I have to find a way to make her pay for it

As I headed back to Leora's office, my mind was still on that strange noise I heard earlier. What could it have been? Probably nothing, I decided. More important matters needed my attention. I reached the office door and knocked. After a few moments of muffled noise from within, the door swung open to reveal a slightly exasperated Zephara and a very angry Leora.

"What happened?" I asked, curious about the commotion.

Leora sighed deeply, rubbing her temples. "Ciara broke a statue worth at least 500,000 gold coins. I don't know what to do with her."

I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. "That's quite a habit she has."

Leora shot me a look that was both frustrated and amused. "It's not an isolated incident, that's for sure. I have to find a way to make her pay for it."

Just then, she smirked and said, "I'm going to put her on the perfect match system."

Zephara, who had been drinking water, burst into laughter, spraying water everywhere. I joined in, unable to contain my amusement.

Leora scolded us both. "It's not funny! If Ciara finds her perfect match, she might actually change for the better."

I tried to contain my laughter, but it was difficult. "Alright, alright. But the thought of Ciara finding her perfect match is just... it's something, alright."

Zephara gave Leora a quick kiss on the cheek before heading out. She looked at me and mouthed, "Good luck," before leaving.

Leora turned to me with a more serious expression. "Have you ever given a sample of blood to find your perfect match?"

"No," I replied, curious about where this was going.

"Would you like to do it? It could be interesting," Leora suggested.

I thought about it for a moment. "Sure, why not? It could be interesting."

"Great. I'll schedule a day for you to do it," Leora said, pleased. "But for now, we need to head to the kitchen. Today, I'm teaching some people how to cook."

I followed Leora to the castle's kitchen, my curiosity piqued. The kitchen was a large, bustling space filled with the delicious aroma of spices and freshly baked bread. It was a sharp contrast to the quiet halls of the castle. The countertops were lined with various ingredients, and a group of eager-looking demons stood waiting for Leora's lesson to begin.

Leora clapped her hands to get everyone's attention. "Alright, everyone! Today we're going to learn how to make a classic demon realm dish: Spicy Inferno Stew. It's simple, hearty, and perfect for these colder days."

I took my place among the students, ready to learn. Leora began by explaining the ingredients: fiery peppers, abyssal mushrooms, hellhound meat, and a variety of spices that made my nose tingle just from their scent.

"First, we need to prepare the vegetables," Leora instructed. She demonstrated how to chop the fiery peppers and abyssal mushrooms with precision. "Make sure to cut them evenly so they cook properly."

I followed her instructions, carefully chopping the vegetables. It was a bit challenging, especially since the fiery peppers seemed to sizzle and pop as I cut them. But I managed to keep up with the pace.

Next, Leora moved on to the hellhound meat. "This meat is tough, so we need to tenderize it before cooking." She handed out mallets and showed us how to pound the meat until it was tender. The kitchen echoed with the sound of mallets hitting meat.

Once the meat was ready, we added it to a large cauldron along with the chopped vegetables and spices. The mixture sizzled and filled the kitchen with a mouth-watering aroma.

"Now we let it simmer," Leora said, smiling at our work. "The key to a good stew is patience. Let the flavors meld together and create something magical."

As the stew simmered, Leora gave us tips on other cooking techniques, from making perfectly fluffy rice to creating a balanced seasoning. I absorbed every bit of knowledge, finding myself surprisingly engaged in the lesson. Cooking was a skill I hadn't really explored before, and it was interesting to learn from someone as skilled as Leora.

After a while, the stew was ready. Leora ladled it into bowls and handed them out. "Taste your work, everyone."

I took a spoonful of the Spicy Inferno Stew, and my taste buds were immediately hit with a burst of heat and flavor. It was delicious, with a perfect balance of spice and savory goodness. I looked around and saw that everyone else was enjoying their stew as well.

Leora beamed with pride. "You all did an excellent job. Cooking is not just about following recipes; it's about putting your heart into it and creating something that brings joy to others."

We spent the next hour chatting and eating, enjoying the fruits of our labor. It was a nice break from the usual chaos and stress of our duties.

After we finished, Leora turned to me with a mischievous glint in her eye. "You and I are going to Ciara's castle."

I blinked in surprise. "Why?"

"Because I have a feeling that her antics are far from over, and we need to address them head-on," Leora explained. "Plus, I want to see how she'll react to some... constructive criticism."

I couldn't help but smile at the thought. Dealing with Ciara was always an adventure, and it seemed like today would be no different.