chapther 3 runing away with secretary

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Robin, I have something to say to you. Whether you believe it or not, once you hear it, you'll face two choices," Rosen began after a moment's thought. While he valued Robin's vast knowledge, he didn't deem it indispensable. Yet, if she harbored intentions to harm him, taking her along would be impossible.

Rosen desired to leave Alabasta for the New World to strengthen himself. He understood the importance of never appearing weak in this unforgiving world, especially given his identity. If he faltered, pirates would target him, and the Navy might replace him with a stronger warlord.

"So, what does the BOSS have to say?" Robin asked, smiling. "By now, you must have nearly pinpointed the location of the historical document. I may not be of much use to you."

Robin knew well that Crocodile could likely find the historical texts without her; her role would likely only be for translation.

Now openly challenged, did Crocodile still expect her assistance? That had been improbable from the start.

"The historical document in Alabasta details Pluton, not ancient history. It doesn't interest me, and I doubt it interests you," Rosen said, shaking his head.

"Have you already seen it?" Robin asked, her expression a mixture of confusion and disbelief.

Had Crocodile not only found the historical document but also deciphered it? Otherwise, how could he know it contained information on Pluton?

Robin sensed Rosen's certainty from his words. He didn't consider any other possibilities.

"Almost there. Going back to the topic, what I can tell you now is that I am not Crocodile. In fact, I don't have any memories from before today. You could say it's amnesia or a change of identity. I have no interest in Pluton or this country anymore. Right now, all I want is to head to the New World and see what's there."

"Anything about Crocodile's past has nothing to do with me. From today onwards, you can call me Rosen. If you're willing to join me at sea, I know of historical texts on Sky Island, Fish-Man Island, and one involving Big Mom, one of the Four Emperors. Now, there's also one in the Royal Tomb of Alabasta. I can show you all of these."

"If you don't want to come with me, I won't force you to stay. Perhaps joining the Straw Hat Pirates would be a better choice for you, though I'm not entirely sure about that right now." Rosen paused, pondering. If he hadn't been through the battle in the royal tomb after taking over Crocodile's role, would Robin have even recognized Luffy?

It's hard to say. After all, with Rosen here, the course of events has completely changed. While the plot may have a certain inertia, reality is different. What has happened, hasn't happened. That's for sure. Knowing Robin's character, trusting others isn't easy for her.

In the original storyline, Robin stayed temporarily on the Straw Hats' ship because she had nowhere else to go. Later, she was moved by the crew's kindness, but that story arc is now gone, and all that remains is the present reality.

Unless Rosen is willing to accompany Luffy and follow the exact storyline, which seems unlikely, this moment requires practical choices. Can people still stay in the city? Even if there was a subordinate rescue mission in the original minor plot, will it play out the same way now? The risks are too high, and Rosen has to prioritize his own safety.

At this moment, Robin felt worn out from years of running; otherwise, she wouldn't have considered being trapped in the tomb. Frankly, Rosen didn't want to see Robin, a girl who had endured so much darkness, suffer any more. While he understood she still posed a danger, he believed the potential benefits outweighed the risks, so he decided to take her with him.

Rosen painted an alluring picture for Robin.

"Sky Island, Fish-Man Island, the Four Emperors…" Each name he mentioned sparked excitement in Robin's eyes.

"Yes, those are places I'm eager to explore," Rosen continued. "But I'm especially interested in uncovering hidden history. If you find information about ancient weapons, you don't have to share it with me." Rosen's voice softened. He knew Robin wouldn't easily reveal details about ancient weapons.

"Why?" Robin couldn't grasp this entirely changed Crocodile before her. The Crocodile she knew was known for his arrogance, extreme self-centeredness, and rebellious nature. Defying him often had serious consequences.

Beneath his usual arrogance, Crocodile had always shown strategic insight and a certain heroic flair. Yet here he was, expressing sentiments that diverged sharply from his usual demeanor.

Nicole Robin couldn't help but wonder if his sudden lack of interest in killing her was a sign of madness. Could he truly be suffering from complete amnesia? If the historical texts he mentioned were indeed abundant and true, why did he still need her? Despite her clear stance that she couldn't assist in interpreting historical records and her emphasis on not needing information about Pluton, why did he insist on keeping her close?

Was he deranged? Robin wrestled with deciphering his true motives for the first time.

After meticulously crafting his image over the years, including performing superficial acts to portray himself as a hero in Alabasta, could he so easily cast it all aside with just a few words?

The sincerity of his intentions could be tested easily. If Crocodile were to leave Alabasta at this crucial moment, it would signify his complete abandonment of affairs in the region.

"You may investigate the royal tomb; it remains unguarded. With your skills and knowledge of its location, searching for historical records there should be well within your capabilities," Rosen reiterated.

"I see, but are you really letting me go just like that?" Robin's words carried a hint of disbelief. In truth, her question masked her agreement to follow Rosen's lead. She wouldn't have disclosed her knowledge of the royal tomb if she hadn't intended to comply with his wishes.

Despite her reservations, if Rosen's assertions proved accurate, refusing this opportunity would be difficult.

"Of course, you are free to leave whenever you wish. Before that, however, I need your help in contacting MR.1. Please arrange for him to meet with me and oversee preparations for our upcoming voyage. These tasks shouldn't pose any difficulty for you," Rosen stated after careful consideration.

Rosen refrained from holding Robin accountable for her previous attempts on Crocodile's life. Her target had been Crocodile, not him. Now that she knew he wasn't Crocodile, any future actions would surely be different.

"It will be done," Robin replied with a faint smile.

Initially considering bringing more Baroque Works cadres, Rosen ultimately decided against it. Apart from MR.1, whose loyalty and combat skills he respected, other high-ranking agents lacked the necessary qualities. While some were loyal, Rosen deemed their capabilities limited and saw no need to involve them.

For the construction of their vessel and selection of crew, Rosen entrusted Robin with consolidating Baroque Works Group's resources to build an improved boat. He also asked her if she knew of suitable boatmen.

Operating under the assumption that Robin had agreed to accompany him, Rosen's decisions reflected this alignment. Despite Robin's positive view of the Straw Hat Pirates, the allure of the historical texts mentioned by Crocodile proved too enticing to ignore.

"Should we consider recruiting senior agents?" Robin asked, seeking Rosen's opinion.

Rosen considered briefly before replying, "No, most of them lack integrity. I don't have the time to reform their ideologies, nor do I wish to constantly oversee them in the future. Besides, they lack the necessary strength. Let's enlist a few ordinary crew members instead. Actually, wait, let's summon MR.5. Despite his unconventional abilities, they may serve to validate certain concepts..." Rosen explained after careful consideration.

Initially reluctant, Rosen reconsidered upon hearing favorable reviews about the explosive fruit's effectiveness. While acknowledging its potential, he believed its previous user had been wasteful.

Confident that his leadership could bring about positive progress, Rosen understood the importance of having followers who could fulfill complementary roles. As a warlord , he couldn't bear all responsibilities alone without it becoming burdensome.

"Understood, BOSS," Robin affirmed, signaling her readiness to promptly handle the assigned tasks.