The wickedness of the Ugly man?!

Elanor moved closer behind James Porter hiding behind him. I got the impression she did that a lot. I ignored her focusing on James Porter. "So James Porter. The Ugly man is very bad man huh?" I said.

James Porter was fighting laughing out loud at the game that was going between us. He nodded his head. "Indeed. He is the most wicked of all young dragons of the Phoenix era." He said.

I nodded. "Little Princess was innocent person in the game that bastard Ugly was playing on her. Her Majesty Ella told me she was young when she made a silly magical pack with him when they were young. He must have conned her into doing it." I said.

James Porter covered his mouth to hold by back himself. His eyes were wide at me in surprise and delight at what I was saying. Like I was telling the best jokes he ever heard. 

"I thought you couldn't lie." Elanor said with tone of suspicion in her voice.