The Quicknening

This was about sex. Holy shit. How the fuck was I going to deal with this kind of shit. I stared at Mari as my thoughts raced with the weirdness about this case.

Mari frowned at me. "Why do you insist on thinking that the item regarding this matter has nothing to do with what you call sex. Jari and I aren't mortals or human. We do not have sex. We are dragons born of the enternal elemental flames." She said.

I nodded. "Sure. So could either you explain to my simple stupid mortal mind why the fuck you two can't stop arguing and solve the matter between each other peacefully." I said.

Mari started to speak but stopped because Jari got up and glared at Mari. "Just simple yield your position and there will be peace between us." Jari said.

Mari tried to get up but sat back down when Jari snarled at her and pushed up against her. I held up a hand. "Stop that shit. You ain't fucking her against the damn bar in here. Cut that shit out." I said.