ch 60

Anna's POV:

The last two and a half weeks have been exhilarating to say at least. We spend the majority of our time in the bedroom or the shower and we christened every flat surface in the house and maybe some vertical ones, too.

"What's so funny? You are giggling the whole time." My husband raised an eye brow at me in curiosity and amusement.

"It's just you really have it with that kitchen counter." I couldn't keep the giggles in.

It had just the right heights. He loved to lifted me on it so he could comfortably stand between my legs, his hardness pressed against my heat, while I had my thighs wrapped around his waist as we were drowning in our kisses….

"It's the first time I have a use for it."

"Yeah, see your point." More giggles escaped my lips as the pleasurable memories rushed through my mind.

"You know you are giggling way too much." My husband warned before he suddenly hovered over me capturing my lips.

"Hmm….this is wonderful." I breathed as we broke our kiss.

"I know."

I took a deep breath and suddenly memories of what happened after the honeymoon in Breaking Dawn ended invaded my mind, being most unwelcome.

I looked out gazing at the silver/blue sparkling ocean as it peacefully swayed with the pace of the wind while the warm breeze brushed over my skin whereas Edward was stroking my back in lazy circular patterns as we lay on a blanket on the beach.

My head rested on his shoulder what allowed me to feel his chest rising and falling with every intake of air that filled his lungs. My body was lying on the side while I couldn't rid myself of the unbidden thoughts.

About the little child I would never have.

About the little miracle I was not able to give to Edward and our family.

Those thoughts had been invading my mind every now and then ever since I got to know that I was in transition but until now I had been able to avoid them successfully.

To be honest I wasn't even quite sure if a Vampire could really father a child or if Stephenie Meyer or the person who was editing the books and so also involved in the creative process made that up or only parts of it but I was too afraid to disappoint the others to take a look into the matter.

Ever since I arrived back in the Twilight universe I didn't have my period, granted my red wave had never been what I could call punctual but a year of absence…

I found myself wondering often before the wedding if I should have cut the case of the possibility of getting pregnant but then I would ask myself why I should inform them about something, about a maybe existing opportunity if it wasn't an option for us, for me.

It would only hurt them, it would hurt Edward. He would blame himself because his venom was inside of me. It was twisted to see it this way but that was just my Edward.

I didn't like it to keep secrets from him but this would be a burden that he would not carry with me. Luckily no one ever talked about children and I was certainly not the one to begin with this dreaded topic.

I hoped and prayed that the knowledge of human/Vampire hybrids would be burned away by the flames of my transformation.

I felt guilty for having decided to keep it secret and for not being able to receive Edward's child if that was even possible.

Looking up at his blissful expression I knew that it was a good choice to keep quiet, not the right one but a good one.

Doing so was at some point a breach of trust between us but I was too afraid to see the pain, anguish, sadness and blame in his beautiful golden pools to be able to let a word of this leave my lips.

I was not perfect only human and in this case where I found myself between a rock and a hard place I decided to be a coward and run from the confrontation.

This was something I would have to live with.

Pushing those unpleasant thought into the back of my mind I enjoyed lying in my husband's arms as we relaxed on the beach. The sky was a little overcastted big, white, fluffy clouds were hiding the sun.

The mild wind that played with my hair pushed the clouds that were hiding the sun away and the sunbeams fell on the ground beneath.

As the sunlight hit Edward's nearly naked body, he sparkled like diamonds, sending facets of colourful light off in hundreds of different directions.

I took his hand in mine and lifted them both into the sun. His hand sparkled like the rest of his body while mine was shimmering.

I couldn't really explain how this looked like but I would compare it to a Moon stone. My skin had a luminescence about it when met with sunbeams. I rather liked it.

I always saw the sparkling as the beauty of his, their, our inhuman side. I knew it wasn't the same for him.

"Beautiful." Edward breathed and brought our hands to his lips before kissing the back of my hand.

"And this doesn't bother you?" I asked him with a smile in my voice.

"Are you turning my own words against me now?" He laughed out.

"And are you trying to skip the answer?"

He smiled at me until his smile faded and he became serious, looking deeply into my eyes before closing them and taking a deep breath.

"I always saw this sparkling, as you like to call it, as evidence of the monster that I thought I was. The sun always reminded me that I belong into the shadows. That I am a creature of the darkness."

"And now."

