ch 48

Edward's POV:

Jasper was at his cell talking with Batiste, explaining the changed situation to him and our emergency plan. They still had to collect the ones out of their clan who were willing to help us which is why the Somerville's weren't with us at the moment at the small private airport somewhere in Louisiana.

But Julian was on his way since the mutts from La Push needed to meet a Lycan to know how they smelled so they wouldn't attack any of them during the fight, if it came that far.

I was pacing aimlessly through the hall of the small, private airport building that we had booked for the next two days. Rose, Garrett, Kate and Emmett were inspecting the weapons once more while Alice was watching the future with Tanya and Carmen close at her side. Carlisle sat on a bench with his head in his hands as I was going out of my mind, since all I could do at the moment was to wait.

While I forced myself with ever ounce of strength I had to stick to the plan and just not to run out of this place to get to my Anna flashes of broken memories were popping up in my mind.

Suddenly I was back in Ashland. Carlisle and I had been pretending to be brothers. He was employed at the local hospital while I was working as an accountant for a large company.

Juggling with numbers had always been something that was easy for me. The reason why I applied for that job was to learn more about business and how to invest wisely. I had already gathered a wide range of knowledge through books but in the field one can learn things that are not mentioned in any book.

The tasks there weren't challenging and my boss was an ice-cold and ill mannered man but at the same time the best in what he did. While I couldn't agree with his morals and the way he saw the world I did managed to learn essential things from him to succeed in the business world.

I had just escaped his birthday party where his daughter, among other females, had immediately fancied me the second she saw me, waking the desire in me to run as fast as I could from her.

I was walking down the path to our little house that was located near a forest which was a little outside of town, enjoying the silence and the earthy, wooden scent of the woods when the first anguished scream reached me.

The blood crushing sound straddled me out of my thoughts and I immediately used my ability to get to know the source of that bone chilling noise.

Broken, tortured pieces and flashes of thoughts reached my mind as I heard a woman's voice beg for mercy, praying to god to end her misery but what surprised me more was the second stream of thoughts which I recognised to be Carlisle's who was begging for forgiveness and praying for mercy for a woman named Esme Platt.

I wasn't pleased to find her in our home burning as she was dying to become an immortal creature but one look into Carlisle mind let all the words of protest and displeasure about the situation stuck in my throat.

I saw in his mind that he though himself of being unfit to continue to exist if the poor soul that was screaming in pain before us would cease to exist. Back then I couldn't understand what Carlisle was thinking nor feeling, of course.

For the three days of her transformation he didn't leave her even for a second while I was planning our departure from Ashland, always watching her with pain but also adoration in his eyes.

Esme always thought of me as her son. I remember that her first thought when she gazed at me for the first time was if her little baby boy would have looked like anything like me if he had had the chance to grow up.

Ever since then she regarded me as her son, loved me like her own and forgave me all the sins that rested on my shoulders. Esme's presence changed many things in our bachelor household but one is standing out among all others.

Before Esme came into Carlisle's and mine life Carlisle and I had been friends, companions, teacher and student but with Esme in our life's we also became father and son.

The two of them shared a warming happiness, deep love and strong connection what always made me wonder if I would ever find such bliss as well. I never would have thought that such mercy was meant for me before my Anna walk in into my life and turned my world entirely up side down.

I couldn't help the tiny smile that graced my lips when I thought about all the little ways with which she had stolen my heart over and over. Her smile, the sound of her laughter, the way her eyes would twinkle when she was happy, the way she pouted, the way she stood up for herself and put me into my place when my behaviour happen to find her dislike...…

My happy little bubble of denial burst the moment I let my mind recall where my Anna was right now. The small smile vanished off my face immediately as I coldly sobered up. Once I was back to aimlessly pacing Carlisle's tortured thoughts reached me.

This is my fault. All my fault. If any thing happens to them....

I stopped my mid step and cranked my neck to look at him. He had his eyes closed, his shoulders were sunken in and he looked like a pile of misery still sitting in the same position he fell into after I had finished telling everyone about Alice's vision and the motives and reasons the kidnappers had.

I had briefly debated with myself if I should keep parts of the truth from my father figure but I respected him too much to go behind his back and keep information from him no matter how much it hurt him.

In this situation we had found ourselves in there was no place for white lies.

"Carlisle this is NOT your fault." I stated firmly as he began to beat himself up all over again.

He looked up at me. His eyes were troubled and filled with pain and blame. I was at his side in an instant, put my hands on his shoulders and looked directly into his eyes. I wanted him to understand this.

"None is helped if you beat yourself up about what happened. What your father did was cruel but not your fault. We have to concentrate on saving our significant others and not on blaming ourselves." My voice was firm and laced with authority.

"And besides we don't even know if what this Apollo person told Esme and Anna is really what happened back then." Tanya threw in.

"She is right." I agreed firmly with her.

"You know that humans tend to remember things how they want it not how it really happened, especially when they had been wronged and went through something traumatic. Just because he was able to fish some human memories out of his own head doesn't mean they reflect the true happenings of his past. We don't know what really happened back then and most likely we never will. You have to pull yourself together Carlisle because no matter how much you blame yourself it won't chance anything at all. I should know."

He looked at me for a long while as I felt the eyes of the others on us while they tried to shut me out of their minds. Carlisle closed his eyes all of the sudden and took a deep breath. When he opened them again I saw careful determination shin at me, though my Anna was right Esme would need to fix Carlisle after this was over.

I could see the cracks that he received on his soul because of the dark part of his human past that had been revealed and the consequences that followed this discovery. No matter if what this Apollo told Anna and Esme was true or not Carlisle had always felt guilty for the innocent lives his father took in his pursuit of the "evil demons" and this here happening now was only adding to this guilt.

I wanted to find words of encouragement and support for the man who had been my father for decades but I knew that it wasn't the time for such kind of conversation that those words would bring to life.

We were all impatiently waiting for the plane of the Wolfs to arrive.

"That would be thirty four wolfs in total. Do you think that will be enough?" Garrett asked sounding unsure as he loaded a gun.

"It has to be." Jasper stated grimly.

He didn't like our position in this fight at all. And to be honest it wasn't looking good for us no matter from which angle one looked at it.

I heard Carlisle fighting in his mind to regain his composure and trying to push the blame he was dropping on himself away for the moment. I wanted to help him in any way but I knew I wasn't the person who could. In all the years I had known Carlisle I never saw him this vulnerable and weak.

I had always put him on the pedestal because of his compassion, his ability to forgive and see the best in a person, his ability to believe and his unbelievable restrain with his bloodlust.

But here in this moment I saw another side of Carlisle. In this moment I saw something I had never seen in my mentor, my friend, my companion, my father. I saw a clueless, helpless man who gave in to his fears and surrendered to his demons. In this moment he was very "human".

He was just as quick to blame himself for things that weren't his fault as I was. We were more alike then I had ever thought and we both needed our mates equally desperately to be able to function.

Even Carlisle was just another fool who couldn't survive without his other half. Strangely it was calming to know that he could also lose his cool.

"And what we do about this Lear? With his ability…." Eleazar shook his head in frustration.

"That's right! The newborns are the least of our worries," Kate suddenly piped up, "This Lear guy can control minds! For gods sake! What if he pulls us all into his ban? Makes us kill each other off for his own amusement!" she exclaimed throwing her hands in the air.

Ever since Alice saw what this Apollo told my Anna and Esme about his sir the mood among us changed dramatically. We had expected that this wouldn't be an easy fight but the more details surfaced the more impossible and unlikely a happy end on you side looked like.

There were even more opponents then we first expected. Newborns were not only inside the hanger like Alice had seen in her first visions but also outside what increased their number once again.

