Blood sample

Two weeks had passed, and I was ready to kill someone. Leora's magic restriction was still in place, and it was driving me insane. Every time I tried to use my magic, it felt like my entire body was being torn apart.

The constant pain and inability to use my powers made me grumpy as hell. To top it off, I hadn't even had a single one-night stand during these two weeks. It was a new low for me.

And if that wasn't bad enough, every time I visited Leora's castle, I had to watch Aeliana and Nathaniel acting like love-struck idiots. Their sappy smiles and stolen glances made me want to puke. So, I decided to avoid the castle altogether. But today, I had no choice. I had to go there for the blood sample for the perfect match system. 

I groaned, getting out of bed. If I had to endure this crap, I might as well look good doing it. I picked out a pair of black pants and a crisp white shirt. Simple, but it made me look like I had my shit together, even if I felt like tearing the world apart.

I slipped into the clothes and stood in front of the mirror, running a hand through my hair. "Damn, I look good," I muttered to myself. Even if I was miserable, at least I could still look hot. 

I grabbed my keys and headed to the garage. My car, a sleek black sports car, was waiting for me. It was one of the few things that brought me some joy. The engine roared to life as I started it up, and for a moment, I felt a bit of my old self returning.

The drive to Leora's castle was uneventful, but I couldn't shake the feeling of irritation. When I pulled up to the castle, I could see the usual hustle and bustle of servants and guards. I parked my car and made my way inside, my mood souring with each step.

As I entered the castle, I was greeted by the usual whispers and stares. People knew better than to mess with me when I was in a bad mood. I headed straight to the infirmary, where the blood sampling was supposed to take place.

The room was sterile and cold, filled with medical equipment. A doctor in a white coat was already there, preparing the necessary tools. I took a seat, tapping my foot impatiently.

"Ms. Ciara, I presume?" the doctor asked, looking up from his clipboard.

"Yeah, let's get this over with," I snapped. I hated doctors, and I hated needles even more.

The doctor nodded and approached with a syringe. "This will only take a moment," he said calmly.

"Better be quick," I muttered, rolling up my sleeve.

He swabbed my arm with alcohol and inserted the needle. I winced but kept my mouth shut. I wasn't about to show any weakness. The vial filled with my blood, and the doctor quickly removed the needle, applying a bandage to my arm.

"Done. That wasn't so bad, was it?" he asked with a small smile.

I glared at him. "Just do your job and shut up," I growled.

The doctor backed off, clearly not wanting to provoke me any further. "Now, we just need to wait for the next participant."

I leaned back in the chair, trying to calm myself down. This whole situation was a nightmare, but at least it would be over soon. Just then, the door opened, and Aeliana walked in. She looked surprised to see me but quickly masked it with a smile.

"Hey, Ciara. Didn't expect to see you here," she said, her tone annoyingly cheerful.

"Yeah, well, life's full of surprises," I replied dryly.

The doctor cleared his throat. "Now, it's Aeliana's turn," he said, motioning for her to sit down.

I watched as Aeliana took a seat, rolling up her sleeve. Despite everything, I couldn't help but admire her calm demeanor. She seemed unfazed by the whole process. I crossed my arms and waited, my thoughts a chaotic mess of anger and frustration. 

Leora had better have a damn good reason for putting me through this.

Aeliana's blood sample was quick and efficient. The doctor was skilled, and before I knew it, she was done. Aeliana barely flinched as the needle went in, and soon enough, her vial was filled with her blood. She gave the doctor a polite smile as he bandaged her arm.

The doctor cleared his throat and turned to both of us. "Normally, we would have the results of the Perfect Match system in about a week. However, since Leora personally requested this, you will have your results in three days."

Great, I thought. The faster this nonsense was over, the better. "Three days, huh? Well, let's hope it's worth it," I muttered, standing up from my seat.

The doctor gave us a courteous nod. "I hope you both have a great rest of your day," he said, clearly eager to be rid of me.

"Yeah, yeah, you too," I grumbled, already heading for the door. Aeliana followed closely behind.

As we stepped outside, I immediately spotted Nathaniel waiting for Aeliana. His face lit up with a bright smile when he saw her. The air around him seemed to shimmer slightly, like his scent was reinforced by some magic. The overly sweet aroma was nauseating, but I dismissed it as none of my business. 

Nathaniel approached Aeliana with that infuriating smile of his. "Hey, Aeliana. I was hoping to catch you before you left," he said, his eyes twinkling.

Aeliana smiled back, and for a moment, I felt an inexplicable surge of irritation. Before I could process it, Leora appeared out of nowhere, her expression stern. 

"Come with me, Ciara," she commanded, leaving no room for argument.

I glanced at Aeliana and Nathaniel, who seemed too engrossed in their own world to notice the tension. Rolling my eyes, I turned to follow Leora. Whatever she had to say, it better be good.