My phone kept vibrating throughout the meeting, but I couldn't afford to get distracted and get on my mom's nerves so I had to wait, I unlocked my phone immediately after the meeting to see series of messages from Leonard and I immediately put a call through.

"Boss, Bella was here, she gave something to Mrs Walsh and she's been trying to get out of the estate with a box.."

I don't have to wait till he spill everything before I get on my way immediately, Bella could be a bitch, when I got to the estate gate, Mie was yelling at the security to let her through, she's so furious that she's shaking, I move closer to her just to snatch the box away from her but she flinches, that hurts, I would never hurt her like that, not intentionally I mean

" Give that back, my ride would be here anytime from now "

She's pretty when she's mad but I don't like that she's mad at me

" where are you going in such…" she snears at me "anywhere but here, away from you, manipulative asshole"

I got taken aback with her outburst, Mie reaction after Bella's visit could only mean one thing

" can I have a minute with you ?"

She ignores me and tries to wrestle the box handle out of my hand, so I snatch her wrists and carry her inside in bridal style while she yelll and bite.

"Put me down, you manipulative asshole, you're worse than I ever imagined, why would you lie about your inheritance to get me…"

I drop her gently to the floor and she pushes away from me, she walks towards the sofa to pick up the envelope then trow it at me

" you lied about everything "

Of course I lied, and I don't even feel bad about it because my lies earned me a wife, a woman I've always wanted

"Would you believe me if I told you I've always been obsessed with you before you noticed me at all? Would you even look at me, would you let me have you?"

She steps away from me in shock

"Would you believe me if I told you how I've stalked you for four consecutive years, how I watch you sleep every fucking night? Would you let me have you to my self?"

She opens her pretty mouth

"you stalked me? You watched me sleep, you were in my room? I could have you prosecuted for that!"

She throws her purse at me, but it misses

"Don't throw things at me!" She snears " don't come near me then, I don't have any reason to be here, you lied about everything, you took advantage of…"

Now, those words trigger me because she's lying through her fucking teeth

"Don't like act you didn't want me or anything, I know you touch yourself with my name on your lips while you cum"

Colour drains off her face immediately

"Aiden fucking Walsh!!! Were you spying on me? You stupid pervert"

I got in her face in a second, I move so fast, like lightning

"Don't you dare call me that, I've seen you get to that shitty apartment wasted most times, I could have taken advantage of you but I held back, I don't get off rape, I like my woman willing, and why will I take advantage of you when women would kill to have me look at them, just a glance"

She breathes harshly " I didn't ask to be your obsession, I didn't ask for any of this, if you let me go now, I would only file a…"

To think she's planning to leave me makes my blood boil

"If you leave, not like I'm planning to let you, but if you fucking leave, I would hunt you down, I would withdraw all my support from the charities you have me…"

My cheeks vibrate from the aftermath of the assault her hand dished out "how could you threaten me with that, you're evil and wicked if you.."

She has a lot to learn, including never hitting me again because the only abuse I ever allow is in the bedroom, she run upstairs and I chase after her, I catch up with her just in time before she could lock the door,I unhook my belt from my trouser loop to tie it around her wrist

" you know not to fucking hit me"

She screams as I bend her over the bed, I force her jeans off her hip while she twist around to escape from me

"Please, Aiden, don't…"

She bite down on my arm immediately my palm connect with her lush ass, I didn't have to count as I deliver her lessons, she tries so hard so hold her scream as I rain slaps on her ass

"Would you hit me again?"

She bites down so hard on my skin and I slap her ass so hard she jerks back,I hold up her hair to look at the mess I created, tears stained face and a wet pompous lip, I lick the tears off her face while she tries to get away from me

"I hate you"

I know how women minds work, right now, she would say anything to spite me , so I snake my hand down her pussy to proof her wrong and as expected she's wet for me

"You don't really hate me do you?"

I release her hand from the belt and she sprint for the bathroom but I catch up with her

"You don't have to push me every fucking time do you?"

She ignores me as she wash her face, but I stop her from pulling her jeans back

"Let me see"

She tried to get away from me but I'm stronger

"It's sweet how you think you can ever overpower me"

I help her with her jeans, she whimpers while I pull it up over her ass

"Yeah you remember that next time you try to hit me"

She face away from me for some time, she's trying to gather herself

"I'm sorry for hitting you, but would you please let me go, you can send the papers, we don't have to… "

I go down on my knees, letting her know the power she has over me, if she leaves, she would take the colors and happiness with her, I would be miserable

"I would do anything, name it"

She looks at me with disgust

"Obsession isn't healthy, you need a therapist, you don't even love me, and you're obsessed? How…we both know I signed an NDA and I would never disclose this, it's safe to let me go"

I hold on to her thighs then

"You don't understand, I can't breathe, I can't breath mie, if you leave me I would…"

She tries to pry my arm away from her

"Can you be human enough to let me have some time to myself"

Some time could be a year, could be more than

"Some time mie? You can't even look at me"

She breaks down sobbing with her hands over her face

"I didn't ask for you to be obsessed with me, I didn't ask to be noticed and I hate the fact that I still can't hate you after this, I don't want to like you"

She sobs, I could only let her let the hurt out

"I'm not sorry that I lied Mie, because I got you to be my wife, but I'm sorry i that hurt you, I'm a selfish man mie"

She looks down at me with nothing but disgust

"I should hate you "