We had been expecting one or more gifted Vampires since it would have been impossible to control all the newborns without a gift but not even in the worst case scenarios that were constantly haunting my mind I had thought about that one of them would have such a dangerous gift.

I was aware of the grave situation we were in but that didn't mean that I wouldn't go there and try to save my mate and Esme.

"I already thought of a solution for that," Alice threw in.

"You have?" Emmett raised an eyebrow at her.

"Of course," she nodded her head once.

"And that great plan of yours would be..." Tanya urged, not in the mood of being patient today. The entire situation was setting us all on the edge.

"Lear must invade the minds of others for him to be able to force his will on them, right?" She asked smugly.

"I would say that is how mind control works in theory, just like," Eleazar's voice died down as his mind put the pieces of the puzzle together that Alice had laid out.

"Oh," escaped him in wonderment as his eyes locked on mine.

Their theory was unnerving for a reason but I saw the potential in it.

"Would someone please fill the rest of us in?!" Rose huffed annoyed, hating it when she was left out of the loop.

"Well in theory Lear's ability works similar to Edward's. He can also invade the minds of others to snoop out their thoughts." Alice murmured while the eyes of the others went wide in surprise and realisation.

"You see, as far as we know Lear had only managed to compel people that weren't used to someone constantly in their mind but I think if he tried to compel us," she pointed at the six of us, "the ones that had lived with Edward together for years and learnt how to keep him out then he wouldn't have such an easy time luring us in."

It sounded plausible in theory but the theory aspect of it was what was giving me a headache, figuratively speaking of course.

"We just need one shot that hits it's aim," Jasper was mulling the possibilities over at what the best strategy would be with the new knowledge we now had.

"If all the six of us would approach him at once he'll have a hard time controlling us all." I offered, feeling a little hopeful that this might work.

"It could," Jasper agreed after letting the scenario play out in his head.

"But what about us and the Wolves from La Push and those Lycans you told us about?" Carmen asked confused.

"You will wait to see if we succeeded if we won't make it...," Jasper clenched his teeth together. It pained him to think what would happen then. He didn't want Alice anywhere near this not that she was listening.

We can't let that happen, Edward. Alice thought at me.

Before we met up with our cousins she had received a horrifying vision of what would happen if we failed and Lear got to go through with his mission of revenge.

I shook my head as an attempt to rid myself of the horrifying flashes of death, misery and destruction all over the world that Lear would leave behind in his wake until nothing was left anymore.

"What do you mean if you don't make it?!" Eleazar asked while his voice rose a few octaves.

Before I could answer his question David piped up.

"Maybe we should ask the Volturi for hel….."

"No, they wouldn't stand a chance." Eleazar threw in, shaking his head.

"But they are the most powerful coven on the planet." Davis argued.

"Yes, but they got this position by attacking minor covens. Even in the great southern wars they split the ovens apart to groups of maximal five before attacking them. It was Chelsea who has been a key member of the Volturi for centuries or better said her ability to disbanded covens that had broken one of the Volturi laws or were too powerful for their liking. And she is the one who is keeping the bonds of loyalty within the Volturi. But here her ability is useless." Eleazar went on.

"But Alec and Jane?" Tanya pointed out.

Eleazar shook his head.

"Their gifts are dangerous but in this case not enough." Eleazar explained.

"What do you mean?" Emmett asked confused.

"Jane's gift for example, she can only use it on one person at time and even Alec can't cut of the senses of more then fifteen persons at once. In total there are twenty seven members of the Volturi included the guards."

"Yes, but Aro wouldn't let Marcus anywhere near such a fight." Carlisle chimed in.

"That's true." Eleazar nodded in agreement.

"Why is that?" Rose wondered.

"Because Marcus wouldn't pass up the chance to end his existence if it presented it self to him. Chelsea's gift also has it's limits. When desire and possibility come together it is a very powerful and dangerous combination." Eleazar explained.

"We have a better chance to destroy that army then the Volturi with the weapons that we have and involving the Volturi at this point is no option." Jasper stated.

"Ever heard of the saying the more the better?" Irina asked.

"The Volturi would be our next problem to deal with once we succeeded against Lear. The weapons we have, the size of our family and then the...….well you could call it bond with the pack...Aro and Caius would want our elimination because of the threat we present to them." I explained.

From all the things that I heard from Carlisle and Anna about the Volturi I had no doubt that we would be sliding from one problem into the other if we involved them.

"The other problem is that Caius would use the discovery of our anti-Vampire weapons for his ambitions. Aro is the one who wants our kind to live hidden, in secret among the human kind. Caius is only going along with it because he has no other choice but if he knew how to use human technology for his own purposes I have no doubt that he would rid himself of Aro and Marcus to get complete control not only over our world but the human one alike." Carlisle informed us.

Eleazar nodded his head soberly at Carlisle's assessment of the situation.

"And after everything I heard from Anna I wouldn't actually put it past them to try to get rid of some of us during the fight if they had the chance to reduce our numbers." Jasper added soberly.

Silence befell the room and we all took the chance to have that little amount of time to ourselves. The mated couples shared private moments while Carlisle and I prayed for this mission to be a successful one, to have our mates healthy backing our arms again. I wasn't sure if god would give a damn about my plea or if he even heard me but Anna always told me that a try would never hurt.

God I needed her back. There simply was no going on without her.

I heard the plane of the wolves as it flew deeper, sinking down to land on the runway. Minutes later thirty four tall and muscular native men entered the hall we were in. As soon as they caught our scents they tensed and twisted their faces in disgust.

I could hear them fighting the urge to phase and bounce at us. The same instincts to attack were being fought against on the Vampire side as well. But we had no other choice then to work together.

Carlisle, I and our family fought in the first place to safe Anna and Esme while the wolves followed their duty of protecting their people. An army of over three hundred thirsty, dangerous, out of control Vampires and a possible exposure of supernatural creatures to man kind, was also their business.

Jacob Black walked in front of the others, flanked by Seth at his right, and extended his hand to me and Carlisle in a friendly offering as he arrived just a few feet in front of us. I fought the primeval urge to eliminate him and reached my hand out to him for a firm shake.

"Has the situation changed?" He asked after letting go of my hand.

"Actually it has I can't see anything anymore." Alice huffed frustrated.

"See? Is she blind?" Jacob asked confused.

"Alice has the ability to see the future," his eyes nearly popped out of his head, "but whenever a Werewolf is involved she can't see anything." I explained.

"But if she can't see does that mean..." Seth began, catching on the fastest.

"We are complete what means….." Jacob stammered out in appal as he also understood the meaning of Alice's blindness. The other wolfs either looked as if they had seen a ghost or were whispering to one another unaware of what was going on.

"Somewhere was another one or more of your kind. And no we don't know if he or they are hostages or if they are also enemies." I answered the question that went through his mind.

"How did…"

"I read minds." Those words followed a stunned silence outside and inside their minds.

I was rather surprised that Seth was able to keep that information to himself. I looked at him with a raised eye brow and he smiled at me, nodding his head.

I can keep a secret.

I nodded back in gratitude.

"You'll get used to him in your head at some point." Emmett shrugged.

Neither Jacob nor the other wolfs looked too convinced about that one, except of Seth. On the contrary they were trying to block their thoughts from me what had the opposite effect. My mind reading worked differently then their pack shared mind after all.

Jacob was interested in getting to know more about our abilities but before he had the chance to voice his curiosity Jasper took the stage.

"Now that we are done with the small talk we better get down to business." Everyone was focusing and listening to what Jasper had to say.

"Edward, Carlisle, Emmett, Rose, Alice and I will attack first to rescue Esme and Anna. Jacob you and your pack you will stay behind with our cousins." He pointed at Tanya and the others before he introduced them.

