Part " 29 "

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Enjoyable reading 

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Warut sighed and spoke as he approached Virutt

(There is a traitor, they have ambushed us. He killed many of Hugo's men. Stop Anu, Hugo.....)

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of gunfire, so they all stared at the man who fell on his knees and then on his face because of the bullet that hit the middle of his forehead and came from outside the gate. Anu raised his head as he saw Hugo enter with his weapon in his left hand and his brown braid hanging on his right shoulder.

His arm was carried by a sling like Warut and he looked angry and his face was full of wounds, he was screaming as he entered with his guard behind him and without seeing Anu and his getting up and crying and even his steps towards him, and when he noticed Anu he scolded him

(I suspected from the beginning that he was a traitor, stop crying Anu. Did you.....)

His words were cut off as he stared at Anu resting his head on his chest and sobbing loudly. He raised his head and stared at Ted who gestured with his hand for him to speak calmly, so Hugo took a deep breath then dropped his weapon on the ground and raised his hand to stroke Anu's hair while whispering calmly

(Calm down Nuu I'm fine, they're just scratches)

But Anu didn't stop and continued crying, both of them moved, Ated walked with Pravat and they entered the house, then Warut and Virutt walked beside him and scolded him, Hugo stared at Anu again as he clung to him tightly and sobbed, so he lowered his hand under Anu's back and lifted him up Anu hugged him tightly and hid his face in Hugo's neck.

Despite his fatigue and pain, he carried him and walked inside, although the guards tried to push him away, but he clung to him tightly. He sat on the couch with Anu in his arms. Hugo knew why Anu clung to him, he didn't keep him with him for nothing, he researched his family background and what he learned didn't please him at all.

He remembers that day when he came back late and entered the room, thinking that Anu was asleep, but everything was contrary to his expectations, Anu was awake, holding a piece of glass in his hand and scratching the floor, and his hair was covering his face, and he even noticed the blood dripping from Anu's fingers as a result of pressing on that piece of glass. He shook his head to push away that memory when Jayet spoke to him

(May I?)

Hugo stared at Jayet then at Anu who was sleeping so he left him for Jayet to carry him and take him to the nearest room and this room is special for Hugo in case he decided to spend the night, Hugo looked at Ated as he treated Pravat's face and addressed him

(Do you know anything about his life?)

Hugo looked at him

(You mean Anu??)

Ated shook his head waiting for Hugo's answer but what he got was only a nod, Ated looked at Virutt and they sighed together so Ated told Virutt so that Virutt would not make a mistake and hurt or wound Anu with a word unintentionally.

After sunset, a car arrived towards Warut's house, sent by Hugo's sister after Pravat sent her a message telling her that Hugo's phone was broken and needed repair. Hugo got up and headed towards the room with a guard who quickly carried Anu and they left quietly.

All the way, Anu rested his head on Hugo's thigh who was staring out the window. The car arrived and Sonny approached and saw her brother in this state so she started crying, he pulled her and hugged her whispering

(Stop crying Sonny, Nuu will wake up and no one will shut you up, he barely kept quiet)

She tried to be silent and entered with her brother while they were staring at the guard as he went up carrying Anu towards Hugo's room or their room literally, they sat and Hugo started talking while telling Sonny everything that happened until her question surprised him

(You love him??)

He frowned so she resumed her talk

(You love him, brother?? Do you love P'Nuu??)

He was distracted by her talk and did not give her an answer, he just got up towards his room calmly and entered while he saw Anu sleeping and hallucinating so he approached him but he stopped and stepped back and remained standing in his place and staring at him while he remembered his actions and remembered Anu's tears and his silence and his words so he shook his head and turned around.



In the evening, Ated and Virutt are sitting on a rug in the garden and arranging a card game and competing to see who will finish first, and Warut reads his role in the text and Pravat checks the file of the goods that will arrive soon, so Ated shouts

(I won, I won, I won)

Pravat laughed as he saw Virutt staring at him, as he knew that Virutt was trying to please Ated, but no one knows what is inside him. Ated spoke, addressing Virutt

(Come on now, you have to receive your punishment, you have to get up and sit in Warut's arms and kiss him)

Virutt refused that and said

(Why don't you do it?)

Ated answered him as he got up

(I will do it, I am not a coward like you)

He approached Pravat and removed his arms and sat in his lap while staring at Virutt and sticking out his tongue, then turned his face to Pravat, who was smiling as he raised one of his eyebrows for Ated to address him

( What?? Aren't you your lover??)

Pravat didn't answer him, so Ated grabbed his face and pulled him to kiss him a small kiss, but Pravat held him and didn't let go for a few moments, then moved away and whispered

(You brought it upon yourself)

Warut laughed as he saw Ated staring at Virutt and speaking

(Who is the coward now??)

Virutt got up and said

(I'm not a coward)

He approached Warut who was ready for this, Virutt sat down and before he could even turn his face, Warut grabbed his jaw and turned him towards him and kissed him, then left him after a few moments for Virutt to cover his face with his hands and lower his head, Pravat and Ated laughed at him, and Warut hugged him, whispering

(Oh my god, all this because I kissed you)



Around midnight, Warut turned off the lights, lay down next to Virutt, pulled him into his arms, hugged him, and closed his eyes without noticing the car that stopped behind the house. He killed the two guards at the back gate and replaced them with two more guards. Pravat was sitting staring at Ated as he stood by the window and thought while staring at the clouds then he spoke addressing Pravat

(Pravat, can we talk?)

