Miss Ann and her boys

Miss Ann stared at me with a weak pretty smile. "We're all angry and mad as the hell at whoever did what they did to my Drake." She said quietly.

I nodded stiffly. "Where are you boys?" I asked her.

Miss Ann shook her head. "Out running the streets. Asking questions and trying to find weapons." She said.

I shook my head. "Tell them to come here tonight or tomorrow. I'm going to give them something to do. I want them apart of my team." I said.

Miss Ann stared at me. "I'm sorry. He knew you wouldn't take this well at all when or if it happened to him." She said.

I shook my head. "Nothing happened to him. Some asshole chose to fuck with someone that belonged to us so now we going to fuck up their world. Whoever did it did it in the wrong place against the wrong people. So fuck them whoever else had a hand in it." I said.