond, "JustWontEatAMeal," a low-level account player, emerged and said that LittleRainQingQing had stolen the boss of his team. He went on to say that ReedWeiWei aided them in a virtuous way when she walked by, and LittleRainQingQing was truly the high-level player who harassed others.

Even though LittleRainQingQing wouldn't acknowledge it, the low-level player posted a video showing LittleRainQingQing robbing their employer on the forum right away. LittleRainQingQing walked away silently as soon as the proof was shown.

The abrupt and dramatic change in the situation surprised everyone, including Wei Wei and the World Channel viewers. She knew the answer solely by careful consideration; she was not a moron.

She burst out laughing.

Once more, the globe channel was up in flames. Those who blatantly backed the LittleRain clan were too ashamed to speak up, so they either went silent soon after LittleRainQingQing or made amends with Wei Wei.

Although Wei Wei didn't really care about their attacks, she couldn't let the opportunity to vent her anger on them pass. Consequently, she spoke calmly and as though she had experienced a lot when she uttered the following:

[World] [ReedWeiWei]: "I feel disheartened after many pointed their fingers at me. I haven't talked much because I thought it was okay as long as I knew who was guilty and that I was innocent in my heart."

Even though Wei Wei felt bitter after saying such things, she put the message out for impact's sake. Who doesn't know how to act sad, hehe?<~\ Who would have thought that when her message was distributed, she would go steal Little RainQingQing's boss?


Oh awful, the Great Master's influence had indeed turned her into a horrible person.

Wei Wei was ready to sign off, seeing as how things were almost over, when she noticed her normally quiet spouse answering.

[World] [ASmileNaiHe]: "Purchasing all Ice Feathers at an exorbitant cost."

A smile, Nai!He has seldom spoken on the international channel.

Consequently, when he talked, the following was how people responded:

[World][AngelPullingMillstone]: "Amazing image! Imagine!

[World][TrippedOverRedRoastedPork]: "(smiley, with stars in its eyes) Great expert, please autograph me."

All right.


After reading the texts, Wei Wei was drenched with perspiration. She made a concerted effort to recall if she had been acting in this manner when she had first seen NaiHe.

How humiliating 

Someone inquired out of curiosity following the commotion around photo shoots.

[World] [StepOnPig]: "ASmile, are you gathering Ice Feather to create a new weapon as well?"

Worldwide][ASmileNaiHe]: "I'm not interested."

[World] [StepOnPig]: "(smiles suspiciously) What are you collecting it for then?"

[World] [ASmileNaiHe]: "To give it to my wife to play with."

Wei Wei almost put herself into a chokehold. You really know how to drive people crazy, Great Master.

Turning around, Wei Wei questioned NaiHe, "Is that 'JustWontEatAMeal' one of you guys' smurf accounts?" before shutting off the global channel.

She was 90% positive; if not, how could it's rather coincidental that a low-level account occurred to have a record of her and NaiHe grabbing the boss of someone else?

NaiHe announced, "It's YuGong and the others," just as she was finishing her thinking.

"All three of us registered smurf accounts to go snatch bosses, especially LittleRainQingQing's bosses," YuGong boasted. She murdered us because she could no longer stand us after doing it three times, hehe.

He sent N smiling smiles with his hands on people's waists as his excitement over it grew. He heard Wei Wei sigh, "So scheming," as he was waiting for her compliments. Just so cunning!"

"It was our third brother who told us to do so," said YuGong's displeasure. We're not guilty!"

Oh, I see. Thus, it was the Great Master!

Wei Wei instantly sent over a smiling image with stars for eyes and a raised fist, saying, "Great Master, you're incredible!"

Not long later, YuGong, MonkeyWine, and the others laid down and claimed to be dead.

Wei Wei collects her thoughts. She can't help but be a little worried right now because she heard that NaiHe wants to defeat LittleRainYaoYao first. It would be beneficial if you eliminated her first.

It will be the most expedient method to stop the fight, but based on my knowledge of the Little Rain clan, they'll most likely say a lot of negative things on the global channel.

"Is it necessary to discuss about how to kill them?" the Great Master asks, furrowing his brows.

Wei Wei: "....."

Yes, it is accurate.

In actuality, there is no need to talk about the best way to murder them. Wei Wei even thinks that she can defeat the two of them on her own with a better than 50% probability of victory because to the tools the Great Master has given her. Since RealWater has higher equipment than she does, they have tied in PK bouts in the past; however, she has since improved her equipment level. Furthermore, RealWater has been defeated by the Great Master and demoted three levels.

While considering this, she has an idea and offers eagerly, "How about this, I'll take them on myself, and you'll administer the last blow! You can intervene and assist if I really can't manage the conflict.


NaiHe appears to have given her an incomprehensible glance before taking his guqin to the corner and taking a quiet seat.

Wei Wei is therefore really enthused!

But after three minutes, her fire is cruelly quenched.

Little Rain YaoYao and Real Water Is Scentless run away from the fight! They quickly leave and vanish as soon as the allotted three minutes of preparation are up.


Wei Wei is dejected.

Do they truly seem that scary? Actually?

Though dejected, Wei Wei drags a discouraged NaiHe to the next player-versus-player match; however, this time, their opponents are also people they know.

Fight The World and Awaken Dreams of Butterflies.