ch 46

Anna's POV:

The wooden parquet was almost black and looked worn down, scratched, partly lightly damaged and was covered with a thick layer of grey dust.

The walls had the colour of dark purple. They also were in a miserable condition, letting the hallway look darker then it already was. The wooden panelling that reached to the middle of wall had a dark dirty brown colour and was damaged in some places.

The paintings on the wall of the hallway looked old but when I focused my eyes on one of then to see the picture a black mist settled over the canvas. Looking in front of me and then behind me I only saw a never ending hallway with a lot of big, antique looking, closed doors.

I felt like in some kind of horror movie as the little bit light from a light source I could not identify was flickering. It definitely was the sort of horror movie that would give me nightmares for days.

Honestly I was wishing the army of newborns back!

Which remained me where were they?

I was turning my head around constantly looking to my left and my right but there was nothing to see other then the hallway. Calling out didn't seem like such a smart idea to me so I kept my mouth shut.

Debating with myself what to do next I suddenly heard the voice again that was crying out for help. The voice nearly made me jump about a mile because it caught me off guard but I could catch the voice better this time. It sounded as if a child was calling for help.

I bit my bottom lip not sure what my next movement should be. Should I just to follow that voice or was that some kind of trap and where for the love of all that is holy was I?

Just sitting around would not get me an answer and despite the fear that settled in my belly and the tiny voice in my head that told me to just cruel up in a little ball and not to move at all I decided to go in the direction the voice came from.

I needed a few tries before my body would listen and I managed to stand up on shaky legs. I could deal with sadistic Vampires and brutal Werewolves but darkness was what I was afraid of.

Taking a deep breath I made the first unsure step forward while my heart was hammering in terror against my rip cage. I forced myself to put one feet in front of the other as I was passing the, for most part, black and dark brown coloured, closed doors.

Every time I walked passed a door I was assaulted with a funny feeling. I had this urge to reach my hand out and open each door that I passed. My feet wanted to stoop and my body wanted to step closer to one of those doors. It was like my curiosity was killing me.

In my mind I knew that not even for the life of me I would actually risk a look, I was just to terrified to pull such a stunt, but for some reason that strange urge was there though I wasn't sure where it came from.

At some point my feet cemented themselves into the ground and my body turned to face a massive, dark brown, wooden door with spectacular cravings on it. It was like I didn't have my body under control anymore.

My heart was beating wildly in fear inside my chest. My breathing was ragged and came out in gasps. I was scared as hell. My body was telling me to take the last two steps, reach out and open the door but my mind was shrieking panicked at me to run, not to open the door no matter what.

Somehow I found myself being extremely scared of that door. I was more scared of what was behind that artful modelled barrier then I had ever been of James or even Dylan. A sadistic tracker and a psychotic Werewolf I could do but the unknown scared me witless.

Shaking my head furiously, I grit my teeth, fighting my own body. I closed my eyes shut tightly and with all the strength I possessed I whipped my body around to break out into a run. It was funny to run and not to feel wind blowing in my face and fan out my hair. This was the strangest place. Having managed the first few steps of my run I opened my eyes again.

The hallway seemed to be endless. The green carpet was stretching like a chewing gun with no final aim in sight. Paranoia was breathing down in my neck as my body moved in the desperate need to escape, from what I didn't know. I just wanted to be out of this place.

I passed all the doors that were calling out to me, keeping my teeth grit to concentrate on running and not to walk into this trap, if there was a trap. The fear inside of me seemed to be increasing with each and every step I took. I was so afraid that tears were running down my face before I knew what was happening and I didn't even know what or who I was so afraid of.

I was only running praying that this hallway would end at some point. The sinister and dark atmosphere was starting to get to me. Quiet sobs left my mouth as my chest heaved. I didn't want to be in that hallway anymore.

It felt like being captured in one of my nightmare of my childhood and the worst thing was it still freaked me out like it did back then when I was a child.

I was running and praying that no murder or monster or Vampire or Werewolf would jump out of nowhere and attack me.

Get the irony?!

My fiancé was a Vampire I was turning into one and I had dealt with Werewolves before and now here I was all of the sudden scared of them.

