Chapter 8: Qingfeng Town

The next morning, outside the family's formation at the Lin Family residence.

Grandfather Lin Shigong, father Lin Xingrong, mother Ren Yuxuan, and sister Lin Tianyue gathered to see Lin Tianming off.

Ren Yuxuan's eyes were red, and she secretly slipped a storage bag to Lin Tianming when no one was looking, its contents unknown.

Despite the previous night's instructions, Grandfather Lin Shigong couldn't help but repeat his advice.

"Remember to be cautious, don't neglect your alchemy and cultivation..."

"Alright, father, Tianming is not a child anymore. It's getting late, he should set off soon," Lin Xingrong said, looking worried.

"I lost my composure. Tianming, you should leave now. Don't worry about us, focus on your cultivation. Come back immediately after a year to visit," Lin Shigong added.

Lin Tianming, with a resolute expression, said, "Grandfather, father, mother, sister, I'm leaving now. I will take good care of myself and cultivate diligently. I will return as soon as I can. Take care, all of you."

With that, he summoned his Green Bamboo Sword, leaped onto it, and reluctantly took to the sky, heading east.

Standing on the Green Bamboo Sword, the wind whipped his green robe. As he flew over mountains and rivers, Lin Tianming's emotions were mixed.

He had always hoped to leave the family residence, to travel across the Nine Provinces and see the great landscapes, to meet the geniuses of various clans.

Yet, after just half a day, he already missed his family. With a heavy heart, he continued his journey to Qingfeng Town.

Qingfeng Town was over six hundred li from Green Bamboo Mountain. Flying at full speed, it would take two days to reach, and he had set off five days early, so he wasn't in a hurry.

After half a day of flying, his spiritual power was half depleted.

To handle any sudden situations, he kept half his spiritual power in reserve. Being cautious on his first journey out of the family residence was wise. With time still early, he decided to rest and recover before continuing.

He saw a small valley ahead with a ten-zhang-wide river and flew towards it.

Landing on a large tree, he took out the storage bag Ren Yuxuan had given him.

Inside were three Spirit Essence Pills, one Rejuvenation Pill, one Detoxification Pill, and forty lower-grade spiritual stones.

Looking at the pills and stones, his thoughts were myriad.

This must have been left by his father, Lin Xingrong. With Ren Yuxuan's seventh-level Qi Refining cultivation and no particularly outstanding skills, it would be impossible for her to gather these resources alone.

Though his father rarely stayed at Green Bamboo Mountain and didn't show much concern, he was quietly supportive. Moved by the thought, Lin Tianming felt a surge of emotion.

He put the items into his main storage bag and calculated his current assets.

He now had ten Spirit Essence Pills, four Rejuvenation Pills, two Detoxification Pills, and forty lower-grade spiritual stones, as well as ten sets of Bigu Pill materials and thirty-five sets of Spirit Essence Pill materials.

He also had two top-tier first-grade attack talismans, two top-tier first-grade defense talismans, a Yuan Fire Flask, his grandfather's alchemy insights, and maps of Qingzhou and Jizhou.

These maps detailed the major nations, mountain ranges, large family and sect territories, and family residences, including the Lin family at Green Bamboo Mountain, though it was a small presence on the map.

His wealth amounted to several hundred spiritual stones, likely more than many ninth-level Qi Refining family members had.

With four top-tier first-grade talismans, he could defend himself easily unless he encountered a ninth-level Qi Refining cultivator.

Checking the map to confirm his location, he realized he was in Jin Feather Mountain, a small range about a hundred li away.

He packed up his assets and closed his eyes to meditate.

An hour later, fully recovered, he continued eastward.

Three days later, he saw a town spanning several li, surrounded by flat plains and vast rice fields, with no hills in sight and an open view.

Sensing the area, he noticed the spiritual energy was far less than that of Green Bamboo Mountain, barely reaching sixty percent. Fortunately, he had plenty of herbs and Spirit Essence Pills, as cultivation alone would be less effective here.

Green Bamboo Mountain, situated in the Luoyun Mountain Range, had significantly enhanced spiritual energy due to a mid-tier second-grade Spirit Gathering Array set up by the family's ancestor.

Qingfeng Town, part of the mortal world, naturally had sparse spiritual energy.

In a few breaths, he flew over the town.