"Each of us has a plug. It is a transmitter and a receiver in one, to stay in connection with the others. Unfortunately there aren't any that would meet the requirements you needed to be able to use them in your wolf form that is why you have to rely on what Tanya and the others will tell you regarding when to attack and the locations."

Jacob wasn't thrilled to have to rely on Vampires especially on ones he didn't know but nodded his head grimly.

We decided not to tell them about plan "B" in case we didn't make it and Lear managed to kill us. In that case they would have to retreat and then either get the Volturi involved despite the fact what that would mean.

Should the Volturi also fail then there was only one last option left: to reveal our existence to man kind and explain to the US government how to destroy Lear's army to be at least able to save man kind.

Neither of those options was a good one for the survivors of this ordeal.

"Further more you will only take care of the Vampires that will leave the hangar while we will take car of the ones inside that way the chances that we accidentally hurt one another are minimized."

Jacob nodded again while the others of his pack either were scared out of their minds and glad that their brothers couldn't heart them right now or edger to rip apart some "leeches", as they loved to call our kind.

"If you understood this then let me explain from which direction you best approach..." Jasper led Jacob to the big flat screen where a card of the area was on the display and we explained the plan to him and the others.

As Jasper was nearly done with the explanation and some questions regarding the fight from the pack had been answered we heard a car approach. Jake and Seth watched us for a moment but when we didn't react they just shrugged it off assuming that it was someone we knew and were expecting.

"There will be more on our side then just the ones that are assembled here," Carlisle began as we heard the car part and the engineer die down.

"While living in Kingsten we encountered another kind of Werewolves." That one got every wolfs attention.

"What there are more of us?" Seth asked stunned while his eyebrows rammed into his hairline.

"Not exactly," I shook my head.

"What are you saying then?" Jake asked confused as his pack brothers were either stunned into silence or eagerly whispered and made assumptions.

"Julian Somerville just arrived here so you would have the chance to meet one of them. They call themselves Lycan's. They look different then you do in their other from. They also possess a different scent." Carlisle explained as Julian strolled inside our temporary headquarter.

Julian strolled inside raising a single eyebrow at the La Push wolves as he eyed them accurately. Once he reached us we introduced him to Jacob. The shock, fascination and surprise was great on both as the two kinds made first contact and revealed their wolf forms to one another.

Anna's POV:

I was leaning against Esme's shoulder my head was tugged under her chin while she had an arm around me and stroked with her thumb absently over my skin. I lifted my hand and looked at my watch. It was after six in the morning.

I wondered what the others were doing torn between wanting to be rescued and not wanting them to be in danger because if they came when Lear was here...…..I didn't even want to think about it.

Alice probably couldn't see us any more anyway ever since the first Werewolf ever was brought in or maybe she could. I couldn't tell anymore. She couldn't see the wolves from La Push but had no problems with the Lycan's so who knew.

While I was deeply in thoughts I suddenly heard a car coming closer to where we were.

"Guess he is coming back," I sighed.

"It'll be alright." Esme squeezed me tightly to her trying to comfort me but I could hear the lie in her voice.

"I hope so," lies and denial, were all we had at the moment.

The car parked and I could hear some of the other Vampires that were standing outside and serving as guards move. It sounded like they were unpacking the car that Lear had driven.

I couldn't help but wonder what he tagged along now. Did he dig the first Vampire out of somewhere by any chance?

Were we playing "Underworld" all of the sudden?

I couldn't help the forceful chuckle that escaped my lips.

Apollo looked up at me and gave a puzzled look but I only shook my head and sighed.

Lear and the others entered the hanger and they had to medical boxes, one like they use them in hospitals to transport organs for transplantations, with them. The bulky one and the other male put them on the ground next to Lyzard's container.

It was just then that I noticed that they hadn't been in the hangar with us for quite some time.

Lear went over to the black metal prison and run his hand down the length of it. I could make out a faint smile on his lips when he did so.

"It's time." He mumbled and nodded at Helen.

Nestor and Lysander smirked at one another and opened the medical boxes. They were pulling plastic bags out of the boxes. I immediately recognized what was inside the bags. Blood.

From beside me I heard a few hisses and groans.

Lear merely turned around to cast a glance at Apollo and the others, smirking satisfied with a wicked, twisted grin on his face.

"Make sure our guests will be in the mood to join the party." He laughed.

His helpers looked at him with something dark shining in their eyes but behind that there was an odd shadow of peace hidden.

I could feel Esme, Apollo and his coven tenses around me as Nestor opened the first blood bag and poured it into the metal container. There must have been bars or some kind of other opening.

Esme and the others had stopped breathing. I felt sorry for Apollo and his coven they haven't hunted in months and now there was blood being spilled in front of there noses that they couldn't have.

It was down right cruel.

Lear watched as the first few bags filled the iron prison before he nodded to his helpers and turned around eyeing Esme. A dark smile formed on his lips as he gazed at her. I could feel the shiver of discomfort and fear that run through Esme's frame. I squeezed her hand to show her that she wasn't alone and that I wouldn't let anything happen to her.

His feet began to move and Lear made his way slowly over to us, never taking his eyes off Esme enjoying ever wince of her body and the fear on her face that she desperately tried to hide.

Whatever he had planned for her it couldn't be good. I had to think fast. I had to come up with something to keep him away from her. I had no idea if the others were about to come or if Alice saw that if they tried everyone would get killed but I couldn't just sit by and let him hurt Esme.

"Now Esme my dear it's time." He smiled darkly at her as an evil glint appeared in his blood red eyes.

I squeezed Esme's hand, one last time, before I sprang to my feet. I had no idea what I was going to do but I had to do something even though I was painfully aware of the fact that I had absolutely no chance against him, not in an equal fight at least.

But even that didn't matter with all of those other Vampires around.

"Leave her alone." I said in a determinate voice while glaring at him but inside I was scared witless.

In that moment my subconscious was shooting daggers at me with her arms crossed over her chest and her foot tapping forcefully on the ground demanding of me to know what in the world I was thinking I was doing.

The honest answer that made my subconscious roll her eyes at me in disapproval was that I wasn't thinking just reacting what was very unlikely for me because I always had some kind of plan or at least an idea before I did something.

But I stood my ground as Lear looked at me in dark, twisted amusement. The corners of his mouth were twitching with sick glee.

"Cute." He laughed shortly before his face grew serious and he focused his eyes on me.

"Now get out of my way." I heard his deadly voice and with that I was dismissed in his opinion. His eyes became to leave mine to wander to Esme but I wasn't having any of it.

"No." I stated firmly.

He looked taken aback at the fact that I disobeyed him. First Lear narrowed his eyes at me and then huffed annoyed, raising an eye brow at me.

"Sit down!" He commanded.

I knew what he was doing he was using his ability on me. I could feel it but he did it with no avail.

"Another shield," he turned his gaze on Apollo.

"Guess you aren't the only one anymore." Lear ended his sentence with a cocky edge before he narrowed his eyes again.

"You were the one who helped him escape," he smirked at me as if I presented some kind of challenge for him. Maybe I did.

Lear zeroed his gazed down on Apollo who looked up to meet Lear's eyes.

"I should have known you weren't strong enough to break my control on your own," he spat at Apollo in disgust.

"You always been weak," Lear sneered at him.

Lear then looked back at me and smiled. He kind of reminded me of Aro in the New Moon Trailer, giddy like a child about it's new toy.

"Let's see if I can break you." He looked very interested at the prospect of this challenge.

I felt Esme stir behind me but before she had a chance to say or do anything Apollo beat her to it.

