The Queen of the seas

I sat on the beach going over the case in my head at the same Angie sat beside me quietly. "Where is Mr. Big?" I asked.

"He's still on the ship. He's respecting the people here by not coming among them. His presence can be a bit alarming to the weaker races. We will have to get back to the meeting. It looks like they waiting for you." Angie said.

"Did Luna ask you to watch out for me?" I asked her.

"No." Angie said leaning against my shoulder taking my arm. "I like you. Mr. Big likes you. Mr. Big is a hard person to please or gain respect from. Don't worry so much little brother. Your big sister is here to look out for you." She said with a grin.

I smiled. "I like you to Angie. You're a good woman. Alright. Let's get back to the grind." I said.