Stay away from me

I let out a huge sigh that's been building right from the moment I stepped through the reed's patio door, walked right through the gates of Charleston high and back out. 

So much for an invisible first day. Now everyone'd probably know me as Miss klutzy. 

Or maybe Bambi on ice. 

But most definitely as duet girl. 

The thought of it all sent me squealing, something I've never really done. The poem had felt so real, his every word like a confession of his love. 

I clutched my pillow hard to my chest and let myself dream about him, his soft blue eyes, his beautiful wavy hair and that cowlick that flickered in his face each time he turned to look at me. His arms were sturdy and strong and though he was more lanky than he was muscular, he had the most amazing body I'd EVER seen, abs and packs that were oddly visible through his jacket. 

He helped me pick my bag. Then he read a poem for my sake. Then he stared at me all through lunch and then biology, a class I had to share with him. Too bad I didn't get to sit right next to him.

Shut up inner mind! I yelled at myself, disgusted. Since when did I dream of guys, not to talk of sitting next to him? Find something Mira, anything to get him off your mind. 

 I sat up, casting one long glance around. 

"Aha!" I yelled, jumping off the bed and making my way down to the small bookshelf by my reading table. I grabbed a worn copy of Vampire diaries, flipping it open but somehow the thought of Elena and Stephan's love story had me cringing. Maybe some spicy mystery'd do the trick. 

 I reached out for Stephen king's 'Salem's lot' dropping the book back in a tight frown. I ran my hand through every cover, trying to ascertain why none interested me. Oh yeah, lets start with the fact that I'd read every book I had three times over. 

" Dang it" I cursed, throwing on my jacket. I buttoned it up to the top, pulling at my pants and patting my hair back… oh well it's only going to take like ten minutes or even less. 

 Stepping out through the patio door, I yelled. 

" I'm stepping out for a while! Be back soon!!" I turned to go when I heard Stacey yell back. 

" Where're you going?" 

" To the bookstore!" I yelled back. 

" Wait, it hasn't gone extinct?!" I laughed and slammed the door shut, tucking my hands in and heading to the small bookstore I'd seen right across the road on my way back from school. I crossed the first street and made my way in, stopping to feast my eyes on the store's newest books. Romance, rom-coms, staring at them alone made me positively cringe. How do people get through all that emotional stuff cause they need some serious waking up to do. In the real world you don't get a prince-charming and you certainly don't get to ride on an air balloon through the entire world. 

I strolled down to the goth section, running my hand through each cover I encountered. They seemed nice, but not just what I wanted. 

 I headed down to the thriller/mystery aisle and traced my hands through one of Nancy Drew's famous series. Something new and different caught my eye though. Something from the left highest shelf caught my eye thought and I reached out for it, not quite reaching it. I stood up on my toes and stretched higher but my hands barely brushed the spine. Dang it! I muttered softly, stretching higher and betraying my shirt. It pulled on over my waist, exposing my skin to the cold air and I shivered, trying to pull it back down. 

 Till I felt an ice cold hand around my bare waist. i spun round in shock to meet those dreadful familiar icy dark eyes staring down at me. for a moment I opened my mouth to yell at him, brush his hands off, say something rude and saunter out like I'd usually do but I was dead-stricken. It was Alex, holding me. For no reason. But for some strange reason, that thought didn't even cross my mind, only thoughts of how darn good he looked in a powder black strapless leather jacket over matching darker jeans that were ripped and stylish. Everything about him screamed to my good girl senses, telling me to back off but I couldn't. He stared so hard and intense at me, I went weak-kneed. His eyes... his eyes were doing things to me from within, sending unsolicited spurts of desire bursting through my skin in rivulets of desire. my lips went dry, my palms sweaty and when i tried to speak all I could mutter was a croak. I felt something move along my palm high up the shelf and I looked up. He was running those slim slender fingers through mine held tight against the book and I noticed how soft they felt against my skin, how they made me gasp with pleasure from within and how much I wanted them to stay there, forever if possible. I snapped out of my delusion though, drawing away from his enticing grasp. it left me cold and scorching empty but it didn't matter. I didn't want to look desperate or act it.

" Why... Why'd you do that?" I spluttered, trying to glare but failing miserably. His lips twisted in a lop-sided smile that sent pulsating chills running down my spine.

" Did you enjoy the brief contact?" He asked cockily " My hands were handy" He whispered, leaning close " So I thought, why not help a poor damsel in distress?" I scoffed, stepping back and rolling my eyes. He suddenly didn't seem so attractive anymore. 

" I'm not a damsel." I said, stalking out of his reach and tucking my shirt down self-consciously "Pervert" I muttered under my breath, reaching out for the book myself. His hands beat me to the shelf and since he was a smouldering six three hunk and he drew the book out, holding it in my face. 