The corners of his mouth twitched into a gorgeous half smile while I was transfixed by his butterscotch pools.

"Now, that I have found the light to banish the darkness it doesn't bother me so much anymore and actually I must admit that I really like the shimmer of your skin. I can see why you think my sparkling is beautiful, now."

I reached out with my free hand and stroked his face lovingly.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He covered my lips with his for a short soft kiss.

"Actually I was going to ask you: how was your bachelor party?" I smirked as he groaned.

"As if you didn't know," he covered his eyes with his arm, not wanting to remember.

"Were you at least having a nice bachelorette party?"

"Ah….yes…it was nice." I couldn't hide my smile and the giggles.

"What?" He was immediately alarmed.

"Nothing." I laughed quietly.

"I don't believe you for a second. What was that nothing?" He sat up and looked with a serious gaze at me.

"Hmm…..let me think?" I could see it in his narrowed pools that he was calculating, thinking about the possibilities.

"Maybe that nothing had been…." Edward looked pointed at me.

"Four strippers." I whispered.

The look on my husbands face was priceless before it was turning more and more murderous.

"Hey, you also had strippers on your bachelor party don't go all double standards on me." I warned.

That snapped him out of his murderous stare.


"Yes." He knew better then to get himself into the dog house by saying something wrong and stupid, well by my standards, but would he manage to remember it in this moment?

Edward opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water.

"How far did it go?" He asked hesitantly after a few moments.

"They only danced and stripped and one of them took my hand cuffed hands and run then down his chest once but that was it. No other contacts made."

"Hand cuffed?"

"They were masqueraded as police officers." I shrugged.

"Tanya and her sisters." He shook his head a little upset.

"Who else?"

Edward looked intensely at me while his eyes were becoming darker before turning completely black but it wasn't thirst what made them dark.

Before I knew it his lips were on mine and he was pushing me down on the big blanket on the pale golden coloured beach.

"Mine." Edward growled against my lips before kissing down my jaw line and attacking my neck.

I didn't even know when it happened but only as he pulled my right peak between his lips I noticed that my bikini top was gone.

I moaned and arched my back as he swirled his cool tongue around my delicate flesh.

"Mine." He growled again against my skin, letting his cool breath wash over my body, causing goose bumps to arise.

"Yours. Always and only yours." I assured huskily.

His fingers were toying with other peak and I felt how the moisture was drenching my bikini panties.

Edward must have noticed too as he began to leave a trail of cool kisses down my torso along my belly until he reached the hem of my panties.

Sitting up at his heels he slowly pulled my panties down my legs while looking hungrily at me.

"So wet for me already?" He smirked satisfied.

"Always for you." I was able to replay before he took a deep breath, growled and buried his head between my legs.

As his cold tongue made contact with my overheated centre I gasped out loud at the sensation. My breath hitched whereas he kissed, nibbled and licked my sensitive skin. I panted his name as if it were a prayer.

What he has been doing to me with his tongue was tremendous and shook through my entire body. Soon I wasn't able to take it anymore.


"Yes, cum for me." I heard him chuckle against my centre and the vibrations send me over the edge.

I screamed his name, incoherently, as my orgasm was shaking through my body. I rode it out while Edward liked off every single drop of my moisture.

Still overwhelmed by my orgasm, I breathed heavily, as my husband sealed my lips with his. I could taste myself on his tongue, what made me moan again.

He tongue explored my mouth as I felt his hardness touch my heat, making him hiss at the contact and me gasp.

"I can't hold back anymore." He breathed out huskily and breathlessly.

"Then don't." I replayed equally breathless.

Edward growled as he slowly pushed himself into my wetness. We both groaned blissfully at the intensity of our joining. I loved it to feel him inside me. Nothing ever felt so right as the both of us being joined together.

"God, I love it to be inside you. This is where I belong! Always have and always will!" He rasped out before he opened his eyes again and looked at me with utter adoration shining in his darkened golden pools.

His lips made mine prisoner to his as he started to slowly move out of me before he let himself slid back in again. My hips began to roll with his every thrust.

We both moaned and panted as he increased the rhythm going faster and harder. His lips found my neck sucking on my skin there marking me his.

His forehead was on the side of my neck while his hips slammed more rapidly, but still careful, into me.

I gripped the blanket beneath me as I could feel the pleasure in the pit of my stomach building. It was a warm feeling that grew hotter with his every move until it built a ball of fire that was about to explode.