"No." he shouted.

I was surprised about the power in his voice. It was even bouncing off the metal walls and echoing through the room. I didn't think he had the energy to call out that loud.

Lear and I looked at him at the same time. He looked pleading as he gazed at Lear not to go through whatever he was planning to do to me.

"Don't worry I can take care of myself." I winked at Apollo while he looked at me as if I lost my mind.

Lear fell into hysterics at my words and could get himself together for several minutes. But the longer he was laughing about me the more time I won. For what I had no idea.

I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him. It always made Emmett laugh even harder when I tried to look physically intimidating and it thankfully had the same effect on Lear.

"You should have become a comedian instead of a hunter." He told me after he finished chuckling.

"I think I'm doing my job rather well." I shot back.

Lear shook his head.

"So young and yet so stubborn," he said looking at me, "you didn't raise her well." He accused Esme looking at her disapprovingly.

"I beg to differ." I retorted.

"We'll see." He smirked.

He was looking directly into my eyes. I just stood there and felt nothing, well nearly nothing. Because thanks to Eleazar's gift I could see that Lear was using his on me, in vain I might add much to my satisfaction.

He certainly wasn't one to give up he narrowed his eyes at me and then glared at me before he stated to holler out commands. Nothing of this affected me in anyway though it got me curious why Apollo's face looked so pained when Lear said that he wanted to break me.

What could he do to people who didn't have a chance to protect themselves from his gift?

Beside the obvious of course!

Lear growled in frustration and grabbed me roughly by my arm yanking me out of the metal box I was standing in and threw me across the room.

I flew through the air but I was thankfully able to regulate my body so that I landed, rather ungraceful I might ad and to my great displeasure, but without an injuries, on my backside.

When my head shot up to look at my opponent I saw Esme on her feet and Helen with her hand on Esme's throat.

"Esme I'm fine." I assured her, she looked concerned at me but must have found something in my gaze because she relaxed and Helen let go of her though didn't move from her side.

I lifted my hands up to put my hair back into place. The only plan I could come up with was to stall every opportunity I got.

"Oh, is the hunter vain?!" Lear chuckled amused.

"I'm still a woman." I answered, keeping my voice light.

It seemed like Lear wanted to have some fun before he damned the entire planet. I was more then willing to play along, hoping for a wonder that would save us.

What I was doing wasn't brave or heroic or anything like that but only plain stupid. I was standing up to someone that I didn't have a shot in hell against. Not a wise decision to make and to carry out but the only one I could live with.

It was easier on me to endure what he would dish out then having to watch what he did to Esme.

Standing up to James and Dylan was wiser then what I was doing now. With James I had my lighter and my can of hair-spray and I knew that Edward and the others would find me.

As for Dylan even though he was physically stronger then I, I still could have fought against him if I would have had to but being in that hanger with Lear and all the other Vampire plus the Vampires that were standing outside...…I felt sick with helplessness and hopelessness.

Leashing out was the only thing I could do not to feel like a completely helpless victim, having my dignity stripped away from me. So I clenched my teeth together and rose on my feet as he was closing the distance between us. He looked amused and curious as if he was deciding what to do to me.

When he was just mere inches away from me he reached his hand out and slapped my shoulder lightly, well Vampire lightly, which was more then enough to send me flying to the ground again.

I heard Esme cry out from somewhere I couldn't tell immediately from where. I shook my head to clear it from the impact with the hard ground and the pain my body was in before I looked into her direction. She was standing behind three newborns that suddenly stood guard in front of her.

"You know little Hunter I'm not a bad guy," Lear said as he came to crouch down in front of me as I propped myself up, wincing as a jolt of pain shot through my left hand and my right ankle.

He looked thoughtful for a moment and corrected himself.

"I killed a lot of people so maybe I am bad and I want to kill many more," he breathed as his hand reached for my face. He cradled my head in his cold hands. I winced when his fingers touched my skin.

My eyes locked on the statue like Vampires army on my left and I heard Lear chuckle.

"I will send them all around the world to bite humans." He laughed a little and looked at with a smile on his face.

"We want to equal it up don't we!"

My mouth opened in appal but no sound came out.

"Little girl I'm crazy with grief, lose and hater but I'm not stupid. I do know what I'm doing and why I'm doing it." His grimaced sinisterly.

"Have you any idea how it feels like to lose the only reason to exist? The one thing that matters everything?"

"I lost my family." I answered rather lamely. I didn't even know why those words left my mouth.

He laughed without emotions in his voice.

"Me too but it is not the same then to loose your other half or your children," he looked at Nestor then who looked torn between pure rage, hate and anguish.

"No, it's not the same," he repeated and his hand slid down to my neck. I swallowed hard.

"Do you want to know why I'm telling you all of this?" He asked and I nodded.

He smiled warmly at me what gave me the creeps and tightened his grip on my throat before he stood slowly up and dragged me to my feet holding his hand tightly around my neck. But once I stood on my feet he didn't stop but lifted me off the ground.

My feet were tangling and kicking in the air as he was choking me. My hands immediately went to his around my throat, desperately trying to prey him off me, to loosen his hold.

I wasn't getting enough air. I panicked as my lungs started to hurt from the lack or oxygen. I coughed like crazy while cold sweat was running down my entire body out of fear.

"I want you to know what you are going to die for." He said, bringing my face close to his before he threw me forcefully on the ground. Just as I tried to get a little air in my lungs his hand was around my throat again and I was hanging in the air once more.

"My beautiful, sweet innocent wife was killed by them." His voice had a hysterical edge to it before he clamed again.

"Nestor's children got brutally murdered by a human sadist," I caught a glance at Nestor who was shaking in hot rage.

I was starting to see black spots dancing before my eyes as my lungs burned.

"And Lysander…." Lear smiled but didn't say anything more.

He let go of me then and I suck down to the ground like a bag of potatoes. I was coughing like crazy, trashing around the floor as I desperately tried to fill my burning lungs with so much needed air. My throat hurt while my body shook and jerked uncontrollably. I felt the tears that leaked out of my eyes and run down my skin that was already wet form the cold sweat that my entire frame was covered in.

At some point my body stopped trembling and I was nearly motionlessly lying on the cold hard ground. Only my chest was raising and falling as oxygen was entering through my mouth and some strangled sounds escaped my lips.

The whole time my eyes were focused on Lear who looked at me with an amused expression before he went to step closer to me and crouched down again. My body winced on it's own and tried to get away from him.

He smiled softly at me while his hand reached my head and he pushed some hair out of my face with a gentle touched.

"The only thing that brings a smile on my face anymore is to see someone else suffer," he told me.

"But soon none will have to suffer anymore." He whispered before a twisted, dark smile appeared on his face.

He straighten his form as he stood up and stepped a few inches away from me watching me intensely, expecting me to get up.

I sucked in a deep breath and started to gather myself off the ground. I was a little shaky and my body was trembling while I was on all four before I managed to push myself up to stand on my shaky legs. I took another deep breath. I needed my strength for what was to come next.

He was laughing at me while I was breathing in and out as evenly as I could.

"The fun is over now." He said, one corner of his mouth slightly pulled up and a lethal glint shone in his eyes.

Panic and fear squeezed my heart as I swallowed hard. How very human of me. I couldn't help the sarcastic thought that shot through my mind.

Looking at him I could see it in his eyes he was done playing. My body went slack for a few moments before I pulled myself back together even if I didn't have a chance against him that didn't mean I would go down without a fight.

The problem was that even though my fire could do some serious damage I still had about three hundred newborn Vampires breathing down my neck and besides since I had to pretty much attack Lear, Helen, Nestor and Lysander at the same time I doubted I could actually kill one of them if I had to part the power of my fire to attack them all at once.

