Chapter 43: The Five-Color Eye

Returning to the cave dwelling, Lin Tianming sat cross-legged on the meditation mat in the secluded room.

He held the jade slip with the Beast Yuan Pill recipe, meticulously reviewing its contents.

The Beast Yuan Pill functioned similarly to the Spirit Yuan Pill, with the primary ingredient being a demon core. The higher the grade of the demon core, the more effective the Beast Yuan Pill. The pill's refinement process was only slightly more complex than that of the Spirit Yuan Pill. For Lin Tianming, the Purple Gold Eagle was significant—not only for its speed in travel but also for its potential support in battles. With the Beast Yuan Pill, the eagle could quickly advance, potentially reaching the second tier in due time.

Storing the jade slip in his bag, Lin Tianming took out the "Record of Heaven and Earth Wonders" and began to study it carefully.

He had read about various rare and low-tier items in the family records, but high-tier wonders were rarely mentioned due to their scarcity. The cultivation world was vast, with tens of thousands of years of history, making the diversity of spiritual items immense. Each state had its unique treasures, many of which had never been fully documented.

Lin Tianming was convinced that the multicolored stone he had found in the ancient cultivator's cave was no ordinary item. The fact that it had remained intact for thousands of years, while even the Nascent Soul stage cultivator's treasures had turned to ashes, suggested it was extraordinary.

The thick book contained hundreds of pages, each detailing a different spiritual item. The earlier sections covered various spiritual herbs, providing names, illustrations, growth environments, habits, and harvesting methods in detail.

"Nine-Leaf Golden Lotus," a fourth-tier spiritual herb, had a nine-thousand-year growth cycle. Each leaf that grew every thousand years significantly enhanced a cultivator's spiritual senses and physical body, making it an invaluable treasure for body cultivators.

"Golden Pear Bodhi," another fourth-tier spiritual fruit, took five thousand years to mature. Each fruit could increase the chance of forming a Nascent Soul by thirty percent, making it a priceless treasure.

Lin Tianming was amazed by the descriptions. In the Wei Kingdom, a Nascent Soul cultivator was a formidable force. The Golden Pear Bodhi's appearance would undoubtedly cause a bloodbath, given its immense value for forming a Nascent Soul. No Nascent Soul cultivator could afford to pass up such an opportunity.

After reading over a hundred pages, mostly about third and fourth-tier spiritual herbs, Lin Tianming found no mention of any fifth-tier herbs. This was understandable, as fifth-tier herbs required at least ten thousand years to mature, suitable only for cultivators in the Deity Transformation stage and beyond, realms far beyond Lin Tianming's current reach.

Reading through the night, Lin Tianming learned about various herbs, minerals, spiritual insects, and fires. With only ten pages left, he continued, hoping to find more information.

The final ten pages listed the top ten wonders of heaven and earth, all immensely valuable and rare. Some were so scarce they had almost become legends, with their existence in the current cultivation world uncertain.

As Lin Tianming turned to the fifth-to-last page, he was stunned by the illustration.

A multicolored stone, just like the one he had found, was depicted. The book identified it as the Soul Beast Eye, the third eye of the ancient Soul Beast.

The Soul Beast was a rare species even in ancient times and had been extinct for tens of thousands of years. Only fourth-tier and higher Soul Beasts developed a third eye, making the Soul Beast Eye extremely rare.

The Soul Beast Eye could be refined into a third eye for a cultivator, granting the beast's innate abilities and divine powers. It could see through most illusions and formations and had spiritual attack capabilities, making it a powerful and mysterious tool. As such, it was one of the top ten wonders of heaven and earth.

Elated, Lin Tianming confirmed his multicolored stone was indeed the Soul Beast Eye.

He quickly retrieved the stone from his storage bag and compared it meticulously. There was no doubt—it was a genuine Soul Beast Eye.

In disbelief, Lin Tianming slapped himself twice to ensure he wasn't dreaming.

"Smack! Smack!" The sharp sound of his slaps echoed.

Feeling the pain, he realized it was real.

"Haha!" Lin Tianming laughed maniacally, overjoyed by his discovery.

After a brief moment of madness, he calmed down.

This treasure needed to be refined as soon as possible to enhance his strength and avoid potential dangers.

Sitting down, Lin Tianming swallowed the Soul Beast Eye and directed it towards his sea of consciousness. The Eye resisted fiercely, causing intense pain as it fought to escape. Blood oozed from his orifices, and his skin began to crack. Had he not been a body cultivator, he would have lost consciousness.

"Hmph! Now that you're in my sea of consciousness, you won't escape," Lin Tianming gritted his teeth, enduring the pain as he used his spiritual power to control the Soul Beast Eye.

After several hours, he had refined about half of the Eye, which had turned into a small cluster of multicolored light.

The pain gradually subsided as the Eye was refined, and his wounds began to heal.

A day passed, and Lin Tianming finally refined the entire Soul Beast Eye, which now formed a walnut-sized cluster of multicolored light in his sea of consciousness.

Directing this light to his forehead, he watched as a slit appeared in the center, emitting a blinding multicolored light. The previously dim room was instantly illuminated.

Lin Tianming noticed he could now see the formation's core and energy flow within the cave, making it much easier to dismantle.

Amazed by the Eye's capabilities, Lin Tianming realized it was a powerful tool, especially for breaking formations.

Though unsure if it worked on all formations, it could definitely see through most fourth-tier formations, providing invaluable assistance.

Closing the Eye, it vanished, making his forehead appear normal.

Satisfied, Lin Tianming decided to name it the Five-Color Eye, reflecting its vibrant appearance.

With the name chosen, he prepared to leave and visit Ye Pinghai's cave dwelling, where the alchemist would have resumed refining the Small Foundation Pill after three days of recovery.