" Is this it? The reason why you're trying to make every man in here drool to death?" He said and this time I glared at him so hard my eyes hurt. The nerve! Ok now I'm definitely pulling back no punches. First you're all rude and cold to me in class and now flirty? Oh no bad boy. Not me. 

" Not everyone's abnormally tall and cocky." I shot, stepping back " I couldn't reach it. Didn't your pervert-infested mind tell you that much?" 

" Oh I was too busy staring below to see what was on top" He crooned even lower, grinning impishly. I gasped, flushing bright red in embarrassment. My heart burned with rage and I reached up to snatch the book off his grasp. he drew it even further away and gave me that lop-sided smile that still did crazy things to my heart despite my raging temper threatening to reach boiling hot. 

" You…! I got to it first!!" I yelled " Why don't just set it back where you found it and walk out the door like you never existed?!"

" Where is the fun in that? Besides watching you blush is entertainment enough" I gasped and he laughed, heightening my embarrassment to its peak. And here was the entire town's female population dying for such an imp! imp!!

" Beg me" He said in a low undertone, stalking close. I staggered back, hitting the book shelf beside me. He had me trapped in and desperate for somewhere to hide, I looked around. And as if he couldn't get even closer, he did. 

"Wh… what are you doing?" 

" Staring? At you?" He cocked his head " Why? You have a problem with that?" 

" W… well yes" I shrunk even deeper into the wood behind me " Step back…" 

" Your heart is beating" He whispered, leaning close " Its beating really fast" He placed his hand on my chest through my jacket and I gasped, too shaken to glare at him " Why is that?" 

" Because I can't breath" I shrugged his hand off " Step back you… you…." 

" What? Pervert? I think you've called me that already. Twice actually…" 

" That's what you are!" I yelled " Per… pervert" He laughed and leaned close, our lips barely inches away. I leaned back, frozen. 

" What are you trying to do…" 

" Your hair" He said, missing my lips and leaning behind me " Its stuck on a splinter" 

" Wh… what?" He tugged my bun away and every wave came crashing down, falling into my face and splattering across my chest and down my back. 

" Oh no. I shouldn't have used rubber bands those darned things" I whispered, fumbling around my pocket for something bandy. I looked up to see him staring so hard and intense at me, I staggered back. 

" Wh… what?" 

" Your hair" He whispered, leaning even closer " Your hair is so beautiful" he ran his hand through one lock, sighing " Smells like… coconut?" 

" I like coconut" I whispered, lost in the deep depths of his dreamy sapphire eyes. They were so clear. As clear as glass.

 He let out a low growl. 

" Why'd you move here Mira" he whispered softly into my ears " you could have stayed in Florida" 

" Why does that suddenly matter?" 

he leaned away from me, eyes fluid" Because I want you safe." He leaned even closer and whispered " from me" i reeled back in shock and turned to stare at him, his lips drawing me in. 

" what?"

" You can go back. Stay there and never come back here…" 

" What are you talking ab…" 

" I can't leave. And you can't stay here" 

" Ok like I only met you like, today. What are you yapping on and on about?" I yelled and he gave me a strange look. 

" Are you sure about that Miranda?" He let out a sigh, running his hand through his hair " look, stay away from me ok?. It's not a warning. Just caution. Don't talk to me. Don't even look at me. I... I don't like you" His voice dropped a notch lower " And I never will" A look of disgust filled his face " I never will. So don't get your hopes up cause you're not my type"

" What are you..."

" Goodbye Miranda" He said, tossing the book at me and striding out of the store. I watched him leave, feeling the hate burn through my throat. the hatred was deep. 

And incredibly mutual.

I grabbed the book off the lower shelf and made my way down the aisle, hands diving through my pockets for some money and trying to steady my breath. 

" How much for the book?" I asked. The pimply blonde cashier beamed widely at me. 

" Are you Miranda?" 

" Yeah…" I spluttered " sure" 

" Oh someone already paid for it" I blinked. 

" What?" 

" I said someone…" 

" I heard you the first time. Who paid?" 

" Some hot dude" I looked out through the glassy window pane at his slim dark profile etched against a wall breaking off into an alleyway. His bright blue eyes bored into mine, piercing holes through my eyes and for a moment he held my gaze. Then he ducked into the dark shadows. 

she leaned close " is he your boyfriend? He's really sexy" 

" Yeah he's not my boyfriend" I said, holding out the book for a wrapper. I stared at the dark alley, searching for a glimpse of blue. " He'll never be"

" He isn't?" She half squealed " Do you know him or something? Could you hook me up?" 

" Yeah" I muttered, walking out " I'm very sure he'd be pleased to" I pushed the store door open and stomped out, burning with rage. 

Stay away from him Mira. STAY AWAY. 

I could feel the hate burning through my skin and right into my heart. If its hate you want cage, you're so damn getting hate. In the worst way possible.