"I know….love…me too."

A few more strokes and my orgasm exploded strongly within me, consuming my being entirely. My walls rhythmically clenched around him and he roared my name as he came inside me a few strokes later.

We were both a shaking mess of tangled limps after we rode our orgasms out. Edward was still hovering over me. His trembling hands held most of his weight of me while his cool breath panted against the side of my neck.

We were still one and no one of us made any move to change anything about that situation. I smiled as I felt him inside me while he let some of his weight press down on me. It was heavenly to have him this close.

"You are beautiful Mrs. Cullen." He breathed against my throat after he recovered slightly.

Edward lifted his head up to be able to look at me. Love and care was reflecting in his golden pools before he bowed his head down to place a tiny kiss on the tip of my nose.

I was too breathless to give him a respond instead I locked my arms around his neck, pulled him down to me and covered my lips with his.

Edward's POV:

"Do you have everything?" My love asked while she was going through the house to make sure we didn't forget anything.

"Yes, I packed everything."

"Good and the place is also cleaned guess we are ready to go home."

"You know they have people to clean it. I still don't understand why you had to clean up." I laughed and shook my head, suddenly feeling sad to leave this place.

My lovely wife just gave me a look before she sighed wistfully.

"I must admit I will miss this place the last three weeks been….."

"I know." My love smiled at me whereas her beautiful hazel pools sparkled with love and life.

My smile fell a little when I realized just how much I would miss that brilliant hazel once it would be replaced with the same gold that I owned.

My love ambled right into my arms and I pulled her as close to my body as I could.

"We can come back here, anytime." I whispered into her hair.

I took a deep breath and inhaled a lung full of the scent of her exotic smelling shampoo that was mixed with her own unique and intoxicating scent. I relished the combination and hummed in pleasure.

"That would be nice." My wife sighed contently against my chest.

"As much as I would like to stay longer here we have to go so the sun doesn't catch us, my love."

"You are right." Anna nodded against me before she suddenly looked up at me with pleading eyes and a cute pout on her sweet lips.

"Can I drive the boat again?"

"You are a little adrenaline junky aren't you?" I laughed.

"Then we are a perfect match don't you think?" She smiled cheeky.

"We are a perfect match." I confirmed seriously. She gave me a brilliant smile which I kissed greedily and we made to leave.


"This is awesome." My love squealed while we were cutting through the water.

I was standing behind her having a firm grip on her waist while she was steering the boat. The first time she had driven the speed boat was as we went for a sight seeing trip to Puerto Princesa.

"Do you….ah…I mean do we actually own a speed boat?"

It still wasn't perfect but she was learning that everything that was mine was hers now, it had been from the moment on I fell in love with her.

"Yes, Jasper bought one about two years ago though I'm not quite sure in which port it is right now. We'll have to ask him but you only get to drive it after you are turned."

"Bossy much?" My love mockingly warned.

"Speed boats are too dangerous for someone who is inexperienced." I tried to argue.

"Calm down, I know I wouldn't try to drive one as a human I'm not that crazy besides I have only a week or so left." My love rolled her eyes at me.


"A bed! There is a bed!" My love raised an eye brow at me after we entered the private Jet that I had booked from "Blue Star Jets" and she discovered the huge king size bed.

"Care to explain." Anna had an amused expression on her face.

A devilish grin spread across my face as I took her into my arms and brought my lips to the shell of her ear.

"Well I was thinking that we should use the opportunity to join the miles high club." I purred seductively at her, letting my cool breath sweep across her skin what caused her to inhale deeply and shiver in response.

I loved each and every the reaction I could tickle out of her body.

"Mmm…..and you have been thinking about that idea for how long exactly?" She mused with an alluring smile on her lips.

"When we were on the flight to our honeymoon. When I had you in my arms I thought about it but since I didn't know how it would be to sleep with you, I thought it might not be the best idea but now….."

"You wanna give Emmett a run for his money?"

"Mmm….I do remember you telling Emmett that I outshine him in a certain department." I tighten my grip on her.

"When is the take off?" My love asked while her eyes sparkled and she bit her bottom lip in anticipation.

After successfully joining the miles high club, three times I might add, we arrived at the airport in Alaska. We haven't even touched the grounds and I could already hear the thoughts of Alice and Esme who came to fetch us up.


