Chapter 30 Despicable (Part 2)

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Udon, Prisoner Mine

The jailers were frantically waving flags and cheering for Queen at this moment. The Straw Hat Crew was extremely worried about Sanji's situation.

Queen smiled and said, "Orochi-oni, don't you understand? Your current painless attack is of no use to me. As long as you are caught by my weapon, you will be finished!"

Sanji tugged on the Seastone shackles on his hands, gritted his teeth, and said, "Damn it, if only I could get rid of this thing, I could fight freely! That bastard really figured everything out!"

Although the prisoner's handcuffs are only low-purity Seastone and Sanji has no abilities that can be used, there are still limitations on his body after all, and those extremely explosive moves cannot be used. He is now like a tiger with its teeth pulled out and claws cut off and can only fight with brute strength.

"We have no choice but to get up!" Sanji squatted down and jumped into the air instantly.

"Sky Walk!"

The extremely skillful Geppo was deployed, causing Sanji's body to turn into afterimages and appear in all directions, quickly approaching the opponent.

Queen still sneered: "You bastard, let me catch you, and you will suffer the same consequences!"

Queen looked carefully, and the weapon in his left hand instantly grabbed Sanji in front of him, but the afterimage disappeared instantly, and his grasp was in vain.


Sanji's legs and feet had already hit his neck, and his strong legs instantly staggered him.

"Shoulder Shoot!"

"Back Meat Shoot!"

"Shoulder Shoot!"

"Brisket Shoot!"

"Leg Shoot!"

"Cheek Shoot!"

"Rib Shoot!"

"Loin Shoot!"

"Belly Shoot!"

"Tail Shoot!"


With his extremely fast body skills, Sanji provided an exclusive kicking package for the opponent. Everyone in the audience only saw the way Queen was being beaten but could not clearly see Sanji's moves at all.

Although it seemed that Sanji had taken the initiative to attack, anyone with a discerning eye could see that his attack could not cause any substantial harm other than irritating the opponent, at least not to the thick-skinned Queen.

Brook, who had been watching the battle silently, asked, "Why doesn't Mr. Sanji use Haki? All his attacks are pure physical power!"

At this time, Killer, who was also silent next to him, finally said, "Haki is a power that requires a certain amount of physical and mental strength to use. Black Leg's injury has not healed. After being restrained by Seastone handcuffs, he can now use his power. It's pretty good to have this kind of power!"

Queen, who was being teased, finally got angry. His arms instantly hardened in darkness, attached to Armament Haki. He slammed the ground, sending airwaves and gravel flying layer by layer. The impact immediately pushed the opponent away, and even the audience was shocked. Affected by the shock, the embarrassed jailer and the prisoners quickly distanced themselves.

Sanji, who was thrown away, stepped on the air with his foot and had just regained his balance. Unexpectedly, Queen's left prosthetic leg on the ground suddenly stretched out and launched, instantly pulling him into the air and catching his body.

Queen seemed to be waiting to see his surprised expression and laughed wildly: "Orochi-oni, don't you have a long memory? My prosthetic limbs are modified weapons and can be transformed into ever-changing forms!"

The Straw Hat Crew in the audience was also shocked.

Nami shouted in panic, "Sanji, break free! It's dangerous if he catches you!"

Zoro frowned and said, "It's useless, that guy can't use his strength now!"

As he said, Sanji desperately tried to break free, but the Seastone on the weapon pressed tightly against his body, making his whole body weak and his consciousness a little blurred.

Queen laughed wildly and swung his prosthetic leg to slam the opponent to the ground, causing Sanji to cough up blood again.

"I let you kick before, now try my iron fist package!"

Queen showed a fierce look on his face, and the fat wrist of his right hand was immediately attached with a dark Armament Haki, and he hit the opponent with a heavy punch. Gravel burst out on the stage, and the ground shook violently. Amidst the screams of Nami and others, armed iron fists hit Sanji's fragile body one after another, and blood spattered immediately.

Finally, the Straw Hat Crew couldn't bear it any longer and was about to rush onto the stage. However, when Jinbei wanted to take action, Zoro deliberately held him down and rushed to the sumo ring alone.

Queen glanced over coldly and hit Zoro with a backhand iron fist to the face. Normally, he could catch it without any pressure, but at this moment, he was restrained by Seastone handcuffs, and his physical fitness was not much better than Sanji's. His injuries due to the backlash of the special medicine were always more severe than others, and his body was immediately hit by a missile and hit hard and fell into the waist of the mine.

The indignant Straw Hat Crew was also shocked by this scene, and the calm Jinbei immediately stopped the others. The jailers were cheering crazily for Queen's display of strength. On the contrary, Queen himself was surprised by the current weakness of the Straw Hat Crew, especially since Zoro was in a completely different state from the previous fierce battle with King. After being stunned for a moment, he immediately started laughing even more crazily.

After letting go of Sanji, who was completely broken and unrecognizable, he stood up, lit a cigar again, looked down at the prisoners in the audience, and said proudly, "You have seen it, this is the consequence of disobeying me!"

"Here, you have no hope or dignity at all! If you want to keep your humble life, you must obey me unconditionally! There will be no rest, and you will never stop working for me until you die of exhaustion!"

The jailors cheered Queen's name and supported him off the stage with great reverence. Nami and others immediately rushed to the ring to check on Sanji's condition. Usopp and the others ran to the other side to take care of Zoro. Babanuki and others, who had witnessed all this, were finally relieved at this moment.

Daifugo smiled and said, "As expected of Queen, he is extraordinary when he makes a move! Even the famous Straw Hat Crew in New World was kept in check by him!"

Dobon said at this time, "But if the Straw Hat Crew unlocks the handcuffs or had not eaten SMILE, I'm afraid Queen would also have been in difficulty position!"

The other jailers and Solitaire then looked at him with an indescribable look, making the upright Dobon confused. Babanuki looked at him coldly and said, "I finally understand why Queen always dislikes you! You should be glad that you are a real fighter. If I were a Headliner, you would have been dead!"

At this time, Queen, who had already reached the door of the room, turned back and said loudly, "By the way, bring that woman to my room! From today on, she doesn't have to work, she only needs to serve me!"

Nami, who was hugging Sanji, looked confused, and the Straw Hat members all looked ugly. The jailers who were stunned for a moment then showed ferocious smiles. With Queen's support, they became unscrupulous and rushed to capture her.