It was like this place was searching for my deepest, darkest fears and expanding them or it could have been all only in my head. I wasn't sure about anything anymore.

This hallway was a place I would never set a foot in on free will. I could help but wonder if this place was feeding off my fear or if I simply watch too many horror movies? I was scared of them but I couldn't keep myself from watching them. I was just weird like this.

Still running I was suddenly not in the hallway anymore. I was in a completely dark room now and looking behind me the hallway was nowhere in sight. It just seemed to have disappeared and complete blackness consumed me.

I was freaking out. My body was shaking in terror as tears were freely running down my cheeks. My breathing was ragged and I was afraid that I would hyperventilate any moment.

Not knowing what else to do I crouched down and rolled up in a little ball, squeezing myself together as much as I could. I rocked slightly back and forth pressing my hands over my ears while I had my eyes squeezed shut. Sobs tore through my chest, shaking my entire body what made it hard for me to breath.






The unknown.

I was scared witless and terrified beyond believe. The terror ripped through my shaking frame with such intensity that it made me nauseous but I forced the bile down that had climbed up my throat.

I was afraid of the darkness ever since I was a child. None would catch me dead walking into the basement or the attic when after nightfall, not even in a house that was full of people or Vampires for that matter.

The fear was irrational but nonetheless powerful.

When I was about fourteen and fifteen my mom loved reading horror stories and detective stories about murder and such things, quite creepy phase she had there. Anyway she read some of those stories to me or told me about them and some of them were really fascinating, guess that is way I like "CSI" and "Law and Order" so much now.

As long the sun was smiling down at the surface of the earth, bathing everything in light the stories were only that written words on paper but once the moon claimed the sky and failed to defeat the darkness those monster that did horrible things in the stories became real in my head.

Ever since then I was afraid of the darkness.

The horror movies that I loved to watch didn't help my case in any way either. I could see them all rushing through my mind, the monster out of "The nightmare on elm street", "Freddy vs. Jason", "Halloween", "Friday the 13th" and I didn't remember the name of the movie anymore but the in black cloak's covered creatures the snatched people away at night when those people woke up and looked into their eyes were hunting me in the corners of my mind.

I shook my head as my heart was trying to push out of my chest and make a run for it. My breathing was laboured once more. I had to think of something else of anything else to chase those sinister thoughts away.

Anything else...Freddy....anything else...chainsaw...anything else...…fear…..anything else...…..

I tried to think of anything at all as I forced my breathing to slow down. Thank god I was stubborn to the point of stupid.

The first thought that shot through my mind after I allowed myself to think again was about how gleeful Alice had been when she received the e-mail from a fashion label in Paris that informed her that they wanted to buy her collection. She was squealing and jumping around the living room, hugging everyone who hadn't had a chance to escape her.

Happy Alice could chase the darkness away.

My next thought was from the same evening, three days after the charity event at the hospital where Carlisle worked at.



I had been swimming in the giant pool that belonged to the house. I liked it to swim a few rounds during the evening before going to bed. From the edge of the outside pool one could see the lights of the city while the stars were shining brightly above. Since it was a heated pool the water was comfortably warm even in winter.

After I had done something for my fitness I went into the shower to wash off the smell of chlorine off my skin and out off my hair. Just as I was done with it and had a big white fluffy towel pulled around my body while I combed my hair someone knocked on the bathroom door and Edward's voice rang out from the other side.

"May I come in?"

He was always so polite and gentlemanly it never failed to bring a smile on my face.

"Sure," I answered as I tamed my wet hair with a big hair clip.

The door cracked open and out of the corner of my eye I saw him leaning against the doorjamb. His mouth was parted slightly while he was gazing hungrily at me.

"How can I help you?" I purred in a smug voice.

I heard him inhale sharply while he shook his head.

"I have something for you," he informed me as he ambled towards me and came to stand directly behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist pressing me into his hard and well modelled chest.

He took advantage of the fact that my hair was up in a simple up-do and his hungry lips attacked my exposed neck leaving liquid, cool fire in their wake.

When I moaned lightly he pressed me into his hardness before he seemed to remember himself and pulled away from me, turning us both in the direction of the door.

