Chapter 21: The Return of Illyrio

"These past twenty days, they haven't mentioned leaving the courtyard or even asked about it?"

Illyrio's plump body leaned back in the main seat of his study as he listened to the report from the steward and Ani. Finally, he began to ask questions.

"Yes, master," the steward replied earnestly.

"You used the word 'routine' in your observations over these days. Tell me, what kind of routine is it?" Illyrio asked.

"It's like this. He sleeps in his bed until noon every day. Before his sister's leg healed completely, he would have lunch and then casually pick a book from the living room cabinet, go to his sister's room, and tell her a story. Usually, after finishing a story, he would leave and then wander around the courtyard with the book, staying there until the sun set. Once his sister's leg healed, he would take her on leisurely walks in the courtyard after lunch, still reading as they walked. Sometimes he would comment on the garden scenery, sometimes he would tell her the story, and other times he would let her read it herself. After dinner, he would lock himself in his room to train with his sword, often for several hours. This has been his daily routine without fail."

Illyrio pondered for a moment before asking, "Hmm, why do you think he's doing all this?"

"I can't be certain of everything, but from his behavior alone, reading seems to be just a cover for his training. He is indeed training himself, and with considerable success," the steward replied.

"His actions could be described as diligent practice, almost like a soldier. He appears to be walking in the courtyard, but he rarely sits down to rest, even wearing out a new pair of shoes. At night, he rigorously practices swordsmanship. Over these days, he has almost transformed. He has gained weight, his steps are steady, his posture straight, and he looks more like a nobleman than when he first arrived."

Illyrio instinctively said, "Are you suggesting that he is quietly training himself to look like a king?"

"Yes, that's how it is," the steward replied, lowering his head. "That's what I believe."

Illyrio was silent for a moment before turning to Annie, who was standing quietly nearby. "What do you think?"

"I feel the same way," Annie replied. "He is almost unrecognizable from when he first arrived. If I were seeing him for the first time now and the master told me he was a nobleman, I would have no doubt about his noble lineage."

Illyrio's expression remained unchanged as he asked in a low voice, "Besides this, is there anything else you've noticed?"

The steward answered, "One night, he burned that dragonbone necklace of his. The silver chain was blackened, but he continues to wear it on his hand. Other than that, there's nothing more to say about Viserys."

Illyrio was silent for a moment, seemingly digesting what he had just heard. After a while, he asked, "What about the girl?"

Annie replied, "The girl is very tight-lipped. She relies heavily on her brother, follows him everywhere, and is timid, paranoid, and utterly submissive to him. She is wary of me, never asking me questions or answering my casual inquiries. She responds to my friendliness with silence, even though she shows interest in what I say. Sometimes she follows Viserys, and if he tells her not to speak, she won't say a word all day."

Illyrio said, "It's Viserys who is wary of us. He doesn't fully trust me, and certainly not you."

"But there is something," Annie said. "The girl doesn't fear heat. Once, the bathwater was freshly brought from the kitchen, and she got into the tub without waiting for the old woman to mix it to a suitable temperature. The water was scalding, but she didn't make a sound or show any discomfort. I secretly arranged for hot water a few times to see if Viserys would do the same, but he always asked for the temperature to be adjusted with cold water."

Illyrio raised an eyebrow, a hint of interest flashing in his eyes. "Intriguing. Keep watching them closely and report any changes. We must understand what they're planning."

The steward and Annie nodded in unison, acknowledging their orders.

Illyrio's expression shifted slightly upon hearing this, his face displaying a contemplative look, though it was unclear what exactly he was thinking. Finally, he muttered vaguely, "Perhaps the Targaryens do indeed possess some mysterious qualities."


"Magister Illyrio, you're finally back!"

Viserys's voice, filled with joy, echoed from outside the dining room before he even appeared. The tone suggested that he had been eagerly awaiting Illyrio, which momentarily left Illyrio speechless, causing him to hold back his prepared opening remarks.

Illyrio looked up to see Viserys enter the dining room first, followed by the steward who had been sent to guide him, and lastly, Daenerys.

Viserys wore an eager smile, taking large strides in an attempt to maintain his dignity while barely concealing his excitement. He quickly crossed the dining room and approached Illyrio, restraining his excitement as he exclaimed, "Magister Illyrio, what news do you bring from your journey to Westeros? Tell me quickly!"

At that moment, Illyrio understood what the steward and Ani had meant when they said Viserys had changed.

Recalling their first meeting, Illyrio thought Viserys had fully earned the title "Beggar King." Back then, he wore filthy, tattered finery, his eyes were dark and sunken, his face pale and gaunt. He was tall and thin, with a somewhat hunched posture and disheveled hair.

He seemed nervous, his hands trembling slightly even as he tried to control them, and his voice would rise to a high pitch when he got excited. His pale lilac eyes held a crazed intensity.

But now, after just over twenty days, the king looked drastically different. His once-pale face had gained some color, his features were clean and well-groomed, and his previously hollow cheeks now had some flesh. His long hair was combed and shone like molten silver.

Though still slender, his straightened posture now filled out his clothes. Illyrio had no doubt that with this healthy, handsome appearance, Viserys could attract many young noblewomen at any aristocratic gathering. The only thing that remained relatively unchanged was the excitement and fervor in his purple eyes, hinting at the madness still lurking within.

'He is indeed training himself to be a king, at least physically.'

When Illyrio returned, he had considered many possibilities, anticipating that this king would collaborate with the Dornish through a marriage alliance. Princess Arianne Martell of Dorne was still unmarried.

Prince Doran had always presented older suitors for her consideration, and while some suitable young men had sought her hand, Doran had refused them all. Now, it seemed clear that the Dornish had promised Princess Arianne to Viserys, waiting for him to return to Westeros and support him in reclaiming the Iron Throne.

Seeing Viserys like this, Illyrio became more convinced that the Dornish and Viserys had been in secret communication beyond Varys's knowledge—even if Varys still remained ambiguous about this matter.

Despite searching through the reports from their little birds in recent years, they still didn't know when the two parties had secretly allied.

But now, with Viserys in his hands, Illyrio needed to quickly ascertain the true plans of this king to effectively plan his next move.

With this in mind, Illyrio nodded slightly, "Your Majesty, please take a seat."

What Illyrio did not know was that, despite the excitement and joy on Viserys's face, he was feeling quite nervous inside.

When he had woken up and gone out at noon, upon hearing the steward say, "The master is waiting in the dining room," he had been so focused on showing his excitement that he hadn't paid attention to anything the steward said after that.


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