Chapter 4: You are right, but


As they approached the bath, seeing the servant about to lead them in separate directions, Dany couldn't help but call out to Viserys.

Viserys turned back. "What's wrong, Daenerys?"

Dany shrank her neck but said nothing.

At this point in time, the "Mother of Dragons" was still just a timid, insecure little girl, very dependent on her brother Viserys, even though he was cruel and abusive towards her.

In the original story, it wasn't until she realized that Viserys had cruelly sold her, and everything was irrevocable, that she began to grow into a strong and confident woman after marrying Khal Drogo.

Viserys roughly understood that Daenerys was anxious and afraid, but the current situation didn't allow him to deeply communicate with her, nor could he immediately correct his attitude towards her.

Right now, Viserys needed Daenerys to remain timid and fearful.

With Daenerys' beauty, if she didn't have the protective guise of timidity and frailty, it would be like a child carrying gold through a bustling market. Even someone as experienced and cunning as Illyrio, upon first seeing Dany, thought of claiming her for himself.

"Don't embarrass me, Daenerys!" Viserys offered no comfort, only a harsh attitude. He said coldly to Dany, "Are you afraid to even bathe? Go with the maid."

So Dany lowered her head and didn't try to say anything more, following the maid to another bathing room.

Viserys, without any mental burden, enjoyed a bath in the luxurious mansion provided by Illyrio. He didn't even refuse the silk clothes offered by the servants.

After bathing and freshening up, eunuchs and maids guided Viserys and Daenerys to the dining room.

Post-bath, Daenerys' beauty was even more evident. However, Viserys maintained his stern attitude towards her, making her timid and gloomy, unable to smile.

Although Daenerys was only thirteen or fourteen, not fully grown, in this world, a girl was considered a woman after her first menstruation.

Viserys didn't want Illyrio to be distracted by beauty and abandon his schemes and intrigues.

In the dining room, Illyrio, now dressed in casual clothes, was already seated and waiting.

Viserys bowed with the Braavosi guest greeting first. "Thank you for your hospitality, Magister Illyrio. Your generosity and etiquette are impressive."

A smile spread across Illyrio's plump face as he tried to correct him, "Your Majesty, there is no need for praise. It's my duty."

"Oh," Viserys' words seemed to get stuck. "When does your feast begin? My sister and I are eagerly looking forward to it."

Dany sat quietly at her seat with her head lowered, feeling very strange. She had seen Viserys flatter nobles before, but hadn't they already addressed each other as king and magister?

The courteous greeting Viserys used was typical among the nobles of the Free Cities at banquets. The reason he seemed to stutter was because Illyrio didn't respond with the customary host's greeting, but Viserys still maintained his composure and skillfully covered the awkwardness.

At least, it appeared that way.

Dany felt a sense of absurdity. She clearly realized that since the lightning strike, Viserys had changed in some way, his behavior becoming increasingly unpredictable.

"In fact, there is no feast, King Viserys," Illyrio said with a serious expression. "Even if there were, it would be a welcome feast for you and Princess Daenerys. I thought we made everything clear in Lys. Your Majesty, did we lie under the witness of the gods?"

"Of course not," Viserys replied with a smile, responding appropriately. "I fully understand your needs, I just hope..." He paused, as if only just realizing what Illyrio had said. He asked in shock, "Wait, did you just say there's no feast?"

Dany quickly glanced up and then lowered her head again. She saw Viserys opposite her, his eyes wide with an exaggerated expression of disbelief.

Illyrio's expression was solemn. "Your Majesty, I need an explanation."

"Oh," Viserys still looked incredulous. He licked his lips, as if they were dry, his emotions clearly unsettled.

"...Oh, by the Seven!" He began to mumble incoherently, as if unable to form proper words. "Magister Illyrio, you mean..." he asked cautiously, "Is that what you mean?" He repeated, "Is that really what you mean?!"

Illyrio tried to discern something from Viserys' exaggerated performance. He narrowed his eyes and stared, "Forgive my boldness, Your Majesty, but what did you think before?"

"Oh, sorry," Viserys instinctively began to respond, "I thought before..."

Then, as if realizing something, he stopped himself and started muttering, "Oh, by the Seven!" to show that he was currently shocked and trying to calm down.

