Chapter 17: Slaying the Spirit Python

As dawn broke the next day, Lin Tianming opened his eyes.

He had been away from Qingfeng Town for nine days. During this time, he had traveled by day and rested at night to restore his strength, always maintaining a peak state.

After a night of meditation and recovery, he felt invigorated, his energy and spiritual awareness at their peak. Ready to continue his journey to explore the cave, he took out the map and studied it carefully.

He was currently near Qinghe Mountain, only about a hundred miles away from the cave's location.

This area was the central region of the Ziyun Mountain Range, where late-stage first-level demonic beasts were everywhere. He had to be extremely cautious, as danger lurked at every turn.

After confirming his direction, Lin Tianming summoned the Qingfeng Sword, holding a first-level defensive talisman in hand, and cautiously made his way through the forest. His pace was much slower than before.

He moved with extreme caution, taking one step and using his spiritual sense to scout three steps ahead, ensuring the surroundings were safe before proceeding.

Half a day passed, and he had only covered a little over thirty miles. Along the way, he encountered numerous early and mid-level spiritual herbs, which he collected one by one.

Delighted, he placed three Purple Mysterious Flowers into his storage bag, which now contained over twenty first-level spiritual herbs.

Surveying his collection, Lin Tianming furrowed his brow. Even if he didn't find the cave, the spiritual herbs he had collected over the past few days were worth at least a hundred low-grade spirit stones.

Having traveled over thirty miles without encountering any demonic beasts felt abnormal. Something about the area felt off, making him uneasy.

Stopping to observe his surroundings, he noticed three mountain peaks converging, with several rivers merging at the valley's base. The entire valley was shrouded in thick fog, severely limiting his spiritual sense to just a few hundred feet. Dozens of caves of varying sizes dotted the mountainside, their destinations unknown.

Comparing the map to his location, he realized he had deviated from the planned route by over thirty miles. It seemed his greed for low-level spiritual herbs had led him astray.

Deciding to backtrack to his previous resting spot and resume the mapped route, Lin Tianming turned to leave.

As he glanced up, he saw a massive python, tens of feet long, with its head raised and eyes fixed on him, its forked tongue flicking menacingly.

"A late-stage first-level Spirit Python."

Spirit Pythons were formidable creatures, with even adult ones reaching the late second-level. They possessed a trace of ancient dragon bloodline, making them incredibly powerful among second-level demonic beasts.

Given the numerous caves along the mountainside, it was likely a Spirit Python colony. Lin Tianming knew he had to flee before more powerful pythons emerged.

Transforming into a blue streak, he darted through the forest.

The Spirit Python, sensing his escape, swiftly slithered after him, its massive body surprisingly agile among the trees.

Despite running several miles, Lin Tianming was quickly overtaken by the python. It lunged at him with its gaping maw.

Leaping behind a large tree, Lin Tianming narrowly avoided the deadly strike. The python's bite severed several trees, toppling them with a thunderous crash. Panting heavily, Lin Tianming leaned against a tree.

Realizing he couldn't outrun the python, whose speed surpassed his by a significant margin, he decided to fight.

His arm throbbed with pain from the python's venom, which had corroded his skin. The potency of the venom was terrifying, a testament to the python's formidable power.

Ignoring his injuries, Lin Tianming focused his energy, summoning the Qingfeng Sword and launching several strikes. Unconcerned about depleting his resources, he used a top-grade offensive talisman.

A blue giant sword and several energy blades flew towards the python.

The Spirit Python countered, whipping its thick tail at Lin Tianming.

The clash of the blue sword and the python's tail resounded like a metallic clang, sparks flying as trees fell in rapid succession.

Enraged, the python glared at Lin Tianming with its large eyes, preparing for another attack.

Lin Tianming knew he needed to find the python's weak spot to defeat it. Its entire body was covered in tough scales, making it nearly invincible. He had to target its vital point, the seven-inch mark below its head.

With a plan in mind, he lured the python's attention by launching three more strikes.

As the python was distracted, Lin Tianming moved swiftly, his body a blur. As he cast his strongest spell, the Fire Origin Slash, a blazing giant sword formed.

In less than a second, the fiery sword struck the seven-inch mark below the python's head.

With a thunderous explosion, the python's vital point burst open, blood spraying everywhere as its massive body convulsed violently.

Using its remaining strength, the python lashed out with its tail, hitting Lin Tianming. Despite only a glancing blow, several of his ribs broke, leaving a deep wound on his chest, exposing the bone.

Ignoring his injuries, Lin Tianming furiously swung the Qingfeng Sword, disemboweling the python.

In combat, mercy towards one's enemy was a disservice to oneself. This principle was clear to everyone.

After a few moments, Lin Tianming extracted the python's demon core, cutting off its reverse scales and collecting its blood in a jade bottle. He also skinned the python before fleeing back along the route.

After half a day, Lin Tianming retraced his steps to the mapped route and perched atop a large tree to meditate.

He had been too preoccupied with fleeing to restore his energy and treat his wounds. Now, he urgently consumed a Detoxification Pill and a Healing Pill, their medicinal properties quickly repairing his meridians and internal organs.