"I have something for you," he said again but this time his voice was torn between being aguish and eagerness.

He gently pushed me out of the bathroom into our bedroom instructing me to sit down on our bed and to close my eyes. I complied being giddy like a child on Christmas morning. I loved surprises, especially when they were from Edward.

A gust of wind against my skin alerted me of his presence in front of me and I could feel something being placed on my lap.

"Now open your eyes," when I did as I was told I found a huge violet gift box on my lap. I quickly looked up at him just to see him staring at me before I carefully opened the lid of the box.

Once I removed the tissue paper I saw what he had gotten me and took the beautiful piece carefully out of the box.

"It is actually a gift for myself more then it is one for you, if I'm being honest," he admitted shyly.

"I love it," I assured him as I felt the silky fabrics beneath my fingers.

He had gotten me a corset, a Victorian style corset like the one he had ripped to pieces after we returned home from the charity event.

The corset was elegant and sexy, made entirely out of a dark green lace while the boasted and the ribbons were made out of black laces that had a slight shimmer effect on it.

"There is more." He breathed while I could feel his eyes on me taking me in and he groaned as I bit my bottom lip.

In the box were also a pair of black lace panties, a pair of stockings and a black garter belt to complete the outfit.

I was nibbling on my bottom lip as I lifted my head up and looked into his pitch black and lust filled eyes. A smirk formed on my mouth before I put the stuff back in the box.

Suddenly the box was out of my hands, my knees parted and Edward was kneeling in front of me in between my legs as his lips softly traced the outlines of my boobs through the fabrics of the towel while his hands were pressed to my hips holding me in pace.

"You smell delicious," he murmured while his lips made their way up to my neck.

"That's the soap," I giggled.

He didn't say anything to that but pressed a tender kiss on the base of my throat while his hands pulled me closer to his body.

"I need you," he breathed against my skin. His cool, sweet breath made me shiver as it brushed over my shower warm skin.

"I love you," I answered as my hands fisted themselves in his brown bronze locks and my nails scratched his scalp what made him purr.

I had only the towel on, nothing to cover my sex as it was pressed against his throbbing member that was imprisoned behind his Calvin Klein boxer briefs and his Levis jeans.

"I can't help it I'm an addict," he whispered in my ear as I felt his hands sneaking around my back.

His lips touched my skin in feather light kisses until they reached the corners of my mouth but before my lips could unite with his he pulled back.

"If you are not with me, if I can't kiss you, touch you, I go crazy," he admitted in a breathless and pained voice.

Seeing the anguish and the vulnerability swimming in his dark honey pools nearly broke my heart. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and brought his mouth to mine, pressing his lips hungrily against mine while he pressed me into the mattress, hovering above me.

Our kisses were hungry, needy, soulful and passionate caught somewhere between desperate and loving. His touch was urgent as we both could get enough of one another.

When we finally broke away from each other to catch our breaths and calm down a little I waited a moment for the dizziness that clouded my mind to disappear before I rolled on my side facing Edward who was laying right next to me. I placed a tiny kiss on his cheek before I shot up from the bed, grabbed the box in my hands and was about to cross the distance to the bathroom door.

"Where do you think you are going?" He asked me and I could heard the bafflement and confusion in his voice.

"Bathroom," I said while I turned around to face him. "You stay put and it might be worth it."

I smirked as he sat still like a statue while his brows were pulled together in anticipation. Giggling and shaking my head in amusement I closed the bathroom door behind me.

I loved the power I had over him. After all Edward Cullen was also only a guy with horny hormones and a pushy libido...…..


End of Flashback


I was thinking about what we did after I came out of the bathroom wearing the corset he bought. Those thoughts were chasing the bad ones away and keeping my sanity at bay.

I stopped to rock back and forth as the memories of my time together with my fiancé left me in a little fragile bubble of contentment and peace that could burst any second.

And it did once the darkness behind my closed eyelids was being replaced with light. Carefully I opened my eyes, a little more clam then I had been before but still terrified.

I looked around and saw that I was in a cone of light that was surrounded by black, threatening and sinister darkness.

"Please help me." A weak voice full of tears begged.

