Chapter 27: Family Meeting

At the summit of the main peak of Green Bamboo Mountain, in the square before a pavilion, two men approached each other. One was dressed in white robes, the other in gray. These were the only two Foundation Establishment stage cultivators of the Lin family.

The man in white was Lin Shikang, at the seventh level of the Foundation Establishment stage, aged one hundred and ten, and ranked third in the Shi generation, making him the oldest member of the Lin family in both age and status.

The man in gray was Lin Shilu, ranked fifteenth in the Shi generation, at the third level of the Foundation Establishment stage, aged eighty-three, and the only second-tier weapon refiner in the family.

"Third Brother, why has Ninth Brother suddenly summoned us? Has something significant happened?" Lin Shilu asked, his face puzzled. He hoped to glean some information from Lin Shikang, who had the highest cultivation in the family.

Lin Shikang, equally perplexed, replied, "Shigong merely sent a message asking us to gather at the Elder Hall. He didn't say much, so it's probably not bad news. If it were, he wouldn't have left out the details. Don't worry; we've been in closed-door cultivation for years. Let's go see what's happening."

"Haha, you're right, Third Brother. I've been refining weapons every day for two years. It's time for a break."

With that, the two flew together towards the mountainside of the main peak.

At the same time, other important figures from the middle of Green Bamboo Mountain began flying out of various pavilions, all wearing expressions of curiosity as they headed towards the same location.

In one of the pavilions on the mountainside, a large oval table stood at the center of a hall, surrounded by over twenty stone seats. Four elders were already seated.

One of them, Lin Shixin, the head of the Merit Hall, spoke up, "What is Ninth Brother up to? He hasn't called such a large gathering in over ten years. What could be so important?"

Another man in green robes chimed in, "Tianming took on the task of guarding Qingfeng Town and has returned from his visit. He even brought back a Golden Eagle. Could it be about that?"

This was Lin Shihua, the family head, ranked twelfth in the Shi generation, eighty-eight years old, and at the peak of the Qi Refinement stage. He had served as the family head for fifteen years.

"Unlikely. Though Tianming's Golden Eagle is impressive and talented, it wouldn't warrant such a gathering. Let's wait and see. Perhaps Third Brother will join us," another elder added.

The other elders agreed, "Indeed, let's wait. We'll know soon enough."

Half an hour passed, and more people arrived. The hall now held over ten family members, including elders from the Shi generation and a few prime-aged members from the Xing generation. These were the top fighters of the Lin family, excluding the Foundation Establishment stage cultivators.

Outside the hall, Lin Tianming followed his grandfather and father, heading towards the Elder Hall.

Ordinarily, Lin Tianming's status and strength wouldn't grant him access to such a meeting, but his grandfather wanted him to explain the situation personally to the elders to secure their support. After all, the elders would be unlikely to make things difficult for a younger family member.

Suddenly, two streaks of blue light appeared, revealing two middle-aged cultivators before the three.

Lin Tianming was startled, having sensed nothing before their arrival. Only Foundation Establishment cultivators could manage such a feat.

Sure enough, his father cupped his hands and greeted, "Nephew Xingrong greets Third Uncle and Fifteenth Uncle."

Lin Tianming followed suit, "Grandnephew Tianming greets Third Granduncle and Fifteenth Granduncle."

Lin Shikang and Lin Shilu nodded in satisfaction and encouraged him, "Seventeen and already at the seventh level of Qi Refinement, a mid-tier alchemist. You haven't disappointed us old folks. Keep it up; the family's future depends on you."

"Thank you, Third and Fifteenth Granduncles. I will strive to reach Foundation Establishment and restore our family's glory."

The elders nodded in approval, and the group entered the hall together, with Lin Tianming following behind.

As they entered, all the elders stood up to greet them. After exchanging pleasantries, they took their seats.

Lin Shikang and Lin Shilu sat at the highest positions, followed by the family head Lin Shihua, Lin Shigong, and Lin Shiji, the head of the Enforcement Hall and one of the three elders at the peak of the Qi Refinement stage. Lin Shiji was one hundred and five years old, ranked fifth in the Shi generation.

Further down sat several elders at the ninth level of Qi Refinement: Lin Shigang, head of the Training Hall; Lin Shihe, head of the Library Hall; and Lin Shixin, head of the Merit Hall.

The oldest, Lin Shikang, was ranked third, and the youngest, Lin Shilu, was ranked fifteenth. These eight were the only surviving members of the Shi generation.

The Administration Hall, Weapon Refining Hall, and Talisman Hall were headed by members of the Xing generation, while the Formation Hall, despite its name, had no qualified formation master and was temporarily vacant.

Several important members of the Xing generation were also present, including Lin Tianming's father, Lin Xingrong, who managed the family's businesses in Luoyun Market, responsible for the safety and trade of all shops and goods, a position of power equal to any hall master present.

There were also several other skilled members in the hall, making this gathering a meeting of the Lin family's finest.

Once everyone was seated, Lin Tianming paid his respects to the elders and stood behind his grandfather.

Family head Lin Shihua, seeing everyone was present, spoke up, "Ninth Brother, you've summoned us all, even disturbing Third Brother and Fifteenth Brother. We're all quite busy. Whatever it is, get to the point."

Lin Shigong stood and announced, "Today, I bring great news. Tianming has obtained a high-tier technique, a jade slip containing the insights of a third-tier alchemist, and over a dozen Hidden Spirit Grasses necessary for refining Minor Foundation Establishment Pills."

The entire hall fell silent as everyone gasped in shock. These were treasures of immense value.

"Quick, bring them out for everyone to see," Lin Shihua urged, unable to contain his excitement.

Lin Tianming stepped forward, placing the technique, the alchemy insights, and fifteen jade boxes on the stone table before stepping back.

Lin Shikang, Lin Shilu, and Lin Shihua each took an item to examine, while other elders inspected the jade boxes containing the Hidden Spirit Grass.

"Heaven bless our Lin family! Heaven bless our Lin family!" Lin Shihua exclaimed, laughing maniacally, his face ecstatic.

All the family members couldn't help but smile with relief.

The Lin family had struggled for over ten years. Fifteen years ago, they had exhausted decades of resources to help Lin Shilu reach the Foundation Establishment stage. Coupled with the deliberate harassment from various factions in Luoyun Mountain, the Lin family had been forced to swallow their pride.

If not for the deterrent left by their ancestor, the Lin family might have been driven out of Luoyun Mountain.

But now, with these resources, they could hold on for ten more years. If they could nurture a few more Foundation Establishment cultivators, they would no longer have to endure such hardships.