But all of this didn't mean that I wouldn't at least give it a shot.

I hated myself because of what I was doing to Edward. I knew if I died then I would be responsible for his death. He told me often enough that he wouldn't exist in a world that I was no in.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as I let the guild, pain and regret wash over me, letting it murder a part of me.

A single tear ran down my face before I opened my eyes and I saw him taking a step closer to me. The predator inside of him had resurfaced to take his prey down.

In the moment were my gut feeling told me that it was over, I could hurt him but in the end he would kill me, something weird happened. The little flame inside of me took on a mind of it's own. Suddenly my little, tiny flame turned into a blazing inferno and then I was like on autopilot.

As fast as I could I shoved my hands on his chest when he was close enough for me to touch him. When my hands make contact with his body and the heat that my flame produced was radiating off of them into his body. Lear gasped, frozen in surprise at my actions. Before he had a chance to say or to move away from me his clothes were on fire.

His screams were filling the hall and echoing through the tension filled space as the flames were starting to eat his diamond hard skin. I could feel the disbelieving stares of his helpers on me. I was a little in shock too but recovered quickly as my survival instincts returned from their vacation. I knew in the back of my mind that I had only moments before Helen and the others would charge at me.

My mind was making a mile a minute when suddenly an idea struck me. It wasn't really thought through but something at least.

"Esme, Apollo has to consume the drinks." I yelled at the top of my lungs.

I knew she would follow my orders even though she probably didn't understand what I had planned, not that she could have known without the necessary information that she was lacking.

"NOW!" I hollered.

Helen, Nestor and Lysander recovered from their shock and moved towards me I could practically feel their movements in my direction at the same time I registered Esme's voice.

"Drink it!" she commanded in her mom voice, the one full of authority that none dared to disobey.

I was putting my full concentration on Lear to burn him to ashes, trying to somehow take control over my fire.

I had no idea how it happened but suddenly I saw that the clothes of Nestor and the other two were on fire. It was like that little flame inside of me that now was a raging inferno had the control and was hell bend on survival.

It shocked me to realize just how dangerous my favourite ability really was.

I shook my head I had no time to dwell on that. I had to get this situation under control somehow.

As panicked screams and painful hisses filled the space around me I noticed that my senses have never been as sharp and perfect as in this moment. I heard everything and could put it together in a rational order in my mind. Guess my or the fires survival instinct played a huge part in the why.

From outside I heard someone approaching from all sides. Pairs of two legs lightly and fast hitting the ground and heavy, powerful thuds of paws were also nearing the hangar but for some reason they were farer away and slowing down. Someone must have invited the wolfs.

Before my eyes Lear was finally starting to fall apart into ashes. I said finally but it couldn't have been more then a few seconds since I touched him.

Flames and what looked like lava was eating it's way out of the inside of him, destroying his body and his ashes fell to the ground while purple smoke was lifting up.

I watched fascinated as the fire played across my skin but didn't affect me at all.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see that Nestor nearly managed to rid himself of his burning jacket and was glaring murderously at me simultaneously the groans and moans of the newborns were starting to become louder just as Lear was past the point of any possibility of saving. He had no control over them anymore.

I broke my fire hold on him and let the flames eat him off.

"Apollo your shield, NOW!" I shouted while turning around and running as fast as I could back to where Esme was.

Thank god for the venom bust.

I saw that Apollo was finishing off a bottle of the subsided blood while another one was already lying on the ground.

Behind me I could hear Nestor hot on my heels and someone else joined his chase as well. My strikes became longer and faster as I pushed my body to it's max. I was fast but a real Vampire was still faster then me.

From outside I noticed, and really I had no idea how my mind was keeping up with it, that someone was starting to shoot as growling and hissing erupted from the throats of the Vampires that stood guard only being followed by screams, cries and moans of pain and anguish as the pop of gun fire echoed through the air around me.

Meanwhile inside the hanger the Vampires were getting closer to me but I nearly made it. As the one behind me was too close to me for my comfort I pushed myself off the ground in the middle of the run and jumped into the metal box where I had been held prison just minutes ago.

I collided with something hard. All air escaped my lungs at the impact before I felt a pair of strong muscular arms wrap around my frame. The pain of the impact shot through my body and in the same second I hear a dull thud and then another one behind me.

I let some air fill my lungs while my head spun around and I saw Helen and Nestor hitting with their fists against air it seemed. But it wasn't time yet to feel relieved.

My head twisted around and shot up to look at Apollo. He was the one holding me. I couldn't help but notice that he looked just a tiny bit better, healthier if one could say that.

"Can we be heard outside your shield or are you blocking sounds also?"

His eyes went wide in surprise at my question.

"Apollo!" I yelled at him. Now really wasn't time for questions and wondering.

He shook his head.

"Give me a sec."

His eyes narrowed for a moment and then he nodded.


"Esme and I are safe under a physical shield. You can fire away but be careful of the wolf in the black container he is dangerous nothing like you have ever seen." I yelled as loud as I could. The newborns were making quite a nose by now.

Apollo was still holding me in his arms and I could feel his gaze on me but I was otherwise occupied. Helen and Nestor heard what I said and exchanged confused looks.

Their heads veered around to face the metal gates just as those were ripped out of their hinges. Gunshots rang out into the space a split of a second before Edward, Jasper, Carlisle, Alice, Rose, Emmett stormed inside the hangar, followed shortly after by the Denila's.

At the same time the newborns were going crazy and some of them were throwing themselves against the metal walls of the building ripping hols into the material that stood no chance against the strength of a Vampire.

Others were throwing themselves at Edward and the others but they fired at them, turning their attacker to ashes in a matter of thirty seconds when such a bullet hit a Vampire body then it exploded on his skin releasing napalm that glued itself to the surface it came in contact with and the sparkle that was caused by a chemical reaction set the napalm on fire, leaving no chance for survival.

I also saw some of the newborns ripping Lysander apart, others went for Helen while Lysander was going up in flames as I caught sight of him again. Some of the newborns were also turning against each other.

From outside, it seemed to be further away, I could hear metal being torn apart the wolves were taking care of every Newborn Vampire that escaped outside. I saw my family out there fighting. I wanted to help them but I knew that the only help I could provide right now was not to stand in their way.

The more newborns they killed, burned, the worse the vision got. Heavy purple smoke was hanging in the air because metal walls bounded the room. I could see Apollo's shield now as the smoke made it's outlines clear.

I realized that we were under a huge dome while the sound of the gun fire, outside of the dome, was slowly dying down. The growls and noises of the newborn Vampires were dominating the space while the smoke made it nearly impossible to see anything.

"They are shooting blind." Esme cried panicked. Her eyes were franticly roaming the area while she was shaking like a leaf in the wind with worry for our family.

"Fuck! I don't see anything." I heard Emmett curse.

"We've got to get out of here before we kill each other off." Jasper shouted.

Panic and fear was rushing through my veins at Jasper's words. I could barely hear anything after that because of the blood that was pulsing in my ears and my frantic heart beat that was drowning all other sounds out.

My entire frame was shaking. I felt light-headed while my stomach was revolting at what was happening out of the safety of the shield that surrounded Esme, the unknown Vampires and me.

Suddenly I heard some dull sounds from above. My head immediately snapped up and I starred at the ceiling. Of course I couldn't see anything besides the purple smoke and the newborns that were throwing themselves against Apollo's shield.

"What are they doing up there?" I heard a female voice from behind me ask.

I didn't turn around to look who asked, all I did was to concentrate. I tried desperately to hear something, to make sure that none of us was hurt.