It was the voice of that child again. The source was in front of me. Just a few steps if I wasn't completely mistaken and I would be there. I was debating with myself if I should go there or just stay in the cone of light.

"Please," a choked sob rang through the sinister room.

This teary voice melted my heart and even though I was aware of the possibility that this was just a trick and I might was going to regret this I carefully stood up and moved ahead with measured steps.

I came to the edge of the cone of light and my next step would force me into the darkness again. I halted my movements, breathing hard.

"Help," the voice begged once more and I closed my eyes as my foot fell on the ground that was not visible in the darkness.

Relief washed over me when I noticed that the cone of light seemed to be following me because I found myself in the middle of the cone of light again. Moving forward with carefully brave steps I soon saw someone who could have been the owner of the voice that called for help.

A little boy was sitting on the ground, looking so scared as he was crying his eyes out. He had jet black hair and appeared to be about eight to ten. I couldn't see his face because he was covering it with his hands.

I stepped closer to him. He didn't seem to notice my approach. Not wanting to scare the little boy I decided to make my presence known to him.

"Hello?" I tired not knowing what else to say to him.

I had no idea where we were or why we where here but if there is one thing I had learnt through the whole I-suddenly-landed-in-Twilight experience it was that losing my head could have lethal consequences.

The boy stopped sobbing and after a few sniffs his hands were falling from his face. When he lifted his head up to meet my eyes I was met with the most brilliant crystal blue pools I have ever seen.

They were red, swollen and puffy but still that crystal blue in his eyes was almost hypnotizing colour I had ever seen. I smiled at him and eased myself to the ground in front of him.

"Hello," I said again rather uncomfortably, not being quite sure anymore if that boy really was only a child or if he was going to transform in some kind of monster at any second.

What hanging out with supernatural did to my logical thinking!!

But the saddest thing about it was that this wasn't even such a devious concept. The boy in front of me could be both friend and foe.

Taking a closer look at him I could see that the boy was beautiful, like a porcelain doll. He had creamy skin, angelic features and his jet black middle long hair build a perfect contrast to his amazing, sparkling eyes.

He easily was the cutest kid I have ever seen. As a kid model he would easily be the most booked and highest paid model in history.

He started to sniff heavier again and his face twisted into a pitiful and sad grimace before he flung himself into my arms. His body slammed into mine and he locked his small arms around my neck, crying hard into my shoulder.

I was frozen for a moment, perplexed by his action before I wrapped my arms around his from sobs shaken frame and rocked us both gently. Every now and then I dropped soft, light kisses on the top of his head.

The little one needed comfort and I wasn't able to stand by and see him cry like this. The little boy snuggled as close to me as he could and with time I felt his crying lightening until he was finally still in my arms.

"What happened to you?" I asked him when he seemed to have calmed enough to be able to speak.

The little boy shook his head against my chest, sniffed once and then he lifted his head up to look into my eyes. His ocean blue ones were shinning with sadness, disappointment and anger.

"I failed them." The boy said and as the last word was spoken he was out of my embrace.

I was surprised and a little shocked at how suddenly his weight disappeared out of my arms. I looked around, searching for the little child. Whipping my head around a few times I saw nothing but a dark, sinister room that seemed endless in all directions. The complete darkness was gone replaced with a sinister empty room.

The question where I was shot once again through my head.

This question frustrated me to no end. Was I in another dimension? I mean if mine and the Twilight world exist who knew what more was out there.

Did that mean I would have to die again to be able to return to my Edward?

"Help me!" The boy's voice rang out again.

I stood up and ran towards the voice. This time without thinking about my actions beforehand just reacting. The space around me began to become darker. The light that had been lightening the room just enough for me to be able to make out shapes was being swallowed away leaving me in sheer blackness again and the cone of light didn't appear this time.

I was running blind. Even with my new Vampire sight I wasn't able to see anything. My run slowed down into a careful walk. I had no intension in running into something or falling through a hole in the ground. Who knew what was possible in this place.

I took one step after another, terrified of whatever might just pounce on me out of nowhere. Fear was coursing restlessly through my body again. I was walking through one of my childhood nightmares, afraid of the dark, the unknown and being caught alone in such a situation.

