ch7: standoff with Rosaline

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Anna's POV:

It was Sunday now and tomorrow school would start again. I was over at the Cullen's as usual. I was playing some video games with Emmett and Jasper while Edward and Alice played cards with their own set of complicated rules. Alice tried to explain it to me but after tow minutes she lost me.

After losing against Emmett in a car racing game a couple of times Alice kidnapped me for some make-over time. We were in Alice's bathroom and she was doing my hair.

"Oh I know what I will do with your hair. I have the perfect accessory for the style but where did I put it." It looked like she was scanning her memories. "It is in the yellow box in the attic. I'll be right back." She smiled satisfied at me and rushed off.

"Whatever you say Alice." I said with a smile in my voice. She is really an energetic tornado and sometimes she makes me dizzy but I can't help it, I love her. In the short time I'm here she became me best friend. Alice is happy, enthusiastic, joyful, light, determined and merciless when I comes to crimes of fashion that all packaged in a little bundle of pure energy with a serious shopping addiction. You simply have to love her.

I was sitting in Alice's bathroom waiting for her to return when I suddenly felt a presence behind me.

I turned around to see Rosalie glaring at me.

"You are not welcome here. Leave now!" She hissed at me.

At that I stood up to face her, crossed my arms over my chest, glared right back at her and hissed back.

"No, I will not leave."

"You are not supposed to be here so leave HUMAN." She spat the last word out like a cruse.

"But I AM here, what're you gonna do about it, Hale." I spat right back still glaring, if she thought she could intimidate me she was sadly mistaken, I was scared of her but I wouldn't let her know even if my life depended on it. By now all the Cullen's were around us, I saw that Edward wanted to step in but Alice stopped him.

"I will kill you!" Rosalie yelled at me and I hissed while still glaring.

"Oh yeah! I would love to see you try." By now I was only inches away from her face.

She started to look like a really pissed off Vampire ready to kill and growled murderously at me but I didn't beck down instead I growled back at her or at least I tried.

"Did you just growl at me? Are you crazy?" She asked eyeing me as if I went insane.

"Yes, I growled at you and no I'm not crazy I'm just not scared of you." I glared at her.

"You should be." She yelled furious throwing her hands in the air.

"Well I'm not. Your little intimidating stunt may work on others but not on me, so save it Rosalie. You can send me as many death glares as you want and threaten me but I will not beck down got that." I said in a claim and sure voice, looking her straight in the eye.

Then there we stood glaring at each other until she raised an eye brow at me, stepped back a little to looked up and down at me and said.

"You've got some guts."

"You aren't that bad yourself." I said with a smirk.

At that she smirked back, nodded her head and went out of the Alice's bathroom.

Emmett and Jasper were confused, Alice was beaming and Esme and Carlisle looked apologetically and proud at me.

Edward looked intensely at me with surprise, pride and adoration in his eyes, doesn't happen often that someone stands up to Rosalie. I had to admit that I was a little proud of myself.

I don't know how my relationship with Rosalie will look like but I think Rosalie is the kind of person who's respect and approval you got to earn and that was a step in the right direction. Or at least I hoped so.

Edward's POV:

With Anna here, the house sounded so alive I had to smile at that. A house full of Vampires sounded alive. Ever since Anna arrived here our lives changed and it was a good change. Our lives weren't monotone anymore with Anna here every day became new and exciting. She made our human memories and emotions resurface.

After Anna's and Rosalie's face off, I went for a run. I could always think better when I ran. It made me fell free and cleared my head. The speed was one of the good things about being a Vampire but no matter how fast I run I couldn't escape the mystery Anna is to me.

As the trees passed by in a blur I let my mind wander. Ever since Anna came into my life it was like something was set in motion and it couldn't be stopped but I can't figure out what that is for the life of me.

As so often these days I thought about the past weeks ever since Anna came into my live and she made quite an entrance.

She isn't like any other girl I have ever known and how she stood up to Rosalie, ever body else would have been frozen in fear by Rosalie's death glares but not Anna of cause not. She even lectured a Vampire while he was about to drain her, I had to chuckle at the memory.

She was glaring at me with her arms crossed over her chest while surrounded by four Vampires, back then I thought she was crazy but now I can only adore her for her bravery.

She kept her cool to bring us all out of that predicament. If she wouldn't have reacted like she did I don't want to think about what would have happened then.

As I thought of Anna a soft and lovely melody started to play in my head. It was nothing like the type of music I usually played or composed. This was light, happy and sounded so alive.

When the melody played out in my head I asked myself what she would change next. I don't know why but I couldn't wait to see what would happen next.

She was right the day in the cafeteria I did complain to myself that everything was always the same and I was bored to death, well I don't have that problem anymore.

But what really surprised me is the sudden protectiveness I feel for Anna. When Rosalie yelled at her I wanted to place myself in front of Anna to protect her from Rosalie.

My body was reacting on it's own accord. About that I'm a little confused but guess it was only because she is human and Rosalie could have hurt her.

No matter what I couldn't shake the feeling of that something was happening within me and around me but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

I wondered the whole time why this girl has such a pull on me, it's impossible for me not to think about her.

She is a girl with her own head and my perfection as a Vampires doesn't fool her one second. She is interesting and intruding and she feels perfectly safe and content around Vampires. Anna is really something else and whenever I think about her I have to smile.

Anna's POV:

After my confrontation with Rosalie the atmosphere between us relaxed. Rosalie was behaving civilized towards me, she would even greet me instead of sending me death glares. I wasn't friends with her as with the rest of the Cullen's but we were on a good way to be able to live in peace together. And maybe one day, as I had to accept the possibility that I might never will be able to go back home, we could become friends.

As we went back to school after winter break the gossip was big seeing as I sat with the Cullen's at lunch. And somehow I had now more classes with Alice and Edward. At my question what happened they both just shrugged.

Lauren and Jessica would grill me in class about what had happen during winter break about the fact that I became friends with the unapproachable Cullen's.

I only said that they were really nice and easy to get along with, what earned me disbelieving looks from everyone. I couldn't care less what they thought.

After winter break the news of Bella Swan's arrival were the top gossip in school next to my friendship with the Cullen's of cause and the Cullen's and I wondered how it would play out.

The time to Bella arrival past pretty quick and it was time to see how Twilight would play out with me here and Edward and the whole family warned about what the future has in store for Edward and them.

I was both excited and nervous about Bella's first day at Forks high. I just hoped nothing would go wrong