I heard the shower running and every single water drop as it hit her flawless, soft skin. She insisted on a shower after she had come back from her run. Every since my venom worked inside her body she liked to take a run in the forest every now and then for an hour or two.

I didn't really have a problem with that but I didn't like it that she was insisting on going alone, without me, though I understood the need for a moment to oneself with no one around to hear what you are up.

Privacy was something that didn't exist in a house full of Vampires after all.

We have been at home in Alaska for about a week and in a few hours I would sink my teeth in the delicate flesh of my wife.

Carlisle came up with the idea of injecting my venom with the help of a shot but Anna insisted on carrying my scar. As she confessed this to me I was shocked at first but something primeval and extremely possessive inside of me was very fond of that idea of her carrying my mark on her delicate skin.

I was equally excited and scared out of my mind about what I was going to do. I knew that I was strong enough not to drain her and Carlisle and the others would be there as well but the uncertainness was twisting my stomach.

Alice couldn't tell if she would remember me or not. I was terrified of the idea that when she woke up she wouldn't know who I am. I was painful to think about the possibility that she might forget what we have. What we mean to each other. That she wouldn't love me anymore.

I knew that the last thought was ridiculous. I shouldn't question her love for me, not after everything that happened. But still the thought that she could shy away from my touch was unbearable.

It was making me sick to my very core to think about the pain I was going to inflict on her in a few hours.

This was the last time I would have her in my arms while she still possessed a beating heart, a pulse and a warm body. Of course to me she still will be warm it just wouldn't be the same warmth anymore.

I would miss her hazel depths and her blush. I would miss the rosy flush that overtook her body after I brought her to the highest of pleasures.

As much as would miss all those little traces of her I couldn't wait for the things we would gain.

Being able to really show her how much I loved her without having to hold back.

Being able to race with her through the forest.

Being able to spend the rest of eternity with the love of my life.

"Are you alright?" My love asked concerned as she came out of the shower in nothing but a towel while I was sitting on our bed still naked from last night activities.

A smile graced my lips. She was the one who was going to go through the fires of hell and still she was concerned about me.

"Not really but I will be in three days, I hope." I smiled weakly at her.

"If I should lose my memories we have the videos and the diary." My wife was trying to comfort me while I should have been the one to comfort her.

"Love what are you thinking?" I looked intensely into her eyes pleading for the truth and not something appease me.

"I wonder how much it will hurt. I mean I do have an idea but still." She was thoughtful.

"I wish I could take over the pain for you." If there only would be a way.

"That's sweet but I'll mange and now we should do something else then talking." My love announced before straddling my waist.

Sitting down on me her hot wetness brushed over my member making me instantly hard. I groaned at the sensation of her sitting on the top of me rocking gently up and down.

"Love….." I managed to get out before a moan escaped my lips.

My wife lifted herself of me a little, grabbed my length and positioned it over her entrance. She brushed my hardness over her entrance and her firm nub a few times, teasing us both.

My hardness twitched and jerked in her hand at the contact and was throbbing painfully because of the denied access.

"Love please." I begged her.

She stilled her hips. Her thumb ran over my head once tickling a throaty groan out of me before she lowered herself on me taking me deep inside her. We both gasped out loud when I was finally buried deeply within her.

I was basking in the bliss of being inside her as I noticed her gazing on me. My eyes fixed on her burning gaze and I saw that she wanted to say something.

"Will this ever stop?"

"Will what stop love?" I asked not understanding.

"How much I want you pretty much all of the time?"

A huge grin plastering itself on my face at her words though I did believe she had no idea how much I really wanted her.

"I mean before our first time I told myself that we needed to wait until the wedding. I was repeating it like a mantra in my head and I somehow was able to deal with the need, the craving but now I want you all of the time. And it is never enough. Not even close." She tried to explain while she wore a frustrated frown on her beautiful face.

"I know exactly how you feel love but when you become a Vampire this lust, need, will only increase."

It was pure agony not to have my hands on her. The days to the wedding been torture and now I want her all the time in all ways imaginable, more then I every though I would want anything in my life.

"….and it is normal to feel that way. That's how Vampires feel about their mates. The desire, the need, the craving is natural. It does take me a nearly unbearable deal of self-control not to jump you every second of a day, my love."

At my words her walls clenched around me, making me hiss in pleasure, my head fell back into the pillow.

