The Blackwater pub

I carefully reviewed over my case file and the information in the back of the cab as it drove fast down the road.

"You comfortable Mate back there." The driver asked.

I looked up and smiled at the driver and looked at the ID badge on his suit jacket. Dwight Orgon.

"I'm good Dwight. Just looking over a case. Thanks for driving me. You going to be paid might good today after my case is down." I said.

Dwight grinned. "Oi. That's music to my ears mate. Enjoy the ride. I'll leave you to your work."

I had been given on Mabelle. There was a lot of information to go over. I really needed to compartmentalize it all. I just wish I could. What I would give to have my damn computer with me.

A blue window appeared before me and I leaned back staring at it. "What the hell is this?" I asked.

"What's up Mate?" Dwight asked.

"I'm looking at a light blue floating screen in front of wit the words status at the top of it. I'm going insane or is this a normal thing here?" I said.

"Oh. Your a new comer to this world. That's the status menu. What's your class?"

I frowned. "Ranger." I said.

Dwight nodded. "I figured so. My wife is a new comer to the world too. She's retired. You can bring up your own status and your mission status. You can bring up two menus. Personal status or mission status. Try it out."

I frowned. "Personal status!" I said.

Name; Danny Sage

Age: 60

Class: Ranger (level 5)

Hobbies: Conversationalist, bartender

Education: Highschool, military combat training, police academy. business management

Skills: Marksmanship, investigation. bounty hunting, enhanced senses, advanced stamina magical creation, elemental magic

Alliances: Angie Wells (adopted sister) Mr. Big, Drake (owner of Crossroads)

I frowned at menu. Interesting. "Okay. bring up mission status."

The screen went blank and a list appeared.

Mission: Hunt the white witch

Suspect: Mabelle 

Age: Unknown

Class: White witch, Warlock?

Hobbies: Drinking

Education: Advanced magical university

Skills: White magic, fairy magic, Fireballs, Ice magic, Lightning magic, Destruction, Finger of Death, Evasion fire storm, all known destructive magic.

Alliances: Unknown

I stared at the list of her skills. "Holy shit!" I whispered.

"You got a tough case?" Dwight said.

I nodded my head. "Yeah. I got a tough bullshit case on my hands." I said knew there was no way I could risk into a fight with this monster if I saw her. I looked at what was left in the folder and took out a grey female under garment slip. There was scent to it that made my nose sting. It smelled like sickness and a day old dead dog laid out in the sun for days. 

I put the slip back in the folder along with the other information. The folder before it disappeared from my grasp as we came to a stop at a corner of store front. I looked outside my window at the business It was a business painted black with red doors and a sign on the front with a symbol of water in a circle that was glowing.

"This is your first stop Mate. What do you want me to do?" Dwight said.

"Stay around the neighborhood. If somebody come ask you about anything take off. I'll find you. I'll make it worth your wild." I said passed him some gold coins.

Dwight took the coins. "I got you mate. I got you." He said.

I got out the cabbie and stepped out on to the street corner. There was a few Draconian couples traveling out. I frowned at that. I rarely saw single persons walking around. I made a mental note of this.

I walked toward the front door of the bar and opened the door. The place stank of cheap beer and misery. The workers from the factories and street business workers were in the place. There was an old piano at the back of the bar where a man played on it some bullshit made up song that sounded like an old pop song from back home.

This place was so damn weird. It reminded me a lot of New York City but then I saw a hulking creature at a table in street clothes playing a game of cards with two Draconian males and a tall slender lady that almost passed for a man but for the curve of her body and scent.

I walked to the bar and sat down. The bartender frowned at me with ruby red eyes. "Don't I know you?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No you don't. I just look like somebody you know. Can I get some coffee and information on what's going on around here. I just came into the world a day ago." I said and put two silver coins on the bar and slid them over to him.

The bartender quickly snatched them up. I caught his scent then. He was a were-wolf. That was surprising. My body reacted to his scent in tension though I didn't know why. He stared at me as he started fixing me up a cup of coffee.

I glanced up at the mirror behind him and caught sight of my face. I don't know I hadn't bothered to look at myself until now. It was surprising. I looked around my late twenties early thirties though I knew the body was far old then that. I had caromel skin tone and wavy midnight black hair with tint of blue in my strains and ruby red eyes similar to the draconian but different in the magic they seemed to give off.

The mug of coffee was placed in front of me smelled like it had been lukewarm for a few hours. I took a sip and barely resisted the urge to spit it out on the first taste. I looked up at the bartender to see him grinning like a jackass. I nodded to him. "What's your name?"

"Greg. What name are you going by now Marcus." He said in a way with some dominance and magic to his tone that was meant to have an effect on me. It didn't.

I smiled at him. "My name is Danny Sage, Greg. Your confusing me for some other asshole you knew I'm sure." I said and stared at him.

Greg held my stare as something happened then. I sipped from my mug staring at me him totally calm until he finally looked away and running a hand through his hair. "Surprises. You were always filled with surprises Marcus. I thought Erica and Fey killed you properly but-" He said and stopped suddenly for what reason I don't know.

I cleared my throat. "So, now that your done talking a bit. I paid you for information and coffee. I want the other half of what I paid for Greg." I said calmly.

Greg smiled. "What do you want to know Marcus? Let's save the bullshit song and dance." He said.

I sighed and shrugged. "I'm looking for a lady named Mabelle Stella Warden. I was told she haunts this place to feed her habit of spirits and the charming atmosphere here." I said with sardonic smile.

Greg whistled and I heard somebody taking off from back. I looked up at the mirror to see the tall female at the card table get up quickly and take off. Shit. Greg started to pull something out from the bar at the same time I saw some asshole come up behind me with chair. I threw the coffee in Greg's face at the same time diving to the side at the same time the asshole smashed the chair down against the bar sending pieces of it everywhere. 

I took out my revolver as felt the danger escalate fast with the scent of were-wolves all around me suddenly. They started stumping on my body. I fought back with my teeth feet, claws and fire magic from hands blasting up at them until I was finally free. I sprang to me my feet and took aim at Greg as he held his shotgun at me. Everything slowed down quickly. I nodded to him. 

Greg's clothes were burnt and his arms scared from my claws. "They may fucked up killing you Marcus but you won't be living by the end of today." He said and spat at me.

I smiled at him and he froze. I laughed and it got quiet quickly. I nodded to him. "Thanks Greg for the help. Your coffee tastes like shit by the way. Again, I'm not Marcus. I'm Danny Sage. What business you got with him ain't my business. I'm just a ranger on a job. No hard feelings about the misunderstanding. I'll let it go this one time." I said.

I saw a dumbass creeping up behind me in the mirror to stab me in the back. I knew if I turned my back on Greg he was going to get me and the rest would rip me apart before I could get out. Hmm. What to do. I needed a shield. 

A fire circle appeared around my back. The male dropped his knife and backed away pointing at something in the center of the shield. The others fell to their knees while Greg glared at me still holding his shotgun at me. He shook his head. "Damn you. Your a slippery devil. Get the hell out of my bar. You're not wanted here."

I nodded. "Sure will keep away." I said backing away to the entrance/exit.