From personal experience, Viserys believed that playing the riddle-maker was very useful in scheming and intrigue. Because for those lies you can't come up with, clever—or self-proclaimed clever—people will fill in the missing parts themselves. You just need to guide them in that direction.

Viserys' current behavior was inconsistent with the information Illyrio had and the conclusions drawn from observing him in recent days, but it somehow seemed to make sense.

Over the years, Viserys and his sister had been drifting between the Free Cities as guests of influential figures, seeking protection and plotting to reclaim their throne. However, the enthusiasm of these powerful people quickly waned. In recent years, the last two Targaryens had often gone hungry and lived in constant fear.

Once Viserys gained the reputation of the "Beggar King," he was treated as a joke by the bigwigs. It was rumored that at banquets, he would often rage at jesters, fools, and serving maids when people called him the "Beggar King," and occasionally he would be thrown out after conflicts with the influential figures. He then had to sell his belongings and go hungry while looking for the next patron.

If he had already come to view this lifestyle as a means of survival, then his behavior in response to Illyrio's invitation in the past few days was just a performance. It was a mutually understood interaction between the bigwigs seeking entertainment and the self-aware jester. Upon arriving here, the attitude Viserys began to display was a willingness to cooperate, like an actor accepting a role to make a living, and then being 'shocked' by Illyrio's 'unexpected' stance.

But was that really the case? Illyrio didn't believe it. At least, Viserys' exaggerated performance wasn't convincing enough for him. He asked, "Your Majesty, do you have any concerns about our previous discussions, or have you had any new thoughts? As you know, I am a businessman by trade, so feel free to speak plainly."

"By the Seven!" Viserys still seemed to be in shock. "Magister Illyrio, let me confirm, you truly wish to pledge your allegiance to me?"

"No," Illyrio narrowed his eyes at Viserys. "Your Majesty, it's to support you. We discussed this before, under the witness of the gods."

"Oh, apologies, support." Viserys seemed to suddenly remember, and quickly became excited, saying eagerly, "You are the most visionary merchant I have ever met." Viserys seemed a bit impatient. "I didn't get a chance to ask before, but how much are you willing to invest in my cause, Magister Illyrio?"

It's laughable to think that, previously, there hadn't been a single concrete promise in the political commitments between Illyrio and Viserys. Illyrio had only said he was willing to provide shelter and support for Viserys' quest to reclaim his throne, with the condition that he would be appointed Master of Coin once Viserys succeeded. Viserys eagerly accepted the invitation to come to Pentos to discuss grand plans with Illyrio.

Illyrio didn't respond immediately. Instead, he looked over at Daenerys, who was sitting at the corner of the dining table with her head down, not saying a word.

Viserys understood what he meant but was indifferent. He impatiently urged, "You can just pretend she isn't here, Magister Illyrio."

"Forgive my boldness, Your Majesty," Illyrio seized the opportunity to steer the conversation, "do you think money alone can restore your kingdom?"

Viserys pretended to think, then answered, "Well, can't it?"

"..." Illyrio paused upon hearing this. This wasn't the answer he was looking for, but that was fine. "From my perspective, money alone won't help you reclaim your throne. Your Majesty, what you need is an army."

Upon hearing this, Viserys became excited. "Yes, an army. Do you have an army to support me?"

Despite his outward excitement, Viserys felt a sudden drop in enthusiasm. The answer came too quickly. Although Illyrio's words were somewhat evasive, they weren't roundabout enough. They were almost too straightforward, leaving many of Viserys' prepared conversational tactics unused.

"I don't have an army, but I know where you can find one," Illyrio said with a face full of fervor. "Your Majesty, have you heard of the Dothraki?"

According to the peace agreement between Pentos and Braavos, the people of Pentos were not allowed to own more than 20 warships, hire mercenaries, make contracts with free companies, or maintain any military force beyond the city guard. Despite having enormous walls, Pentos was still considered the most vulnerable of the Free Cities. For this reason, the magisters of Pentos maintained a friendly relationship with the Dothraki khals, cultivating ties over the years with a series of powerful khals by sending them gifts and gold to ensure that their khalasars stayed east of the natural boundary of the Rhoyne River.

In other words, the commercial city paid tribute to the nomadic tribes for protection.

Now, it seemed that Illyrio, a wealthy merchant from the Free Cities, wanted to act as a political broker, connecting the last Targaryens with the Dothraki khals.

"I've heard a little," Viserys responded.