Pravat nodded so Ated approached and sat next to him and spoke calmly and every word surprised Pravat and shocked him because of how much Ated could bear all of that

(My mother was not the daughter of that scoundrel, all his sons loved her she was a beautiful and special child so he bought her from the auction, he thought that she would love his eldest son and marry her but my mother loved my father and disobeyed him so he killed her.

He kept me because I resemble her and because he wanted to destroy you and Jayet because my father took his jewel and married her without any fear of him, he told me that he ordered that poison to be planted inside my body and he told me before he died

"You will have exactly the same luck as your mother")

He raised his head staring at Pravat who quickly pulled him into his arms and hugged him saying

(No Ated, that will not happen. I I will make sure of that)

Ated patted his back while smiling then lay down hugging him and fell asleep. At the same time Hugo was sitting on the couch and Anu was changing his bandage and treating his face then stood staring at him and before he spoke Hugo addressed him

(Don't look at me like that, you will sleep next to me without excuses)

Anu stared at Hugo for a long time then lay down and pulled the covers while thinking then he was startled by the sound of the door closing so he noticed that Hugo had closed the door and went to adjust the air conditioner temperature so Anu started thinking about why Hugo was calm with him.



Two days later... Ated and Virutt decided to go out at 10 am to go shopping and Virutt didn't stop him at all and sent his guards with him, they were walking around the mall and bought a lot of things and when they got out they headed towards the car.

They were followed by three guards and two after them, and in the middle of the parking lot people were frightened by the gunfire, the three guards fell and the two guards stood in front of Virutt while he hid Ated behind his back and stared at them, one of them addressed the other

(Should we kill him or leave him alive?)

He answered

(It doesn't matter, what matters is that Virutt is alive)

Virutt was between staring at them and staring at the weapon and Ated behind his back and his arm covering him but he quickly received a blow and fell to the ground, they stared at Ated and smiled as they moved their gazes to each other.

Warut and Pravat arrived with many guards where the parking lot after receiving a distress signal from one of the guards, both brothers started searching then Roy spoke while holding his computer in his hand

(In the car Khun, Khun Ated is in the car)

Pravat rushed towards the car and Warut looked at Roy and asked

(What about Virutt??)

Roy answered

(No sign of him, his tracking device is off, no trace of him anywhere near this area)

He put his computer and started opening another page while speaking

(I need to go back to the computer room, the disconnection of his tracking device means two things)

Pravat came forward carrying Ated in his hands and spoke in shock

(Either he was killed or the tracking device was extracted from his body)

Roy answered

(Both possibilities are not confirmed because if my tracking device is removed from his body it will give a signal for fifteen minutes and also if he is killed, he is inside A truck is ready to transport him and prevents the signal from his tracking device)

And Warut was going to lose his mind, his soul is not there and his location is unknown. Warut decided to return, so everyone obeyed him, but he stopped and headed towards the surveillance cameras and got a video of the kidnapping.

Roy sits in front of his five computer screens, two on top of each other on the right and left sides as well. He moves from one screen to another and Ated stands behind him to help him, although he did not understand anything that appears on the screen.

As for Warut, he sits in front of the video clip of the kidnapping incident and watches everything in it. For three days, they did not leave any place or anyone to find any evidence or trace of Virutt's location.

Warut was staring at Virutt's face and how Ated was hiding behind him and how he was staring at the weapon. He was trying to save himself and his friend, but they were faster than him. When one of the guards hit Virutt on the head, the TV screen shattered because Warut smashed it with the remote control while screaming

(Damn it)

No one could sleep at all, they were all busy. For two weeks, Warut did not leave an opponent for his father who did not break into his house, but he did not get anything. On their way back, Pravat tried to convince him to rest, because he and Roy do not sleep, they are awake all the time.

He just nodded without giving any reaction, and after that night he visited his father's last opponent and threatened to kill his wife and daughter, so he swore to him that he did not know Virutt and that he wanted to make a deal to resolve the dispute between him and Warut's father.

In the middle of the place, he remembered the tattoo on the guards' hands, so he dropped his weapon and knelt down, speaking, tears streaming down his cheeks, and looking at Pravat.

(He's Saan's father)

Pravat shouted at him.

(What do you mean, brother?)

He answered.

(He's Saan's father, he wants revenge on me. The tattoo on the guards' hands is the same tattoo on San's guards' hands, he took it to take revenge on me.)

A long silence fell, and Pravat supported his brother and returned with him to the house. When he entered, Ated ran down, asking.

(What did you get to?)

He answered, then shouted to Roy, who was standing at the door of the computer room.

(He's Saan's father, Roy, find me his location and where he was all this month.)

Roy quickly entered, and Ated stared at Warut, who was sitting on the couch, covering his face with his hands, then wiped his face and massaged his temple, listening to Roy's talk.

(Mr. Jayeen left a month ago to England for a conference and returned after two days then returned to England to attend a party and two days ago he returned to Thailand and left this morning to Hawaii)

Virutt shouted as he broke the glass table in front of him with his hand

(Damn it)

Pravat and Ated quickly grabbed his bleeding hand but his eyes were lost.









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I hope you like it . 

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