I could hear foot steps as they tapped against the metal roof top of the hangar but I had no means of knowing if those foot steps belonged to some newborns or maybe Edward, Rose, Emmett or anyone else of my family.

The foot steps concentrated at the beginning of the roof and the next sound I heard, of course besides the moaning and growling of the newborns, was the ripping of metal but it was different then the sounds that a Vampire being ripped apart made.

The sound and the foot steps moved from the beginning of the roof to the middle. A rhythmic cracking accompanied the ripping sound and slowly the heavy clouds of purple smoke moved up giving the sight free in slow motion.

Suddenly I understood what happened. Someone was ripping the roof open so the smoke could escape through the opening.

Before they, whoever was ripping the roof apart, reached the end of the building the shooting started again this time from above.



Metal being ripped apart.

Screams of agony.

And the sounds of weapons being fired filled the air.

But somehow this made me a lot calmer, knowing that things were somehow under control at least that was what I told myself though I couldn't believe my luck. What were the chances that Edward and the others would turn up exact at the right moment?

I didn't not question this strange encounter that seemed too unrealistic to me but was thankful for it's existence instead.

Once my mind was out of the immediate panic mode I noticed that my frame was still shaking but it wasn't me who was responsible for the movements. I turned my head and looked directly into Apollo's pained face.

"Apollo what's wrong?" I asked while my face twisted in confusion.

He didn't answer me but instead clenched his teeth together as if he was suffering. Realization slammed into me like a fright train. Of course holding up the shield had to cost him a lot of energy and the substitute blood he drank was nowhere near enough to get him into a condition were he would be able to endure this sort of attack.

He had to endure the newborns slamming against his shield and the bullets that hit the surface of the invisible shield and burned out as the chemicals came in contact with air. The attack was never stopping and powerful.

"Anna?!" Esme's scared voice reached me.

"He can't hold up the shield for long anymore," in the moment I said that Apollo sank to the ground pulling me down with him, holding me firmly in his arms.

His head fell on my shoulder while he drew quick, shallow breaths as his entire frame was shaking violently against my own.

Esme came to our side, a look of deep concern of her beautiful face while the members of Apollo's clan looked pained and clueless at their leader.

"What can we do?" Esme whispered as her eyes were darting between Carlisle and Apollo and me.

"," Apollo mumbled.

"What?" I asked while he was tightening his hold on me.

"You have to..." He pushed out between his clenched teeth.

"I have to what? What can I do?" I asked him franticly.

"Let...… in."

"What?" I didn't understand.

"Let ….me in." He repeated.

"Wha…." Suddenly I felt something push against my shield a feeling that was similar to the one I had whenever I heard his voice.

"But how?" I didn't know what to do. I didn't even have an idea what he did or how he was able to be in my head. I was a shield none should have been able to enter my mind. So why could he.

My mind was making a mile a minute. I didn't know what to do and time was running out on us.

"O.K., O.K." I breathed and took a moment to think back to the times when I heard his voice. It was always either when I was sleeping or when I was thinking about nothing completely relaxed.

I closed my eyes and tried not to think about anything what had been quite a task given the circumstances. I tired to tune the shooting sounds, the screams, the growling and the metal tearing out what wasn't as successful as I wanted and needed it to be.

"Hurry," Apollo rasped out.

"I'm trying," I cried not even exactly sure why he wanted me to let him in.

I tired to think of something calming. First the blue sky, then the ocean until a picture of Edward's and mine meadow popped up in my head. I imagined that I was there with Edward in our meadow while I drew one steady, slow breath after another.

I had no idea if what I was doing worked but slowly Apollo's body was shaking less and I started to feel funny as if my energy was being sucked out of me.

I placed my head on Apollo's shoulder and felt how the colour was being drained from my face.

"Anna what is wrong? Anna?" Esme panicked while I watched ahead at the happenings outside of the shield.

My frame was becoming limper by the second while a cold sheet swept over my face. The purple smoke was mostly gone and I could see a huge hole that had been ripped into the wall opposite of me.

I watched as an enormous dark brown wolf crouched down a few feet in front of a female Vampire. I could only see her back and her long blond hair that was falling down her length in straight tresses.

She was also crouched down in what was an offensive posture. Her hands were bent into claws and were standing in position at her sides to strike at the wolf before her.

I saw her leap into the air but she a silver wolf appeared out of thin air and snapped his enormous mouth around her middle, shaking his head furiously while the dark brown one caught her head between his teeth, carefully avoiding her venom coated teeth before they pulled her apart causing disgusting metal ripping noises to fill the air.

My teeth hurt while my skin wanted to peel itself of my body. Those noises were worse then nails on a blackboard.

I felt someone take my hand and I heard Esme's soft but worried and frantic sounding voice call out my name. I wanted to answer her but somehow I wasn't able to. My body felt feather light and I had no control over it anymore.

I fought to keep my eyes open. I wanted I needed to know what was going on around me but at some point I lost the fight for several seconds.

I barely managed to open my eyes again. I blinked a few times to clear my vision and when I did so everything happened in slow motion while my heart was going crazy with fear in my chest.

The cover of the black container shot up in the air and rotate as it did so while little black piece of the metal shot like projectiles through the space because of the force that had been used to open the container.

A short moment later a hug bulky figure exploded out of the container. All the blood they fed him earlier showed it's effect. The monster had it's strength back. The huge frame was covered in what looked like a dark greyish, blue and brown kind of leather. That thing had no hair. I couldn't really see if it was an animal or anything else as it seemed to float in the air for several long seconds.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that the cover of the container hit something or someone off the roof while I did see clearly and to my immense shock that that thing, Werewolf or whatever was aiming straight for my Edward. Panic shot through every cell of my being as I saw the scene, playing out before my eyes.

The disgusting thing wanted to attack my fiancé. Seething, flaming hot white fury was instantly flowing through my veins I could feel energy building up around me. The air was sizzling and cracking with power, creating some kind of coat around me but I barely registered that.

All I could see was that that thing that wanted to take what was most important to me and Edward hadn't even spotted the danger he was in yet.

Naked fear washed over me as before my eyes my entire future was about to be attacked by a monster and I couldn't even scream to warn Edward. I felt tears fall out of my eyes and my throat close.

The blazing furry that I felt just moments ago was being drained away from me like all the energy I possessed. My chest heaved with sobs that were barely audible even for the attending Vampires.

I was about to throw up when I saw that the disgusting thing was within a few inches of my mate. Just as I thought that it all was over and that that thing would rip my Edward apart with it's sharp crawls Emmett's bulky from caught that thing mid air and crashed the bear/wolf like looking thing into the ground.

With his hind legs the animal like creature pushed into Emmett's stomach and threw my big brother through the air and off him, jumping on his feet in the same move but a Lycan, I think Julian, jumped on the animals back and locked his arm around Lyzard's throat.

Emmett who looked pissed off about being thrown through the air leaped at the creature and punched it into it's wolf like yap. He put so much strength into that punch that Lyzard was knocked to the ground.

Emmett, Julian and Edward, who had joined them, used the opportunity to catch the limbs of the animal like creature and started to break them while David shot a bullet into Lyzard's head. The blood freezing cracks of bones being broken rang out what make me grit my teeth in disgust.

I was able to shake my head a little and I closed my eyes, desperately trying to forget what I just heard. As I opened my eyes again I heard a loud crash and metal being ripped from somewhere but I couldn't tell the direction it was coming from though this metal ripping sound was different the ones before.

I panted while my gaze was fixed on the hole in the wall. The edges of my sight started to become a blurry mist that was closing my sight up with every passing moment.

Searching frantically for my Edward I spotted him casting me a confused glance before he turned around and concentrated on killing the remaining newborns.