Illyrio confidently continued, "Your Majesty, you might be able to use the Dothraki to launch an attack on Westeros and reclaim your throne."

Viserys asked, "Are those Dothraki tribes on the plains willing to support me?"

"It's more about borrowing their army, Your Majesty. I am familiar with several powerful Dothraki khals. If you are willing, you might be able to borrow tens of thousands of soldiers," Illyrio painted a grand picture for Viserys, not forgetting to add some enticing details. "Cavalry!"

Unexpectedly, Viserys didn't respond directly to Illyrio's offer. He didn't inquire about the "price" that would need to be paid. Instead, he asked a peculiar question: "Magister, if I may be frank, how much do you know about the continent of Westeros?"

Illyrio was momentarily puzzled. "Huh?"

Viserys gave him a more specific description. "I mean, beyond knowing that the continent is called Westeros and that the current king is Robert Baratheon, do you understand the political situation there?"

At first, Illyrio thought Viserys was mocking him. But seeing Viserys's serious expression made it hard to discern. Assuming the topic was being diverted, Illyrio tried to steer it back. "Well..."

But Viserys didn't give Illyrio the chance to continue guiding the conversation. "Let's assume for the moment that we can borrow the army, Magister Illyrio. Hypothetically, if I were to borrow the troops, how would I transport them to Westeros, and where should they land?"

"Uh," Illyrio wanted to say, "We're discussing borrowing troops. We haven't even secured them yet!"

Viserys continued, "Even if we land, what happens when the fighting starts? Suppose we capture some cities, but the people of Westeros don't recognize the army I bring. Or what if the Dothraki, upon capturing a town, decide to sack it? What am I to do then?"

"..." Illyrio wanted to say, "Aren't these concerns premature? Can we discuss whether we even have troops first?"

But Viserys continued to ramble on, "Even if I do manage to reclaim the throne with the Dothraki's help, what then? What happens to all those troops?"

Seeing that Viserys was about to delve deeper into his concerns, Illyrio hastily interrupted his rambling. "Your Majesty, you are overthinking this. You don't even have an army yet, and these scenarios may never come to pass."

"No, no," Viserys shook his head, speaking with gravity. "These are very serious issues, Magister. The situation in Westeros is a thousand times more complex than one might imagine. Restoring the throne is no easy task. Every day and night, I ponder how to reclaim our homeland and ascend the Iron Throne. Believe me, these are very serious matters."

'So your plan to reclaim the throne revolves around thinking about these issues every day?'

Illyrio was left speechless.


Viserys had more to say, but his stomach growled loudly. He had to sit up straight, pretending to be embarrassed as he apologized, "Sorry, Magister, that was unseemly."

Fortunately, Illyrio didn't want to hear him dwell on those pointless issues any longer. He quickly took over the conversation. "It's my fault for neglecting you. In that case, let's eat first."

Viserys closed his mouth. "As you wish, Magister."

From the looks of it, Illyrio realized that it was impossible to persuade Viserys, who seemed intent on stalling by fixating on irrelevant issues. So, he decided to drop the discussion.

Viserys, on the other hand, felt quite content. His strategy was simple: no matter what Illyrio said, he just had to avoid agreeing to anything.

He had prepared many conversational tactics:

->When discussing plans, focus on specific issues.

-> This strategy might work, but there are such and such problems.

-> You are right, but...

-> This is a good plan, but considering...

-> Hmm, this strategy is excellent, but there are still some details to refine. Perhaps we should think about it more; there must be a better way.

-> If I do this and something like this happens, what should I do?

Such statements.

Until Illyrio figured out what was on Viserys' mind, Viserys could use these tactics to stall whenever Illyrio proposed a plan.

Despite this, it must be said that Illyrio was still somewhat tricky. He didn't fall into the trap of Viserys' wordplay and answered Viserys' practically meaningless questions without getting sidetracked.

Since the main topic couldn't be discussed, the subsequent meal naturally turned into small talk. Viserys didn't hold back on his praise for the various dishes, chatting and laughing with Illyrio while eating continuously, nearly consuming enough for three people by himself.

Of the three at the table, the one who felt the most out of place was naturally Daenerys. She hadn't participated in any of the discussions but could sense that the Viserys at the table was entirely different from before.

In the past, upon hearing such a plan, Viserys would have been willing to trade anything for it.


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