I tried to calm myself by asking myself again where I was and what happened to me. This was certainly not like mine or the Twilight universe. I didn't really know what this space I was which I was currently in.

But another option was that suddenly came to my mind that this could have been the doing of a Vampire ability? If yes where was the responsible one? And was this all really happening to me or was this only happening in my mind?

But then again I was a shield?

Questions like this shot through my mind taking my mind off my surroundings quite successfully. I felt myself calming down and regain my composure.

Suddenly I was standing in a cone of light again. I could clearly see the barrier between the light of the cone and the blackness outside of the light figure.

"I failed them." The sad and pained voice scared the living daylight out of me once again as it took me by surprise.

I spun around on my heels and there behind me he was standing, the little boy with those fascinating blue eyes and somehow he appeared to be younger then moments ago.

His ocean pools were troubled and saddened looking into mine. It seemed as if that little boy carried the weight of the world on his shoulders.

"Failed? Who?" I asked not understanding.

In this moment another possibility shot through my mind. Was it possible that I was locked up in my own mind? That Esme and I had already died and this was kind of my personal hell. And failed them stood for my Edward, Carlisle and the other members of our family?

His expression changed and it looked like he would answer my question but in this moment I wasn't sure I wanted to know the answer. The new possibility made me dread his possible respond to my question.

"I failed them." The boy repeated and was gone again as was the cone of light.

"Failed who?" I screamed as I was turning in circles and looking around for any sign of the little boy but no such luck. There was only blackness while the ragged breaths that escaped my mouth filled the empty space of the utter darkness that was threatening to swallow me.

The fear I felt in my trembling body was threatening to choke me.

"I failed them." Another voice said and I automatically whipped my head around only to be face with an antique looking mirror.

Now I seemed to be in some kind of attic that hasn't seen a mop and a vacuum cleaner in what seemed to be decades. The mirror in front of me was huge and had a wooden frame that carried beautiful carvings which where covered by a gold layer.

But the mirror didn't reflex anything the glass inside was pitch black. I stood in front of that mirror that towered over me with no idea what to do next.

"They are," the young boy's voice rang out behind me again. I gasped out in surprise and immediately turned around on my heel to face him, "….are dead because I failed them."

With the last words spoken out the boy disappeared again leaving nothing but sinister night behind. And again it didn't escape my notice that the boy seemed to be younger then the last time I saw him. My breathing was ragged and my heart was wildly beating in my chest with terror to the point that I wanted to throw up.

The constant scenery changes and the creepy atmosphere of this place were making the hair on the back of my neck stand to no end. I just wanted to find a way out of this horror movie.

Terrorised screams erupted from behind me, making me cringe and nearly jump a mile. I whipped my entire boy around and was faced with the mirror again but this time the glass wasn't covered with blackness but I could see a room behind the glass.

Swallowing hard I looked around a few times not really sure about what I was to do next and took a careful step closer to the mirror. I breathed through my fears and I felt my body on being high alert.

The screams returned causing me to stop dead in my tracks. Frozen in place I gazed at the mirror and saw two figures behind the glass of the mirror.

One was clutching his head with both hands. His whole body was bent over and was cringing in pain and the other figure stood next to the one in pain. It didn't appear to me that the one standing was going to help the suffering one.

I was watching the scene before me in horror and helplessness. Slowly the figure on the ground let go of it's own head and lifted it's head up. The black sheet that covered the figure's appearance till then was suddenly gone and I could see that the figure that was sitting on the ground was man. Brilliant crystal blue eyes were boring into mine brown ones for a moment.

Just then I recognised the striking resemblance between the man in that mirror and the little boy. The same fascinating blue eyes, the same jet black hair and the same features of course the man in the mirror was older but still I saw the boy in that man.

The other figure that was still covered by that black sheet, protected from my view kicked the man with the blue eyes in the stomach sending him flying. I flinched at the sight.

"You failed them all. You shouldn't have gone against me." Laughed a dangerous voice as the poor man with the blue pools was cringing on the ground in pain.

