The City guard station

The city looked like a mixture of 1800s New York City industrial age architecture and city planning design. A lot of red brick buildings and industrial factories. It seemed like nightfall had arrived quickly the second we road into the city. A lot of people were still out walking in couples dressed in Victorian clothes. There was one big difference between this place and back home. Well two big changes.

One change the majority of locals looked liked horror movie beautiful vampires dressed in refined high class style. They also had that atmosphere energy of danger around them. Though I knew but the scent that came off them they were anything but that. They smelled like fire, wood and sage. The second big difference. I looked around at the taxi cabs that drove by and up at the sky as a young boy flew by with a jet powered steam pack on his back and large goggles on his face.

"What is this place?" I asked shocked by the strange mixture of eras all smashed into each other in fantasy world.

Irons grunted. "Yes. It is a peaceful place isn't it. It didn't use to be like this. A hundred years ago. It was much simpler now when the new Draconian King took over things are a lot different. Welcome to the new Drackescape. This is the port city for the known races of the realm and every other realm traveler that comes to this world. Do you see any elements of your home realm here?" He said.

I nodded and pointed to a taxi that drove by. "Yeah. We have had one of those before. Is it gas power?" I asked.

"Gas?! I no idea what the hell gas is. Not gas. Steam. Most of the city runs on steam and cole energy for the lower classes of the immortal draconian but the high ups use magic. It's much more convenient and handy." He said.

"What the hell is a draconian?" I asked. The name meant something in my old life but here I wasn't so sure what the hell it meant here.

Irons snorted in loud laughter. "That is rich. That is the funniest thing I've heard in a century." He said.

I stared at him. "Huh? A century huh? Your an immortal too. So are you going to tell me what the hell a draconian is." I said.

"The draconian are the strongest race in this realm. They immortal strong savages that are governed by the strongest rules over the weakest and dominants the world. Their skin is the toughest and they enjoy savage violence it is a kin to their nature. They are the rulers of the realm with their king being the strongest being in this realm." Irons said.

I nodded. "So where the hell would that put me, being a were-wolf?" I said.

"Third strongest. Second strongest are the wizards. That would put me above you and no I am no a draconian. I am mage kind." He said.

I nodded. "When we get me to the guards' station will you point me in a direction of where to find the crossroads?" I asked.

Irons shook his head with grim curve to his lips his eyes narrowed as he stared ahead at the traffic around him. "No. I won't. The crossroads doesn't work that way." Irons said as he snapped his reins on the horse and they hurried down a street toward a large beautiful building. "We will soon part ways. If you are meant to find the Crossroads you will find it. That is how it goes. There are two kinds of people that find the Crossroads those that are in need of help, or a strong drink and those looking to be used by the Crossroads to help others. I have never even been to the place in all my a hundred and sixty years of existence." He said.

I pointed ahead to the palace ahead. "What is that place up ahead? Is that were the King here lives?" I said.

Irons started at the question so I had guessed correctly. "Why are we heading to his place first. I thought-" He said.

"How the bloody hell did you know that? You said you have never been here before?!" Irons said now giving me a side eye.

I studied him closely. "Why are you so paranoid. It's obvious that the building is a palace. You don't seem like a church going kind ah guy so I guessed that it just might be his palace. That's interesting. So he set up his palace to be the city guard station. Where does he live in an apartment in top floor?" I said.

Irons smiled. "Your half wrong. He spends most of his vacation time in his town house with his pretty new wife but his actual residence is in the basement floor of his treasure room." He said.

I frowned. "Treasure room in the basement. What the hell is he a dragon or something." I asked.

Irons frowned at my mention of dragon. I smiled. "What? You have vampires, were-wolves and immortals here. You don't have dragons?" I said.

"What in the world is a dragon?!" He asked.

I grinned. "A dragon is an immortal magical beast with tough skin, immortal life span and shoots our fire from his or her mouth and they fly around." I said.

Irons eyes lite with understanding. "Oh I understand you. Yes. The Draconian here are our version of dragons. Well. Our Draconian shoot fire from their eyes and the only Draconian known to not shot fire is the current king but he can fly pretty well and at a long distance. You might meet the king today in the morgue if he's working his job." He said.

I stared at him. "Job?! What kind of job does he do in the morgue. Oh wait. Is he a medical examiner?" I said.

Irons chuckled shaking his head. "If you mean a doctor who works on the dead, yes he is. His young wife is his assistant as well." He said.

I smiled. "I can't wait to meet this man. He sounds pretty interesting to me." I said.

Irons stared at me nodding his head silently. He said nothing more looking ahead. He was oddly silent now. I wondered about that now but I was interested to meet this doctor king guy.

The ride to the station was comfortable. Irons waved over a city guardsman who was guarding the gate. He paused to frown at me. I smiled at him showing my full set of teeth making the men look away and focused on Irons. 

"Oi! You got another drop off, Mr. Irons for the doc? How you doing this lovely afternoon?" The guardsman asked.

Irons nodded. "That I do Syn. I've got a partner with me for a the job he's taking the bounty on two bodies. I'm getting the rest. If you could ring up the good Captain Hawks me and my young partner are going to-" Irons said.

"-Excuse me. Sir. Are you another worlder?" Syn asked.

"Yes." I said not bothering to lie because it seem obvious that the kid could see something about me. "How could you tell?" I said.

"I've seen your face before in the past but I can see the soul in your eyes is a lot cleaner then your original's face. What's your name youngster?" He asked.

I smiled. "Danny Sage at your service. Yesterday was my birthday. I came here to find some work and help some people." I said.

"Danny Sage? What service would that be?" Syn asked in dominant tone.

"Detective." I said automatically. The man frowned at the name. "Your people would know my job title as a ranger." I said.

"Oh. Oh. You'll be going to the Crossroads then. That's were most of the Rangers and City Runners work out of. You can come in then Happy Birthday to you Mr. Sage. Be respectful to the Doc. He's a mean one if you going to play with his peace of my mind or start running your mouth like a silly youngster." He said.

I bowed to him. "Yes sir, Mr. Syn. I am a gentleman to my core. I'm not here to upset his peace just find some work to do." I said.

Syn studied me and then he nodded his head. "Alright. Alright. Welcome to Drakescape. You respect the King's peace and be respectful to the Doc and I won't snap your head off Mr. Sage and yes I am being very serious. That's how we do things around here. No courts. No lawyers in regards to such. You cross the line you'll be dead before you can apologize." He said.

I nodded my head. "Thank you for telling me the nature of things. I was a law abiding citizen in my former life you won't have to worry known from me. I was a peace officer in my day." I said and held out my hand to him.

We shook hands one last time and I got ready to move the bodies.