
I watched Aeliana walk away, her figure retreating down the hall. The thought of her going on a date with Nathaniel gnawed at me. I smirked, despite the bitterness in my chest. Well, maybe she wasn't that great. At least with this injury, it looked like Leora had given me back my magic. Small victories.

I focused on my hand, willing the familiar warmth of my purple fire magic to manifest. A small flame flickered to life, dancing in my palm. Relief washed over me. I had my magic back. Maybe being beaten to a pulp by that rogue demon yesterday wasn't entirely worthless.

I decided to take a quick shower, though the thought of moving around with my injuries made me cringe. Each step towards the bathroom was a reminder of the demon's strength. "Fucking bastard," I muttered, cursing the demon and its relentless attacks. But in a twisted way, I was grateful. The encounter had resulted in Leora restoring my magic, and that was worth a few bruises.