Emmett, David and Garrett seemed to have a blast while Eleazar and Carlisle operated with deep concentration on their faces.

Rose, Alice and Tanya showed no emotions while eliminating one newborn after another while Kate, Irina and Carmen were less thrilled about any of this ordeal.

Another crazed newborn threw himself against Apollo's shield over and over. It seemed there was no rational thought left in his mind.

All of the sudden I asked myself when the last time was that they got anything to eat?

Though on second thought it was better if they didn't eat at all at least that way no other innocent soul would have been killed.

Those and other thoughts were buzzing around in my head, trying to distract me from the fact that I was becoming weaker by the second. At least it seemed that none else seemed to be hurt, thank god.

The gunfire, the screaming, the growling, the howls of pain and anguish and the metallic sound that was created from tearing Vampires apart was slowly getting less.

Only a few newborns were still left that weren't already falling apart into ashes the females except Rose and Tanya relaxed a little and weren't shooting anymore while the rest of them was still firing away at the remnant of Lear's army.

Emmett, of course, was quite vocal about it the whole thing screaming and cursing at the ones that fell just like he did at home every time Esme was not there and he played one of his shooting games. She didn't like anyone use strong words while Carlisle merely shook his head at such behaviour.

Lucky for Emmett that Esme was way too distracted to pay attention to his choice of words but she still might come back to that later, since Vampires didn't forget anything and noticed everything. It was their choice to what they paid immediate attention to.

As the last soldiers of the army fell into piles of ashes I saw our family concentrate for a second.

"That's it. The wolves are taking care of what's left outside." Edward announced.

David, Emmett and Julian rushed outside while Edward, Carlisle and the others flew in our direction.

"It's O.K. now you can put down the shield Apollo." I chocked the words out with the last of strength I possessed, not taking my eyes off of Edward.

Before I knew it I was in Edward's arms. I felt secure and didn't fight anymore. Everything went black as I let my body relax against his.

The fight out of Edward's POV:

My feet were barely touching the sandy ground as I moved my body forward through the landscape that was still covered by the coat of the night. But soon the darkness would be chased away by the awakening sun.

My entire frame was tense and on high alert. My mind caught in deep concentration as I prepared for what laid ahead of me, ahead of us.

My overly active mind registered the light footsteps behind me that were brushing against the yielding surface. I didn't even need to block out their thoughts though I couldn't escape the underlying stream of concern from everyone's mind that mirrored my own. I was consumed with the worry and utter need to have my mate safely back in my arms.

The one generous creature who came into my life and saved me even though I didn't recognise I needed saving. The one who showed me such love and kindness that it banned all sorrow and darkness from my life. The one who made me believe again.

My Anna.

The monster inside me was rattling at his cage, demanding to be set free but I couldn't allow myself to lose it now not until I knew that my Anna and Esme were save after that it was an entire different story.

The scenery was passing me by in a blur as I pushed myself as hard as I could with only one aim in my mind, to rescue my mate and my mother.

Each step brought me closer to them, closer to her. I prayed that we would make it in time. We had to. The impatience was eating at me as we were moving at our top speed.

All of their minds were focused on the mission ahead of us and they were preparing themselves to block this monster out as long as they would be able to. I heard Carlisle send a prayer to heaven before he locked his pacifistic nature deep within him.

He respected all forms of life and to have to kill someone was not something he took lightly but the need to save Esme was stronger then his believes and his morals.

"We will be there in a few seconds." Alice informed us all.

We all took a moment to take a deep breath before we guarded our minds. We had no idea how far his ability could reach out so we oriented ourselves on my range. I had never had to block anyone out of my mind before. I could only hope that the tricks the others had shown me would help.

As soon as we were in hearing range I knew that our attempts were a failure.

I hope you will enjoy it as much as I will mind reader. I heard his cold, hate filled voice in my mind as it was echoing in the minds of my family members. He was forcing them to see what I saw.

We all were instantly aware of the fact that our plan failed and that we were at his mercy but despite this fact we had to try.

I could hear the sick and twisted glee in the monsters head as he showed me what he had already done to my mate, how he pushed her around like a rag doll and almost strangled her. A feral, furious, primeval growl tore from my chest as I watched what he had done and what he was about to do.

I pushed myself even harder, willing my body to move faster as he was forcing me to watch the murder of my mate. I couldn't even comprehend the pain, fury, anguish, anger, frustration, desperation, fear, helplessness...…..that were consuming my being because of the scenes before my eyes.

All I could think was that my Anna was about to get killed and I wouldn't make it on time to save her. That thought made me nauseous while blazing fury and frustration were echoing in the background of my mind.

I saw him taking a step closer to her and then another. Ever inch he moved closer to my Anna robbed more of my sanity and cracked my heart up further. Just as the monster was about to strike and I thought my world had crashed into millions of pieces along with my heart, soul and being Anna's hands touched his body and instantly I could see the pain her touch was causing him.

First I didn't know what she was doing what caused his mind to go into panic mode and his survival instincts to kick in but a few seconds of confusion later I had my answer.


She was burning him. I had no idea when her fire became this powerful within three seconds she had him burning from inside out.

"Esme, Apollo has to consume the drinks." I heard my love yell while her hands were still pressed to his chest.

"NOW!" My mate hollered as Esme was fishing the bottles with the substitute blood out of their purses. I heard the confusion in my mothers mind but she did as she was told.

I wasn't quite sure myself what my Anna was up to but I didn't have time to wonder as two males and a female that I hadn't even noticed till then recovered from their shock and angered took off towards my mate.

"No," the word escaped my lips as I forced myself to go faster.

"Edward what is going on?" I heard Carlisle shout from far behind me.

I looked into Lear's mind to make sure my first assessment was correct and to my relief I was right. His thoughts had reduced to incoherent whimpers and desperate, painful cries of anguish. It wouldn't be long before he met his end.

"Lear is dead." I shouted over my shoulder not looking at any of them.

Somewhere in the background I heard Jasper give out the command to attack. I didn't have one of those plugs in my ear it would be hard enough as it was to keep all the voices at a reasonable level once the fight began and they would be falling apart to ashes.

"Drink it!" Esme commanded while the two males and the female were about to strike.

I held my breath while my body was running on it's own. I wasn't even able to think in that moment all I was able to do was to close the distance between myself and where my Anna was while I stubbornly refused to believe that I would lose her today or at all for that matter.

My heart crashed in my chest but my mind was too focused on the mission to react to my emotions.

Numbly and completely helpless but in the end much to my relief I watched as the three attackers inched closer to her only to suddenly have their clothes in flames. The quick shot of happiness was almost instantly replaced by frustration since I still hadn't arrived at that damned runway.

I had the feeling I was running in slow motion or that the way was made out of gum and stretching underneath me. I couldn't get there fast enough.

The wolfs and Lycan's took on their position as planned.

Tanya thoughts reached me as did the ones of the others. They were close and ready to strike. Another moment of panic swept over me when the monster was falling apart to ashes but a bulky man had rid himself of his burning jacket and was in urgent pursuit of my love.

"Apollo your shield, NOW!" She suddenly shouted seconds before she hit against the body of a dark hair male who looked more dead then alive.

The male attacker and the female that was hot on his heels crashed into what seemed to be a barrier. A shield. The dark hair male must have been a physical shield! Unfortunately he also blocked all the sounds from inside the shield because I could her Anna's breathing and heart beat anymore though I saw her suck air into her lungs greedily.

Just as this realisation hit me I finally reached the runway being greeted with confused but at the same time furious and pissed off newborns, some of them were half crazed others just disoriented.