"Love I don't think we will leave this cottage much after your chance for a long while."

"I only hope we will not destroy it. Esme and the others put so much work into it, a little house just for the two of us."

"You know they did that to get rid of us." I laughed.

"A freshly married Vampire couple is something to be avoided. I know that."

"Really." I raised an eye brow at her and in this moment she moved. The air escaped my throat shakily.

"I like riding you." My love moaned, speeding up the rhythm. I put my hands on her hips to guide her and to increase her pace.

"Mmm…." Language of any kind was lost on me in that moment.


"Son, are you ready for this?" Carlisle asked me as we were back in the main house.

It would be easier to handle Anna in the huge main house if she should get out of control once she woke up then in the small cottage.

"How could I ever be ready to send the love of my life to hell and back?" I snapped at him.

"I'm sorry I didn't want to snap at you it's just…"

"I know son." Carlisle put his hand on my shoulder and smiled warmly at me in understanding and compassion.

"The girls will be here any minute." Carlisle said while I sat down on the bed.

My wife, my mother and my sisters were all in Alice's bathroom. Alice had bought Anna comfortable clothes for the change and they were giving me a moment to prepare myself.

"It will be alright son have faith." I smiled weakly at him.

"I already said goodbye to Anna and I'm here to wish you all the best. It's going to be alright Edward." Jasper said as he entered the room.

My love insisted that he left as long as she was turning and spent the three days at our cottage. She didn't want him to suffer along with her.

Jasper send out a wave of calm and faith at me making me feel a little bit better.

"Thanks." I muttered softly lost in thought about what was to happen in a few moments.

"O.K. we are ready!" Alice chirped happily as they entered the room.

Jasper nodded at me and my love before leaving the house.

My wife stood before me in white hot pants and a pink sport bra. The fabrics were soft and comfortable and the minimal fabrics on her body wouldn't bother her as much during the change.

My love came to sit down next to me, our family felt the room giving us a little privacy before it started.

"You look tired." My Anna stated as she cradled my face and brushed her thumb under my left eye.

I clasped my hand over hers. My face was leaning in into her warm touch as I locked my arms around her soft body, relishing her human softness for the last time. A whirlwind of emotions was raging inside me while I listened to the beautiful melody of her heart that soon would play it's last note.

I pulled back and crushed my lips against hers, hard, desperate, needing, craving, reassuring. I felt her arms sneaking around my neck as she pulled me close to her. Our kiss was turning more and more passionate but also desperate.

Breaking away we both were breathing heavily while our foreheads touched together.

"I need you. I can't lose you." The gut wrenching fear shook my voice.

"You won't. No matter what I will happen I will always come back to you. Time. Space. And. Death couldn't stop me this won't either." Her voice firm and sure while her eyes were burning with determination.

I took a deep breath, nodded and kissed her heard again until I stole her breath away and had to give her the opportunity to breath. Anna was smiling at me while I gathered myself. Her delicate fingers were roaming through my hair in an attempt to relax me.

It helped a little and I couldn't stop myself from lifting my hand and brushing my thumb across her swollen lips, smiling back at her.

"Are you ready?" She asked me.

I swallowed hard and nodded because I didn't trust my voice.

My love positioned herself in the centre of the bed and I moved to lay down beside her. My lips touched her temple while my hand tenderly brushed over the bare skin of her belly what made her giggle.

Even in a time like this my body betrayed me. My mind was worried for the life of my wife while my body only wanted to ravage her.

"Is something wrong? You zoned out there," my love noticed.

"It's just even though I'm worried about you, part of me can't wait for you to become a Vampire so I can finally take you how never could before." I quipped though it didn't sound as funny and light as I hoped.

Anna bit her bottom lip and her eyes sparkled with mischief. I became bold so leaned into her and whispered into her ear.

"To spoil you rotten for the rest of time." Before I caught her earlobe between my lips.

Anna giggled, pulled her head away from me and captured my lips for a lazy kiss. Breaking the kiss I placed my forehead on hers and sighed. The relaxed, playful atmosphere from a second was ago completely gone now.

"I love you forever and always. Come what may!" My love breathed.

"As I love you." I choked out in a teary voice.

Even now she was so strong and positive, things I been lacking greatly. I wasn't. I wasn't strong it was her.

Her strength that let me overcome my weaknesses.

