Did I just protect Aeliana?

Did I just protect Aeliana? What the fuck was that about? 

I couldn't believe it myself. Stepping in to shield Aeliana from Nathaniel's bullshit was out of character, to say the least. It wasn't like me to get involved in other people's drama, especially not someone like Aeliana. Hell, I hardly knew her.

She always seemed so aloof, and frankly, a bit too good for anyone's company. And yet, there I was, playing her knight in shining armor. Even Aeliana looked shocked, like she didn't expect me to help her out.

As I watched Nathaniel stalk off, his shoulders tense with frustration, I could feel Aeliana's eyes on me. She probably thought I was insane. Maybe I was.

But now wasn't the time to figure that out. I had other plans for the evening, and none of them involved getting caught up in her mess. Aeliana thanked me, her voice soft and unsure. I shrugged it off, trying to act like it was no big deal.

"Don't mention it. Just… be careful, okay?" I said, my tone gruff.

With that, I turned and walked away, leaving her standing there. I needed to shake off whatever weird protective instinct had just flared up. Aeliana could fend for herself. I had my own life to live, and right now, that meant finding someone to help me forget about the whole damn day.

I swaggered off to Leora's office, my mood shifting from flirty to business as soon as I crossed the threshold. Leora looked up from her desk, her eyes narrowing as she saw me.

"Well, Ciara, I trust your mission was a success?" she asked, her tone clipped.

I gave a lazy salute, falling into a chair across from her. "Rogue demons are toast. Took care of 'em nice and clean. Nothing left but ash and bad memories."

Leora's lips twitched, almost a smile. "And the specifics?"

"Sure thing, boss," I said, leaning back. "Found their camp near the human border, just like you said. They had a small operation going, terrorizing the locals, making a mess. Took 'em out one by one. The leader tried to put up a fight, but you know how it goes. They all burn the same."

Leora nodded, jotting down notes. "Casualties?"

I shrugged. "None on our side. A few injuries, nothing serious. Those bastards didn't know what hit 'em."

"Good work," Leora said, her tone softening a bit. "And no trouble from the humans?"

"Not a peep," I confirmed. "We were in and out before they even knew we were there."

"Excellent," she said, closing her notebook. "You're dismissed."

I stood, giving her a mock salute before heading out. Finally, it was time to unwind. 

As I walked through the halls, my thoughts drifted back to more familiar territory. I needed a distraction, and I knew just where to find one.

There was a bar not too far from here where I could always find someone willing to have a good time, no strings attached. The thought of a no-strings-attached night was exactly what I needed to shake off the day's weirdness.

The bar was dimly lit and filled with the usual crowd. I scanned the room, my eyes locking onto a woman sitting alone at the bar. She had dark hair cascading over her shoulders and a confident air about her. Perfect.

I sauntered over, slipping onto the barstool next to her. "Hey there," I said, flashing her my most charming smile. "Mind if I buy you a drink?"

She looked me up and down, a slow smile spreading across her lips. "Sure, why not? I'm Kaida."

"Ciara," I replied, signaling the bartender. "Two of your finest, please."

As the drinks arrived, we started talking. Flirting came naturally to me, and Kaida was more than receptive. We exchanged banter, her laughter ringing out over the noise of the bar. I leaned in closer, my hand resting on her knee, feeling the warmth of her skin through her jeans.

"You come here often?" I asked, my voice low and suggestive.

"Not really," she admitted, her eyes sparkling. "But I'm glad I did tonight."

The conversation flowed easily, filled with innuendos and teasing touches. We were lost in our own little world, the rest of the bar fading into the background. I could tell she was into me, and I was definitely into her. This was exactly what I needed—a night to forget everything and just enjoy the moment.

Just when things were heating up, Aeliana's face flashed in my mind. What the hell? I shook it off, focusing on the woman in front of me. Kaida leaned in, her lips brushing against my ear as she whispered, "Want to get out of here?"

I smiled, my hand slipping around her waist. "Absolutely."

We stood to leave, but as we turned, I caught sight of Nathaniel and Aeliana walking into the bar. What were they doing here? Aeliana's eyes met mine for a brief moment, and I saw a flicker of confusion pass over her face. Nathaniel looked annoyed, probably still pissed about earlier.

But Aeliana was a vision of temptation that night. She wore a striking deep crimson dress that hugged her every curve, the fabric clinging to her like a second skin.

The plunging neckline was daring, exposing just enough to leave an enticing glimpse of cleavage. Thin, delicate straps rested on her shoulders, drawing attention to her graceful collarbones and slender neck. The dress was cut high on the thigh, revealing long, shapely legs that seemed to go on forever. 

The material of the dress shimmered under the bar lights, catching the eye with every movement she made. Her dark hair was styled in loose waves, cascading down her back and framing her face in a way that highlighted her striking features. Her makeup was flawless: smoky eyes that smoldered with intensity, and lips painted a bold, seductive red.

She wore a pair of strappy, high-heeled sandals that accentuated her toned calves, each step exuding confidence and allure.

A delicate gold chain rested around her neck, drawing the eye to the exposed skin of her décolletage, and matching earrings dangled, catching the light with every turn of her head. Aeliana looked stunning, a picture of sultry elegance.

Great. Just great. This was the last thing I needed. I had to figure out how to navigate this without ruining my night. Kaida looked up at me, unaware of the sudden tension. I forced a smile, guiding her towards a quieter corner of the bar. I'd deal with Nathaniel and Aeliana later. For now, I had other plans.