I couldn't help but to feel annoyed. All the time I heard that someone had been failed but none every mentioned who those person or persons were. Maybe if I knew who this was about I could attempt to come up with something to get out of here and help this kid and that poor man inside the mirror.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." The man with the brilliant blue eyes repeated over and over again as he was huddled on the ground.

"Help me." A female voice cried out.

I saw a female running in the direction of the man with the blue eyes. She looked panicked and scared, taking a closer look at her I noticed that she was a Vampire and not only that but she was one of the Vampires that Esme and I got captured with.

I observed the happenings in front of me with great interest. Maybe they would provide me some answers.

"No," the broken man chocked out and just as he was about to pull himself off the ground the female was captured by the black figure that had tortured the man with the blue eyes and she was torn apart by shapes of black shadows. The second her torn body pieces touched the ground they gone up in flames.

"No," the poor man cried, anguish and loss lacing his broken voice.

"You shouldn't have gone against me. They are all dead because of you." The dangerous voice said and the black figure that the voice belonged to disappeared all of the sudden leaving the broken man along in his misery.

"See I failed them." I heard from my left.

The little boy was back again and now looked like a three or four years old.

Slowly it was starting to make sense. The boy he wasn't that man's son or his brother but it was him. It seemed to me that the longer the black figure tortured his grown self behind the mirror the younger the boy that was on the other side of the mirror became.

If this was to continue this boy would disappear really soon seeing how young he was already and he was wrong. He wasn't responsible for their deaths because they were still alive. At least I hoped they still were.

"I failed them. It is my fault they are dead." The little boy cried and hot tears ran down his angelic face.

I bit my bottom lip, took the few steps, came to a halt in front of him and eased myself to his eyes level to be able to look directly into his ocean blue pools.

"They are not dead." I whispered softly.

The boy seemed not to have heard me.

"They are alive. I saw them they are alive. They are waiting for you."

It was only a guess but I had the feeling that this little boy and the man in the mirror were the person who was being protectively guarded by the other Vampires.

The boy sniffed heavily while pulling his hands from his eyes and looked with a sad, tearful pout at me.

"But I saw them die. He told me."

"That's not real that black figure….err…I mean that man was lying to you."

He looked intensely at me and his face hardened in stubbornness.

"Why should I believe you? You could be lying." He accused me.

I sighed at that. I bit my bottom lip again and looked at the ground for a moment before looking up at him again.

"But I'm not. Please trust me." I pleaded and held my hand out to him.

He was gauging the truth in my words and searching for it in my eyes. I smiled warmly at him hoping he would let me help him. Hoping he would tell me how I could help him.

The boy didn't take my hand but instead after a long while he stretched his arm out and pointed at the mirror. I turned my head to glance at the mirror and when I turned it around again the boy was gone. I sighed.

I took a heavy breath in and breathed out just as heavily before standing up. I had no idea if that was a good idea or not or if that even was what the little boy meant by pointing at the mirror but it had been the only though that came to my mind.

I walked over to the mirror and halted directly in front of it. The image of the man with the blue eyes in so much pain was heartbreaking. None should suffer so much.

I closed my eyes and breathed sending a little prayer to heaven.

God, I hoped I was doing the right thing. Opening my eyes again I swallowed hard, lifted my hand and started to reach it out towards the mirror.

I was going slowly and cautiously while fear of the unknown had me firm in it's clutches. It was easier to fight an opponent I could see then something I didn't even understand.

My fingertips were only millimetres away from the glass of the mirror. I could already feel the cool of the glass but I halted one last time to gather the courage I needed to go through with it.

"Here goes nothing." I whispered to myself and touched the glass.

The head of the man who was bent over in pain, sorrow, grief and self-loathing snapped up and his ocean blue eyes locked with mine.

A comfortable warm feeling was washing over me and suddenly I felt really tired. I tried to fight it but there was no use. I lost the fight.

"Anna!...Anna!....Please…." I heard a familiar voice cry out. Something was shaking me. I felt really groggy as I brought my hand to my face and rubbed light over my eyes, groaning as I did so.

"Anna! Oh god Anna." The familiar voice sounded revealed and teary now.

I opened my eyes and when they focused I saw the emotion stricken pools of Esme gazing back at me.

"Esme." I whispered and it all came back to me. I was back and not caught in that dreadful place anymore.

