Chapter 40: Refining the Marrow Cleansing Pill

Inside the alchemy room, Lin Tianming sat cross-legged on a cushion while Ye Pinghai stood nearby, occasionally offering words of guidance.

After a day of alchemy, Lin Tianming had successfully refined three batches of Spirit Yuan Pills. Despite failing the second batch, he managed to refine six pills in the third batch, with both the success rate and pill count steadily improving.

At this moment, Lin Tianming was refining the fourth batch of Spirit Yuan Pills, fully concentrating on infusing spiritual energy. As he reached the critical point, a sudden shout from Ye Pinghai nearly startled him.

"Now, boy! Condense!"

A fragrant aroma filled the room as the fourth batch of pills was successfully refined.

Opening the lid, Lin Tianming saw seven perfectly formed, green-black Spirit Yuan Pills suspended inside the furnace, their colors even and bright, with spiritual energy swirling around them.

"Promising, very promising," Ye Pinghai exclaimed, clearly pleased. With his guidance, Lin Tianming's success rate and pill count had improved significantly. He was now ready to attempt refining high-grade first-rank pills, and with Ye Pinghai's supervision, the likelihood of success was high.

Lin Tianming was equally thrilled. Following Ye Pinghai's advice and adjusting the timing based on the characteristics of the ingredients had indeed made a significant difference. The success rate and efficiency had noticeably increased.

After some thought, Ye Pinghai asked, "You've improved significantly. Are you ready to try refining high-grade first-rank pills? Do you have the recipe and ingredients?"

"Yes, Senior. I want to refine the Marrow Cleansing Pill. I have the recipe and ingredients ready, but I need to rest for two hours to recover before I start. Please allow me to do so."

"Very well, take your time to recover. I'll be here," Ye Pinghai replied.

Lin Tianming began meditating to restore his energy while Ye Pinghai continued reviewing the recipe for the Minor Foundation Establishment Pill, preparing for the upcoming task.

After two hours, Lin Tianming felt rejuvenated and ready. He took out five sets of ingredients for the Marrow Cleansing Pill, carefully arranging them.

The preparation process took over an hour as he meticulously purified each ingredient. As time passed, he reached the final stage of condensation. Infusing the spiritual energy, he heard a crisp sound break the silence, indicating failure.

Opening the lid, he was met with a slightly foul odor. The first batch had failed, leaving only a pile of residue at the bottom of the furnace. Lin Tianming carefully collected the remnants, storing them in a jade bottle, not wanting to waste any material.

Ye Pinghai then offered his insight, "Boy, not all pills require a constant level of heat. The higher the grade, the more complex the heat adjustments. For this high-grade first-rank pill, you need a burst of intense heat at the condensation stage. Keep trying; I believe you can succeed."

Understanding this new piece of advice, Lin Tianming was not discouraged. He adjusted his mindset and attempted the Marrow Cleansing Pill again.

A day passed with three consecutive failures. However, Lin Tianming persisted and began refining the fourth batch with renewed determination.

Familiar with the process, he reached the crucial moment and sharply increased the furnace's heat. A piercing sound broke the silence again, but this time it was followed by a fragrant aroma. He eagerly opened the lid to find three golden pills inside.

Overjoyed, Lin Tianming carefully examined the pills. They were genuine Marrow Cleansing Pills, glowing with vitality. After three failed attempts, he had finally succeeded on the fourth try.

Ye Pinghai, though expressionless, was inwardly impressed by Lin Tianming's talent. Encouraging him to continue had been a wise decision. Unlike many, Lin Tianming had quickly grasped the nuances of high-grade alchemy.

Lin Tianming decided to continue refining, aiming to solidify his newfound skills. Using the last set of ingredients, he successfully refined another batch of three Marrow Cleansing Pills. Out of five attempts, two had succeeded, each yielding three pills.

Now an accomplished high-grade first-rank alchemist, Lin Tianming's hard work had paid off. His success meant future high-grade alchemy would be much easier.

He offered three Marrow Cleansing Pills to Ye Pinghai as a token of gratitude, though Ye Pinghai modestly declined, suggesting Lin Tianming keep them for his family's benefit.

"Since you've achieved your goal, I will begin preparing for the Minor Foundation Establishment Pill. Stay here and observe for the next month; it will be beneficial for you."

"Yes, Senior," Lin Tianming replied respectfully.

Ye Pinghai began organizing the alchemy room for the upcoming task, while Lin Tianming meditated, reflecting on his progress and recovering his energy.