Her strength that let me overcome my past.

Her strength that let me overcome my self-loathing and self-hatred.

Her strength that let me overcome my darkness.

Her strength that let me find love and forgiveness, for myself and my past.

She was my soul. Because of her I had a soul. I couldn't lose her. I wanted her to become a Vampire because I couldn't lose her and a human life wasn't enough, not that we had more then a few weeks with her current condition anyway.

"I think we are all set."

"You think?" I murmured while I brushed my fingertips over her exposed, silky skin.

"I would say. Alice took me to marathon shopping and now I have more clothes that I will be able to wear before they are out of season and Miss Pixie will see to it that they are eliminated out of my closet."

I couldn't help but chuckle at that.

"Honestly this time even Esme and Rose looked exhausted." She pouted adorably at me crossing her arms over her chest while a soft smile was lifting the corners of her mouth.

"I wonder if we would be able to survive Alice if we were human?"

She gave me a look that said: "Are you nuts? Huh….that'll be a NO!"

I chuckled again as I nuzzled my face in her neck.

"I'm ready." Her soft voice announced the countdown.

About seventy two hours to go.

I pulled away to be able to look into her face and nodded seeing in her eyes that she indeed was ready for this. I took a deep breath before I placed myself above her. My mouth hovered over hers for a few seconds before my lips for one last time touched her human ones.

Licking along her bottom lip she parted her lips immediately and one last time I tasted her still human taste.

It was painful to break away from her soft, warm, delicious lips and I sighed deeply before I left a trail of kisses along her jaw line and went down her neck.

My lips brushed over her sensitive spot. My tongue swept over her pulse point feeling her blood rushing through her veins before I kissed that spot as well.

I lifted my head up and stroked through her hair while I watched her calm and peaceful expression. I needed to be absolutely sure she wanted this.

"I love you." I told her one more time before I stole a kiss from her sweet lips.

"I love you too," she smiled at me.

I nodded, swallowed hard and brought my mouth to her neck. Taking a deep breath I opened my mouth, guided my teeth to her flesh until I felt her skin underneath them and I bit down. My teeth easily tore her delicate flesh and I noticed in the back of my mind that Carlisle was in the room at the door.

Her blood pulled into my mouth and I was shocked at how delicious she tasted. My love gasped as I swallowed a mouth full of her life-force before taking another one pull of her blood into my mouth, mixing it with my venom. I forced the mix back into her body and sealed the wound with a sweep of my tongue.

It was done I had bitten her, only this once, since my love already had venom in her system one bite would be enough according to Alice's visions.

"You done well, son," Carlisle murmured quietly from behind me.

I only nodded while I was brushing my fingers through Anna's hair. She was lying still next to me while her eyes were clenched shut.

Just a few moments after I bit her it began. The fire spread inside her body. Her jaw was clenched and her eyes snapped open to look into mine.

I could see the pain rising in those beautiful hazel doe eyes that soon would be blood red.

"I love you….Edward." My wife choked out in a strained voice, cringing against the wave of liquid fire that hit her.

"I love you, too. You are my life." I whispered into her hair as I placed myself next to her pulling her to my cold body in the attempt to help her with the unbearable heat.

I didn't know if the coolness of my body would help her or not but I hoped so. I knew the unbearable pain that she had to endure for three days.

I always thought that burning for three days was the most painful experience in my existence but that was before Anna suddenly disappeared for seven torturous years but seeing her now lying in my arms writhing in agony…I didn't even have words for this misery.

My love was being so brave she tried not to scream. Her lips were pressed into a thin line, only whimpers and moans escaped her periodically.

I knew she was doing this for my sake. She was trying to be strong for me. She was putting me before herself. How I deserved her I had no idea.

"I love you my love and I'm here with you. I will be the whole time." I whispered into her ear.

"When you come back to me we will go running. You always wanted to know how it feels like to go on full speed." I smiled a small smile as I remembered her pouty face.

"You were so adorable when showed you just how fast I could go and you couldn't keep up with me no matter how hard you tried." My beautiful wife loved speed just as much as I did.

"Love, you have to come back to me there is still so much you have to teach me."

Before Anna turned up in my life all I was doing was to get from one hour to the other. I had my family, my music, books and fast cars, I accepted that I would be always alone and talked myself into being fine with it.

But in truth I was lying to myself I wasn't fine. I wasn't O.K. Only as my Anna walked into my life I began to live.