I smiled up at her while I lay in her arms and lifted myself up to turn my body around and to lock an arm around her neck for a hug.

While Esme sobbed softly into my ear I heard groaning from behind me closely followed by revealed and happy gasps and cries.

Letting go of Esme I saw the man who I first met in that sinister place only now he was a Vampire, well more like a starved and wasted caricature of a Vampire.

He looked back at me with gratitude that was swimming in his pitch black pools.

For the first time I really looked at the man that had had the most fascinating blue eyes as a human. He looked like he was tall in highs. I couldn't say it for sure because he was sitting on the ground.

His face had classic timeless handsome features despite the cracks in the skin of his face. It looked like his face was made out of marble and that marble was cracking up. Taking a closer look I noticed that all of them looked like this.

His body was wasted and fallen in. His dark jet black hair was middle long and it was falling into his face. He must have been about twenty-five to thirty when he was changed.

"Thank you." Was all he said. His voice sounded raw. It had to be difficult for him to speak.

"Finally woken up sleeping beauty." The big Vampire who kidnapped Esme and sneered at him.

The others that were with the Vampire that just woke up from some sort of trance or coma started to growl but their growls sounded weak and not at all threatening. They were just too starved.

"Nestor!" The female Vampire said sternly and glared disapprovingly at him.

The Vampire named Nestor shot the group of Vampires one last angry and murderous death glare and turned around to face his companions.

"How long was I out?" I asked Esme looking back at her.

"About an hour." She answered, pulled me into her embrace again and started stroking my hair.

After that none said a word for hours it seemed. At some point Sebastian and the other Vampires who were with him left the hangar. The sound of their footsteps was disappearing in the distance.

"What would happen when we just stood up and left?" I asked none in particular when I couldn't hear them anymore. Besides the unmoving statues I couldn't see or hear anyone else but I wasn't crazy enough to just stand up and risking getting killed.

"Then they," the female that appeared in that dream, vision or whatever that had been pointed at the still newborn, "will move and stop you."

"Oh." I huffed unhappily.

That would have been too easy.

"She doesn't smell like a human." A male pointed out to Esme.

Irritation shot immediately through me. What was I? A decoration in the room. I was right in front of him for crying out loud!

"No, I don't. I'm a Vampires hunter." I scowled at him while I crossed my arms over my chest.

He looked at me like I had just grown a second head.

"Come again?!?" His eyebrows nearly rammed into his hairline.

The others in this box looked equally dumfounded.

"Ever heard of Buffy?" It didn't actually matter what I presented myself to be and besides the ones behind the kidnap believe me to be a Vampire Slayer anyway. So why not roll with it?

"Are you for real?" A female voice asked weakly.

I knew that voice and when I looked at her I was quite taken aback. She had been sitting behind a male who covered nearly her whole frame. And now that she peeked out around him to look at me I got a good look at her for the first time. She looked exactly like the only female among the kidnappers.

"This is Mischa Helens twin sister."

Eleazar's ability told me that she had the same ability as her sister but hers was stronger, while Helen was limited by a five mile radius Mischa seemed to have no limits to her ability. Though I must say her ability was horribly underdeveloped in some areas as far as I could see.

Looking over every one of them I discovered that they all were gifted. Esme and I were sitting opposite of twelve gifted Vampires.

"I'm Esme Cullen and this is Anna Masen." Esme introduced us to them.

"I'm Apollo and this is my coven." The Vampire that had the crystal blue eyes as a human pointed at the ones around him.

Apollo?! Was he for real?!

"Yes, that is really my name." He half groaned, rolling his eyes. While the other half-heartily chuckled. They just didn't have the energy to do much.

"You already know Mischa," He introduced them.

She was a beautiful blond. She kind of remained me of the actress that played Serena in Gossip girl. She was able to see the present.

"Blake," had light brown, straight, shoulder long hair. She could influence the weather.

Because she sat I couldn't really tell how tall she was but it seemed to me that none of the four females were under 5'8.

"Leighton," she had long black hair and she could do telekinesis.

"and then there is Penelope." She had middle long, dirty blond locks and she was able to create freezing temperatures with which she was able create and manipulate ice. She could even turn ice to be as hard a marble.