I knew they were in a way innocent but with their state of mind there was no other way. They weren't even in the condition to listen to reason after they had been compelled for so long. And the quiet humming of minds from inside that was rapidly gaining on volume was unnerving me greatly.

I didn't even hesitate when I released the safety catch on my machine gun and began to fire. The first newborns were falling to the ground while purple smoke was coming off them, travelling lightly through the dark velvet air as I heard my loves voice.

"Esme and I are safe under a physical shield. You can fire away but be careful of the wolf in the black container he is dangerous nothing like you have ever seen." She yelled as loud as she could. From how raw and raspy her voice was I knew that her throat must have been hurting badly.

The others and the Denila's had the arrived at the runway just as I finished off the last of the guard that had been outside of the hanger.

"The Werewolves are in safe distance ready to strike," Eleazar quickly informed the others. We were attacking them from all directions to make it impossible for the newborns to escape us. We couldn't risk those poor souls that were entirely out of control to run around on their own and kill more people.

This insanity had cost enough lives as it was.

We heard the newborns going crazy as we stormed into the hangar. My eyes immediately sought out my Anna and after seeing first handed that she was more or less alright despite the injuries that I saw on her body it calmed me a little. Though the fact that the arms of that guy were still around her waist bothered me a great deal and the jealousy that creped up my spine wasn't helpful either, I forced myself to concentrate on eliminating the army in front of me.

All the familiar thoughts were focused on the mission at hand while I tired my best to block the confused, sacred, half crazed in some cases, disoriented in the other and anguished thoughts of the newborns out. I was succeeding as far.

Unfortunately the more of them we killed the worse the sheets of purple smoke became. The holes some of them had torn into the metal walls as they escaped weren't providing enough room for the smoke to escape.

"They are shooting blind." Esme cried as Emmett cursed.

"We've got to get out of here before we kill each other off." Jasper commanded and we followed the command in an instant.

"What now?" Rose asked sounding a little clueless as we made our way out.

"The roof," I immediately answered.

"On it." Emmett was the first to understand.

We jumped on the roof of the hanger. To our luck the hanger was a simple model. The roof was made out of metal tiling that was connected with bolts. I had seen the roof from inside the hanger. The metal tiling was supported by a metal framework that carried the roof but thankfully it was cheap work and only a few bolts were securing the tiling to the framework.

Emmett and I grabbed each one of the outer sides of the tiling while Jasper and Garrett also jumped on the roof. They grabbed the tiling where each one of the iron beams was located.

Producing a lot of noise we ripped the tiling off the framework while the popping sound of gun fire, the metallic sounds of Vampires being ripped apart and a lot of growling, hissing and anguished cries were echoing from all directions. The wolfs had everything under control.

The purple smoke underneath us was lifting itself up all around us as we quickly proceeded to dismantle to roof.

Checking on the Wolfs as some concerned thoughts reached me I discovered that one of them got severely injured as a female newborn managed to break a mutt's spine. The wolf passed out from the pain and had to be guarded.

Batiste checked quickly over the wolf that had transformed back into his human form while unconscious and declared that the boy's vitals were alright. I could see in the boys mind that his body had already began to heal but it would take time before he was on his feet again.

Jaspers briefed the pack about how to accurately deal with such a large amount of Vampires at once but it was still too much for the youngest among them.

They couldn't move the boy because of his broken spine which is why two wolfs and Batiste stood guard around him.

If you are injured and can't fight anymore then go to Matt's location. It's our assembling point for the injured. And I don't want anyone to try and play hero here. Jacob barked out the command as he was bouncing on a group of three male Vampires.

The Lycan's turned out to be quite experienced and natural killers. I hadn't see it before but now in the middle of the fight I saw flashes of martial arts training that every Lycan in their clan had to under go. Their numbers were short which is why each one of them had to know how to protect himself just in case.

Carlisle and the others jumped on the top of the hangar as well and started shooting while the four of us were still ripping the roof off. As we succeeded I noticed that I wasn't able to hear anything from under the physical shield anymore.

I cast a quick, worried glance in their direction and saw through the light purple sheet of smoke that was still left hanging in the air that they were still alright under there and that he still had his arms around my mate. I couldn't help the jealousy I felt but it made it a little better that my Anna was oblivious to his hold on her but instead she was looking around trying to follow the happenings of the fight.

I forced myself to only concentrate on the fight before I lost my cool with that dark haired...….

The furious, half crazed noises in my head lessen what meant that the numbers of the newborns were reducing quickly. We stayed on the roof since the Wolfs moved closer to the hangar.

Without weapons they had a harder time eliminating them and sometimes a newborn was able to take a strike at them. Nothing really serious happened after that mutt Matt until I noticed in the back of my mind that a newborn that could compete with Emmett's impressive size grabbed the tail of a wolf and swirled him around in circles a few times before he hurled the mutt in the direction of the hangar.

The mutt didn't stand a chance as he was being tossed around like a rag doll.

"Be careful Werewolf at the east wall," I informed the others seconds before the mutt collided with the ground a few feet away from the hangar on the opposite side of me.

Immediately four newborns encircled the lone wolf but another was already on his way to help his pack brother out while Seth took care of the newborn who had used his pack brother as a football.

The two wolfs near by managed to pull their opponents apart using their sharp teeth, claws and their brutal strength. They had them finished off all but one female who was about to charge at the dark brown one. While the wolfs were taking care of that female Julian used the opportunity of the fire free swath that the wolfs caused to get to the hangar.

I was concentrating on a little group of newborns that was trying to escape through a hole in the wall at the right of me which is why I almost didn't notice when a Lycan/Werewolf like thing was suddenly in front of me mid jump just before a black metal cover collided with Garrett and hit him off the roof.

The beast was about to strike at me with his long, sharp claws. The thoughts of that thing were a bizarre, silently whispered mess in a language I had never heard before which was why I hadn't noticed it earlier because of all the loud screaming that was going on.

Before I even had a chance to react Emmett and Julian took care of the thing, bouncing on it. When I noticed that the thing was too strong even for Emmett's and Julian's strength combined I went to help them out, requesting David's assistance as well.

Only during the fight I noticed that Emmett's right shoulder was damaged and the numbers of injured was also increasing on the Werewolf side.

We had to finish the rest of them off quickly before they could kill someone or managed to escape.

"We have to hurry up." I barked out.

Nearly all of us were on the last refill of our armour. The last thirty half crazed Vampires that remained in the hangar were a quick kill.

"That's it. The wolves are taking care of what's left outside." I said as I shot my last bullet into the lone standing newborn. Emmett not wanting to be outdone also fired three more bullets into his body

David, Emmett and Julian rushed outside to kill some of the newborns outside while Carlisle and I couldn't be apart from our mates any longer.

All I could see was my Anna lying limp in that dark haired man's arms. It shocked me to my core how pale, lifeless and exhausted she looked like. I saw her lips move a friction of a second before I could hear her shockingly weak heart beat.

In a flash I had her out of his embrace and in my arms. Her body melted into mine and went entirely limp as her breathing swallowed even more and her heart beat was dangerously slow.

I couldn't even comprehend what was going on while I gazed at Anna's pale white face. Fear washed over me, paralyzing me because she looked like and was as still as if she was dead.

I felt a hard slap across my face what straddled me out of my stupor.

"Edward you need to get her out of here. She needs a transfusion." Rose barked at me as she and Emmett were dragging me to my feet.

I nodded dumbly as reason came back to me immediately recalling all the medical training I ever received in my life.

I pressed Anna's unconscious body to my chest while Rose went ahead to prepare the needed equipment for the transfusion. In this moment I was unbelievably grateful for Lethia's foresight to order the two youngest of the Werewolves back to the airport to be ready to deliver medical equipment once the fight was over.