The clock on the night stand announced that ten torturous hours past by. A small cry fell from here lips while her body was shaking with pain in my arms. I hated the fact that I couldn't take hat pain away from her. It was painful not being able to help her.

She was sweating and her breaths were short and shallow. I talked to her since my voice seemed to calm her down a little.

I wanted her to know that I was with her all the time.

Somewhere along the second day Alice made me change her out of her stained sport bra into a top, because I wouldn't let her do it. The little blood on the bra would make her very uncomfortable when she woke up.

All our family members, minus Jasper, were coming in to check on her and me in a steady rhythm. Sometimes they would also talk to her, sometimes only offer me their support.

Alice was racing between Jasper and us. Jasper did offer his help to my love but she declined. She knew how much pain he had to go through while being in Maria's army, because of the newborns he created and didn't want to do this to him.

The hours on the third day were the worst. They just didn't want to go by. My love had my body temperature now and her skin was as pale as mine.

I could clearly see the change. Her face was beyond perfection. Her leashes got thicker and darker. Her eyes were a little bigger as well. Her features were a mix out of sharp and soft.

Her face looked like the one of a teenager, a young women, but also had the schema of childlike characteristics. She was an unknown beauty to man kind and Vampire kind alike.

Gazing at her ruby red mouth the thought of Disney's Snow White shot through my mind. Pale skin, full red lips and dark, silky, lush locks that framed her perfect features Rosalie was really getting a run for her money.

I felt her body next to mine become more slender and firmer.

When I heard her heart rate speed up I knew it was time.

"It'll be over soon." Carlisle said as he came back into Anna's and mine bedroom.

I was not in condition to say anything I only put my head on her chest to hear her last heart beats before the heart that had been beating for both of us would take it's last beat.

Her heart was racing as she endured the final pain of the turning and then there was…nothing.

Absolute silence.

I waited painful seconds but my love didn't move in my arms.

Panic was shooting through me as she didn't move or breathed.

"Don't worry just give her some time to adjust to her new body and her new senses. She had a taste of it before but now she is better and stronger." Alice chirped as she and Jasper entered the room.

Suddenly my love took a deep breath and with a start her beautiful ruby eyes shot open. Utter relief washed over me.

In the next moment she was across the room at the wall in a defensive half crouch. She was looking franticly at all of the people in the room.

Gauging every single one of our family members. First Carlisle who was standing protectively in front of Esme, then Emmett who did the same with Rose and then Jasper who mirrored Carlisle and Emmett with Alice.

No one talked or moved to give her time to adjust and see that we weren't a threat to her. Then her eye finally fell on me again. A lump built in my throat and the "what ifs" nagged at me again: What if she really had forgotten about us?

What if she didn't know who I was anymore?

I was a wreck in that moment.

Despite my worries my mind didn't fail to notice how stunning she looked. My love wore only very little fabrics on that perfect body of hers.

Hot pants and a short tank top, allowed me a good look at her body which was slim but her frame still had delicious, feminine curves. Her muscles were toned but feminine.

Through the fabrics of her top I could see the shape of her breasts. They were firmer and rounder but still the same wonderful size.

Her abdomen was absolutely flat but now seemed stronger with some slight muscles. Her narrow waist led into her perfectly curved hips.

Her legs were in perfect proportion to the rest of her body. Her skin was pale, creamy and flawless.

And when I looked into her brilliant ruby eyes again it nearly knocked me off my feet. She was truly the most beautiful, stunning, gorgeous creature I had ever seen.

There was no match for her beauty and perfection in this world and there would never be.

As much as I was captured by the physical beauty of my wife the fear didn't leave me for a second.

Painful seconds flew by before she slowly straighten up and looked curiously at me. A little sparkle of hope shot through me.

Hesitantly she took a step towards me. Jasper was immediately alarmed but I hissed at him not to move, he complied though wasn't happy with it.

In an instant she crossed the room standing in front of me. My love bit her bottom lip and carefully and hesitantly placed her hand on my cheek.

I leaned in into her touch. The same electric current was still flowing between us. I sighed in relief and contentment.

"Edward." My name fell form her lips, her voice sounding like chiming bells, while her lips were curved into a shy, brilliant smile.

My tense body relaxed immediately when my name felt her lips and my own brilliant smile spread across my face answering hers.