Seraphine perfect match

Seeing Aeliana help that fucking Sergeant to the infirmary only fueled my anger. He was totally profiting from the situation, and it was pissing me off. Nathaniel had always taken advantage of Aeliana's kindness.

He was adept at playing the victim, using his rugged charm and feigned vulnerability to manipulate her. Even now, as she supported him, his eyes were fixed on her with a mixture of smug satisfaction and predatory desire. The way he looked at her, like she was a prize to be claimed rather than a person to be cherished, made my blood boil.

Aeliana, with her gentle nature and caring heart, was too trusting. She always saw the best in people, even when they didn't deserve it. Nathaniel knew this and exploited it shamelessly. Every time he was in trouble or needed a favor, he would run to her, knowing she would never turn him away.

It was infuriating to watch, knowing his intentions were far from genuine. The way he leaned on her now, making a show of his supposed injuries, was just another example of his manipulative tactics.

I stayed calm, though. Showing my temper now wouldn't be worth it. I turned away, not really knowing where to go, when a servant approached me.

"Lady Ciara," he said cautiously, "perhaps you should go see your sister, Seraphine. Her perfect match is arriving at her castle soon."

I smirked at the news. So, my little sister had a perfect match. I wondered who it could be.

"Who is it?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

The servant hesitated for a moment. "It's Riley, the human princess."

A chuckle escaped me. "Riley, huh? This should be interesting," I said, thinking about how Seraphine had killed Riley's lover. Fate had a twisted sense of humor.

"Go call Aeliana in the infirmary," I ordered the servant. "Tell her Leora is calling for her."

With that, I teleported myself to Seraphine's castle, startling some of the servants working inside. The castle was decorated immaculately for today's event, with opulent furnishings and tasteful decorations. It looked like Seraphine had everything prepared perfectly.

The grand entrance hall of the castle was breathtaking. High, vaulted ceilings stretched above, adorned with intricate frescoes depicting heroic battles and legendary creatures. Massive crystal chandeliers hung from above, casting a warm, golden glow across the polished marble floors.

The walls were lined with grand tapestries that told stories of the kingdom's rich history, their vibrant colors and fine details a testament to the skill of the artisans who created them.

As I walked further into the castle, the aroma of fresh flowers filled the air. Elaborate floral arrangements adorned every table and alcove, their beauty enhanced by the soft light filtering through stained glass windows depicting scenes of tranquility and nature. The servants bustled around, adding final touches to the decorations and making sure everything was in its rightful place.

I made my way through the halls, each one more splendid than the last. Ornate suits of armor stood sentinel along the walls, and the floors were covered with luxurious rugs woven with patterns that seemed to tell their own tales. The castle was a seamless blend of opulence and elegance, a perfect reflection of Seraphine's meticulous attention to detail.

As I approached the dining hall, the doors were opened by two liveried footmen, revealing a scene of lavish preparation. The dining hall itself was a marvel of architecture, with its long, gleaming table set beneath another crystal chandelier.

The table was set with the finest china and silverware, each place setting meticulously arranged. Rich, embroidered tablecloths draped over the table, and golden candelabras added a touch of regality, their candles flickering softly.

The centerpiece of the dining hall, however, was the food. The air was filled with the mouthwatering aroma of roasted meats, fresh bread, and sweet pastries. Platters of succulent roast beef, glazed ham, and roasted pheasant took center stage, their savory scents making my stomach rumble in anticipation.

Bowls of vibrant, fresh vegetables were arranged artistically, alongside trays of assorted cheeses and fruits that looked like they had been plucked straight from the garden.

There were baskets of freshly baked bread, their crusts golden and inviting, accompanied by an array of butters and spreads. Decanters of rich, red wine and sparkling crystal goblets were placed strategically along the table, ready to be filled and enjoyed.

A special table at the head of the room was set for Seraphine and her closest guests. It was slightly elevated, offering a perfect view of the entire dining hall. The seats were plush and comfortable, adorned with velvet cushions in deep, royal blue.

As I stood there, taking in the opulence and the care that had gone into every detail, I couldn't help but be impressed by Seraphine's ability to create such an atmosphere of grandeur and warmth.

I walked up the grand staircase, heading towards Seraphine's room. When I reached her door, I leaned against the wall, waiting for her to emerge. After a few moments, she stepped out of the bathroom.

Seraphine had black hair that cascaded down her back, and her eyes were a striking mix of red and purple. Unlike me, she had no horns. 

"Well, well, well," I said in my teasing voice. "So my coldest sister is getting stressed for a meeting."

"Shut up, Ciara," she snapped, glaring at me. "You play with women every chance you get."

I sighed dramatically, walking into the room and plopping down in one of her chairs. "And you cling to one woman like she's your only lifeline. It's so tragic," I said with a laugh.

She rolled her eyes, turning back to her wardrobe. "I'm not clinging. I just... want everything to be perfect."

I glanced at the clothes hanging neatly in her closet. "You should definitely wear one of your finest suits," I suggested, pointing to a black and red ensemble.

The suit was exquisite: the jacket was tailored to perfection, with intricate red embroidery along the lapels and cuffs. The pants were slim and elegant, matching the jacket perfectly. It was both sophisticated and striking, exactly what she needed.

Seraphine nodded, taking the suit off the hanger. "Good choice." She retreated to the bathroom to change, slipping into the suit and adjusting the fit. When she emerged, she looked at herself in the mirror, smoothing down the fabric. "I look great," she said.

I laughed, lounging comfortably in the chair. "Please don't faint when you see Riley. Or do—it could be quite funny."

"That's not funny," Seraphine muttered, though a small smile tugged at her lips.

A knock on the door interrupted us, and a maid entered, bowing deeply. "Lady Seraphine, your perfect match is here," she announced.

Seraphine sighed heavily. "The royal chambers have been prepared for both of you," the maid added.

Seraphine nodded, taking a deep breath. "Thank you. I'll be down shortly."

As the maid left, I stood up, giving Seraphine a teasing smile. "Don't faint," I repeated, brushing past her.

"Not funny, Ciara," she said.

We made our way to the castle entrance, the servants bustling around to ensure everything was ready. Seraphine stood there, waiting, her eyes fixed on the large doors that would soon open.

"Remember to breathe," I whispered, smirking.