On the hunt again...

After the meeting with Doc. I had more then a little sure feeling that I had a big case out of all this shit going on in the city. Both my mates looked confused as we left the guard station and we walked the street back toward my cruiser.

I said nothing letting them stay under the after effects of The Doc's charm as I could get a move on and get to the cruiser before they figured what the hell happened to them. I had a lot on my mind but I still tried to keep my senses open and alert to danger around.

Argan Willows.

That damn asshole was going to be a problem. There was no way around it. I had tried diplomacy. I had tried threats and warning on that asshole. He was persistent man. He had a drive and dedication to being the biggest shit stain in my happy new life right now. That was fine though. I'm a persistent man too.

"Danny! Danny! What did that monster say to you?" Fire asked in demanding voice as she tugged at my suit jacket.