"As for the guys we have Manhattan," He had dark hair and a sweet child like face. None could lie him because he had the ability to make you tell the truth. He could make you tell him everything he wanted to know.

"Chronos," he was a lean one and looked around twenty five? Chronos was a terrific tracker. Once he smelled a scent he would be able to smell it even from the other side of the world. That one was rather impressive. It looked like everyone had a trace out of colour and a fragrance that one was leaving behind and he was able to snoop it out and follow it.

"Eros," he looked like Ricky Martin only Vampire better. He could absorb (suck out) the energy of others and leave them motionless.

"Tristan," had something from Chad Michael Murray and could manipulate metal.

"Dominic," he was also a Latino like Eros and his ability was that he could copies others powers and abilities. He was a Mimic but he could only copy one ability at time and that ability disappeared as soon as he copied another one.

"Isaac," alright here comes the brick wall of the coven no further explanation needed.

"Alain," he didn't seem to have any ability as far as I could tell.

"and Thomas." Hello blond Californian boy. He could send out energy blasts and could make things explode.

Apollo himself was a shield not only a mental but also a physical one.

They were a rather impressive group. Which made me think..... with all of their powers how could they get captured?

"Why would a Vampire," Apollo looked at Esme, "protect a Vampire hunter?" He asked after a moment of pause. It must have confused him that Esme wrapped an arm protectively around me and growled at them when they looked at me as if they wanted to eat me.

"Because she is my daughter." Esme answered in a firm voice what earned her strange looks but none made any comment about Esme's declaration.

"Carlisle Cullen isn't he a member of the Volturi?" Asked the one who's name was Eros.

"He was but that is a long time ago." Esme answered.

He and Apollo nodded.

"What happened?" I asked the Vampire that now had pitch black eyes instead of his ocean blue ones.

"You are certainly referring to….." He shuttered sheepishly.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"You are a shield." It wasn't a question.

"Yes, I am and so are you."

"I needed help and so my shield kind of linked itself with yours. I could feel your shield even from miles away and you can also sense mine if you know what to search for." Apollo offered.

"So you were in my head?" I grimaced at that thought but he shook his head to my immense relief.

"No, you were in mine. I was able to lure your shield to connect with mine but I couldn't break it down to enter your thoughts. So instead I guided you into my head."

I mulled over what he told me and nodded my head once after a few moments.

"Your mind is not a nice place to be," the words had left my mouth before I could stop them.

Apollo didn't say anything but looked at the ground. I wanted to ask more questions about that strange experience and what exactly I had seen in his head but I had the feeling that this was not the moment for this kind of inquisition.

Wanting to break the tension that suddenly had fallen between us I changed the topic.

"Excuse the question but why are you hear? And what exactly happened to you?"

"We are here because we wouldn't follow Lear." Apollo scowled at the ground as he answered my question immediately in a fierce tone.

"Who is this Lear?" Esme piped up.

"He is our sire. He discovered a while ago that humans who smelled exponentially good most likely have abilities." Apollo explained.

"That is why he turned us. Whenever he came across someone who smelled delicious and intoxicating he bit this person to prove his theory." He sighed sadly.

"We blindly followed him for so many years and committed unforgivable crimes. This is not how we wanted to live anymore." He looked tortured.

"As we started to rebel against him he tried to force us to do what he wanted. When Apollo protected us Lear used his ability on him. Instead of saving himself he never stopped protecting us. Thank you for saving him." The female Vampire named Blake thanked me.

I gazed at Apollo and he seemed deeply troubled and tortured talking about what happened so I wanted to change the topic again at least for a little while.

"Those are newborn Vampires?!…..What is wrong with them?" I asked him watching the statue like but still dangerous creatures.

My question was met by Apollo's loud sigh. I was overcome with a bad feeling.

"What is his ability?" I asked carefully though I already had a feeling I knew.

"He can….." Just as Apollo was about to answer we heard another plane coming dangerously close to where we were. The plane was about to land on the short runway outside.

I reached out with Eleazar's ability to the runway outside and my worst fear was proven to be right.

Someone's ability out there was...….