Something a little less… Nathaniel-infested

Leora's words echoed in my mind, her voice still lingering like an unwanted guest. "You need blood." Damn her for being right.

As I walked back to my chambers, my thoughts were a chaotic mess. I could feel the burn in my veins, the thirst scratching at the back of my throat like a desperate, clawing beast. 

Aeliana. Her name alone sent a rush of heat through me. I hated how much power she had over me without even knowing it. Every time I was near her, my senses were heightened. Her scent wrapped around me, intoxicating and maddening all at once.

I was torn between wanting to bury my fangs in her soft, delicate neck and pushing her away to save us both from my hunger.

I paced around my room, trying to distract myself with anything maps, plans, hell, even a goddamn romance novel left abandoned on my desk.