Chapter 54: Return to Qingzhu Mountain

The next morning, outside the Qianchuan Market, the sky was adorned with a crimson sunrise against a backdrop of blue, as a gentle breeze whispered through the air, painting a picturesque scene.

Lin Tianming and his grandfather Lin Shilu had just left the market, soaring on their swords for over ten miles before stopping atop a small hill. Lin Tianming released the Purple Gold Eagle from its spirit beast pouch. Over the past six months, the eagle had grown significantly larger.

Thanks to the Beast Origin Pills, with one pill per month, the Purple Gold Eagle had experienced rapid growth. Lin Tianming retrieved a Beast Origin Pill from his storage pouch and tossed it to the eagle. The bird snapped it up eagerly, swallowing it whole and affectionately nudging Lin Tianming with its enormous head, clearly seeking attention.

"Alright, enough of that. We need to get moving!" Lin Tianming said with a smile.

Both of them mounted the Purple Gold Eagle, which quickly ascended to several hundred feet in the air before streaking southward like a golden comet. With Lin Shilu accompanying him, Lin Tianming felt more relaxed and spent the journey admiring the scenic landscapes below.

Following their previous route, familiar with the path, they traveled smoothly. The enhanced speed of the Purple Gold Eagle allowed them to reach the vicinity of Qingzhu Mountain in just half a month.

As he gazed at the main peak of Qingzhu Mountain in the distance, Lin Tianming was filled with excitement. Having been away for over half a year, he had missed his family deeply. He was anxious to learn if his grandfather had successfully achieved the Foundation Establishment stage. With a mixture of anticipation and nervousness, the duo and their eagle sped into the family's protective formation, disappearing from sight.

Once inside the protective barrier, Lin Shilu finally felt relieved.

"Tianming, you should head back first. Tomorrow, join your grandfather and me at the family elders' meeting; we have matters to discuss," Lin Shilu instructed.

"Yes, grandfather," Lin Tianming responded, bowing respectfully before flying towards the mountainside.

Watching his grandson leave, Lin Shilu felt a sense of pride. The child was meticulous, exceptionally talented, and remarkably fortunate—truly a promising individual. With satisfaction, he vanished into the distance.

Instead of returning to his own courtyard, Lin Tianming headed straight to the Alchemy Hall to check on his grandfather's progress in the Foundation Establishment stage. Outside the hall, he encountered his second cousin, Lin Tianhong, just as he was exiting.

Lin Tianming approached with a smile. "Greetings, Second Brother!"

"Sixth Brother, it's been a long time. You've finally returned!" Lin Tianhong responded warmly.

The two had studied alchemy together for nearly two years but hadn't seen each other in quite some time. Lin Tianhong, who had advanced from the fourth to the fifth level of Qi Refining, had made significant progress.

"Second Brother, is my grandfather inside?" Lin Tianming asked eagerly.

"Ninth Uncle is inside. I just came out. He's free right now. Since you've been away for so long, you should go see him," Lin Tianhong replied.

"Alright, I'll go in now. We should catch up later!" Lin Tianming said.

"Yes, we brothers haven't gathered in a while. We should get together soon, maybe with Eldest Brother and Third Sister," Lin Tianhong suggested.

After saying goodbye, Lin Tianming walked into the main hall. Inside, Lin Shigong was waiting, looking significantly different from before. His previously graying hair had turned jet black, giving him a youthful, middle-aged appearance. Clearly, his grandfather had successfully established his Foundation.

Elated, Lin Tianming realized that not only had his family gained another Foundation Establishment cultivator, but they also potentially had another second-tier alchemist in the making. Given his grandfather's decades of expertise at the top of the first tier, advancing to the second tier seemed inevitable with his newfound cultivation level.

Calming his excitement, Lin Tianming formally congratulated his grandfather. "Congratulations on reaching the Foundation Establishment stage, Grandfather!"

Lin Shigong, equally pleased, chuckled. "Yes, I was fortunate. Your Uncle Shi also succeeded, though sadly, your Fifth Uncle did not."

Seeing the sorrow on his grandfather's face, Lin Tianming understood that Lin Shiji had failed to establish his Foundation.

"Grandfather, our family's lack of resources has delayed many people's progress by decades. This was beyond our control," Lin Tianming consoled.

"You're right. Many of our ancestors faced similar fates, failing to establish their Foundation due to lack of resources. Compared to them, we are indeed fortunate," Lin Shigong agreed, feeling slightly comforted by his grandson's words.

With the heavy topic put aside, Lin Shigong inquired about Lin Tianming's experiences over the past six months. Lin Tianming activated a barrier and began recounting his adventures.

"Twelfth Uncle and I secured twelve Small Foundation Establishment Pills!" Lin Shigong exclaimed, eyes wide with astonishment and excitement. His face flushed as he grasped the enormity of this achievement.

"Indeed, Elder Ye Peihai proved to be a valuable ally. Without his assistance, acquiring such a quantity would have been far more difficult and dangerous," Lin Tianming explained gratefully.

"Yes, his help was invaluable. My alchemy skills have improved greatly under his guidance. I can now consistently produce top-tier first-tier pills with decent yield rates," Lin Tianming added.

Reluctant to reveal the secret of the Five-Color Eye, Lin Tianming chose not to mention it, attributing his progress solely to Ye Peihai's teachings.

"Excellent! You've exceeded my expectations. Keep striving; surpassing our ancestors' achievements is within your reach," Lin Shigong encouraged.

"I will, Grandfather," Lin Tianming vowed.

"By the way, I obtained a secret technique at an auction. Take a look," Lin Tianming offered, handing over the jade slip.

After studying it for a while, Lin Shigong sighed. "A pity it's only the first half. Finding the second half will be like searching for a needle in a haystack. However, we should still keep an eye out. If it's genuine, it could greatly benefit our family. But keep this to ourselves for now. I'll discuss it with your third uncle."

Lin Tianming agreed. "Of course, Grandfather."

After discussing their experiences and plans for half an hour, they left the Alchemy Hall and returned to their family courtyard.