Chapter 22: Breaking Through to the Seventh Level of Qi Refinement

Half a month passed by in a flash. In the quiet room, Lin Tianming sat cross-legged on the meditation mat.

During this half month, he had refined two Spirit Origin Pills and made several attempts to break through but had not managed to reach the seventh level of Qi Refinement. Each time, he was just a bit short of breaking through the barrier of the sixth level.

It seemed that breaking through to the seventh level of Qi Refinement was not so easy. The gap between the sixth and seventh levels was significant; the sixth level was still considered mid-stage Qi Refinement, while the seventh level marked the beginning of the late stage. The two stages were entirely different in terms of power and abilities.

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Tianming decided to make one more attempt with Spirit Origin Pills. If this attempt failed, he would have to wait for another opportunity to break through.

He took out three Spirit Origin Pills, a look of determination on his face, and swallowed all three at once.

The violent energy from the three pills surged through his meridians, completely out of control.

It felt as if his body was on the verge of exploding, with terrifying pain spreading through his nerves and brain. Several parts of his body had already split open, blood pouring from his orifices, making for a gruesome sight.

"It's over," Lin Tianming thought, filled with regret. He had been too reckless, swallowing three pills at once. The power was overwhelming, and he could no longer control it.

Despite the unbearable pain, Lin Tianming tried to guide the pill's energy to impact his dantian.

After half an hour, having made two attempts to break through, the pain had not lessened but had only intensified. Unconsciously, Lin Tianming blacked out and collapsed on the meditation mat.

It was unclear how much time had passed when Lin Tianming slowly opened his eyes.

He found himself naked, his clothes reduced to ashes. His body was covered in a layer of black grime, emitting a foul stench.

"I'm alive," Lin Tianming realized with great relief.

After calming down, he couldn't help but feel scared. The pain had been excruciating, with uncontrolled energy rampaging through his body, making him feel as if he were on the brink of death.

He had felt so close to giving up before passing out, never expecting to survive.

"Surviving a great disaster means future blessings," he thought. He vowed never to be so reckless again unless absolutely necessary; not every time would be so fortunate.

Realizing he was naked, he quickly performed a water spell, creating a downpour to wash himself. He then took out a set of green robes from his storage bag and put them on.

Standing tall, the handsome young man showed a hint of youthfulness on his face.

He then used a fire spell to dry the ground before sitting back on the meditation mat.

Using his spiritual sense to examine his body, he discovered he had successfully reached the seventh level of Qi Refinement. Overjoyed, Lin Tianming marveled at the fortuitous outcome of his reckless gamble.

Feeling the explosive power within, he knew his strength had significantly increased. His dantian had expanded several times over, and his robust spiritual energy felt almost tangible, promising much greater power in future battles.

After some light exercises, he sat down again to consolidate his cultivation.

Three days later, Lin Tianming emerged from seclusion, stepping out into the courtyard outside the main hall.

Before his seclusion, he had given the Purple-Gold Eagle two Spirit Origin Pills. After twenty days, the eagle had fully recovered, its overall energy even stronger than before.

Without suitable beast pills, he had made do with Spirit Origin Pills. Proper beast pills would have sped up the recovery and growth, offering more support to Lin Tianming.

Seeing Lin Tianming approach, the Purple-Gold Eagle ran towards him, affectionately rubbing its beak against his clothes.

Though only at the mid-stage of the first tier, the young Purple-Gold Eagle was like a playful child. Had Lin Tianming not instructed it to stay within ten miles of Qingfeng Town, it would have wandered off.

Touching the eagle's head affectionately, Lin Tianming felt a strong bond forming with the creature.

After staying grounded for half a month, the eagle was eager to fly again. Seeing this, Lin Tianming agreed.

Jumping on the eagle's back, they soared into the sky, circling Qingfeng Town.

The wind rushed past, and Lin Tianming felt exhilarated, dreaming of exploring the vast lands of the Nine Provinces.

After half an hour, they returned to Qingfeng Town. Lin Tianming instructed the eagle to stay within ten miles while he was in seclusion and gave it three more Spirit Origin Pills to help it reach the late stage of the first tier.

With the Purple-Gold Eagle settled, Lin Tianming returned to his meditation room.

Sitting on the mat, he took out the cultivation method jade slips obtained from the red-robed man and the ancient cave, studying them closely.

Both jade slips were golden, covered in dense golden runes, confirming they were parts of the same cultivation method.

Observing the jade slips, he noticed they absorbed faint strands of spiritual energy, an extraordinary sight.

"This must be an incredibly powerful method," Lin Tianming thought, his anticipation growing.

He had tried to examine the first jade slip before but lacked the necessary cultivation and spiritual strength. Now, having reached the seventh level of Qi Refinement, he was eager to explore further.

Sending his spiritual sense into the jade slip, he spent half an hour studying it. Emerging from his trance, his face was pale with shock, as if he had seen something terrifying.