Below, he saw a dense array of houses and neat streets. Many mortals from the Lin family looked up with awe and reverence, some even kneeling and chanting.

Each direction of the town had walls stretching thousands of meters, standing several zhang high. The central gate had a large plaque reading "Qingfeng Town."

In the center of town stood the tallest, most majestic building, a five-story pavilion made entirely of marble, its gray-white walls standing out.

Lin Tianming did not linger and flew directly to the pavilion.

Within moments, he landed in the square in front of the pavilion.

A few breaths later, a middle-aged man, around sixty years old and at the fifth level of Qi Refining, emerged. He was a family uncle, Lin Xingche, whom Lin Tianming had met a few times but never interacted with.

Lin Tianming quickly approached and greeted, "Nephew Tianming greets Uncle."

Lin Xingche welcomed him warmly, "No need for formalities. You must be tired from your journey. Please come inside and rest."

The two entered the pavilion's main hall, where Lin Xingche instructed a family servant to prepare a meal and invite the town chief.

The servant bowed and left.

Lin Xingche took out a tea set, and the two sat and chatted over tea.

Lin Xingche said, "I expected someone less talented to take over my task of guarding the town. It's quite a surprise to see the Lin family's genius instead."

Lin Tianming modestly replied, "I am not worthy of such praise. In Wei Country, there are many talented individuals, not to mention Qingzhou, Yunzhou, and Xuanzhou."

Lin Xingche didn't argue and began introducing Qingfeng Town.

Qingfeng Town was one of the Lin family's five major mortal settlements, home to nearly ten thousand people. It was a mid-sized town with over five hundred years of history, an important source of mortal resources for the family, producing a few spiritually rooted descendants every five years.

In two years, the family's triennial Spirit Root Testing will occur, and someone will come to test the appropriate-aged children of Qingfeng Town, bringing those with spiritual roots back to the family residence for cultivation. You'll just need to assist with that when the time comes.

Three hundred li south of Qingfeng Town was the Whirlwind Mountain Range in Huangyang Country of Jingzhou, a no-man's-land.

Occasionally, low-level monsters would stray into Qingfeng Town's jurisdiction. Be cautious and avoid crossing into Jingzhou. The cultivation standards there are higher than in Qingzhou, and we mustn't provoke trouble or make enemies for the family.

Two hundred li west was the tail end of the Ziyun Mountain Range in Wei Country, Qingzhou. There were no cultivation families within a thousand li, but the Ziyun Mountain Range had many monsters. Don't venture more than a hundred li from Qingfeng Town, and you'll be safe.

After half an hour of talking, a family servant brought a table of food and drink. The two continued their conversation over the meal.

Soon, a white-haired old man in his fifties, supported by two young men, entered the hall.

All three knelt and bowed, saying, "Welcome, Ancestor, to Qingfeng Town."

Before the old man could finish, Lin Tianming waved his hand, lifting them to their feet.

Startled, the three stood with flushed faces, not knowing what to do.

Lin Tianming said, "No need for formalities. Uncle has already briefed me on Qingfeng Town. I will guard this place for the next three years and ensure its safety."

He asked the old man to introduce himself and his companions.

The old man said, "I am Lin Sheng, the thirty-second generation of the Lin family and town chief of Qingfeng Town for over twenty years."

"These are my sons, Lin Shan and Lin Hai. They are quite capable. I am old and frail, unable to serve you personally, but I hope you can accept my sons. They will be at your service."

He sternly instructed his sons, "Serve the ancestor diligently. Any failure will be met with family punishment."

The brothers, trembling, replied, "Yes, yes, yes."

Lin Xingche handed over the control token for the pavilion's formations to Lin Tianming and dismissed the three.

After a few more drinks, Lin Xingche bid farewell to Lin Tianming, planning to rest for the night and depart for the family residence at dawn.

Lin Tianming toasted his uncle's safe journey and they parted ways to rest.

Exhausted from his three-day journey, Lin Tianming finally relaxed and fell asleep.

Lin Sheng and Lin Hai stayed outside the pavilion, standing guard.

The next morning, after seeing Uncle Lin Xingche off for several dozen li, Lin Tianming returned, patrolling the ten li area around Qingfeng Town to ensure its safety before returning to the pavilion's secret room.