Chapter 58: Entering the Mountains

Returning to his courtyard, Lin Tianming entered the secret chamber.

The departure was still some days away, giving him time to enter seclusion and cultivate. Improving his strength as much as possible would increase his chances of survival.

Taking out a Spirit Origin Pill, he consumed it and began to circulate his cultivation technique, refining the pill's medicinal power. Gradually, strands of spiritual energy flowed into his dantian, causing it to expand slightly.

He glanced at the spiritual energy within his dantian, almost half-filled, and a smile appeared on his face.

Seven days passed in this manner.

In the secret chamber, Lin Tianming opened his eyes, which gleamed with a sharp light.


He exhaled a few breaths of turbid air and stood up, leaving the secret chamber.

That evening, as the breeze gently blew, Lin Tianming's family gathered in the courtyard to chat.

Lin Shigong had also returned, offering his usual advice.

"Remember to stay with the group, do not act alone. I've already asked your fifth uncle to keep an eye on you..."


Although he had heard it all before, Lin Tianming felt a warmth in his heart listening to his grandfather's nagging and his mother's reminders.

Despite the family's lack of resources, they were still a source of reliance, attachment, and faith. Faith is a peculiar thing; without it, without goals, there is no motivation, leaving one to live a muddled life.

Sipping his spirit tea, Lin Tianming smiled and said, "Grandfather, Mother, don't worry. I've grown up and know how to protect myself and act within my limits. Rest assured, I will make you proud!"

Seeing the determination in Lin Tianming's eyes, both his grandfather and mother said no more.

Lin Tianming shifted the conversation to his younger sister.

After all, he had grown up and would not spend much time on Qingzhu Mountain. His sister would be the one accompanying their grandfather and mother.

In recent years, Lin Tianyue had been cultivating diligently, with plenty of resources provided by Lin Tianming and their grandfather. Among her peers, she had always been ahead in cultivation, the first to break through to the third level of Qi Refining. She had begun learning basic knowledge and was only short of practical experience.

Unfortunately, Lin Tianyue was not interested in alchemy but was keen on talismans. Despite her grandfather's repeated persuasion, she remained unmoved. Lin Tianming, however, accepted her choice, believing that following her interests might lead to greater achievements.

The warm scene, under the moonlight, ended with the family in harmony.

The next morning, Lin Tianming bid farewell to his mother and left, with the Purple Gold Eagle following behind, heading to the Law Enforcement Hall.

It was still early, but a crowd of family members had already gathered in the open square.

Lin Tianming landed nearby, greeted everyone, and walked over to Lin Tianfeng and Lin Tianhong, engaging in casual conversation.

Lin Tianfeng had just arrived, and the three of them observed the strength of the demon hunting squad.

Among those who signed up, besides Lin Tianming, Lin Tianfeng, and Lin Tianhong, who were of the Tian generation, the other seven were of the Xing generation.

Among these seven uncles, their cultivation levels varied. The highest was Lin Xingzhi at the eighth level of Qi Refining, followed by three at the seventh level and three at the sixth level. Along with Lin Tianming at the seventh level, Lin Tianfeng at the sixth level, Lin Tianhong at the fifth level, and Lin Shiji at the peak of Qi Refining, this lineup could rival half the strength of an average Qi Refining family.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Lin Shiji arrived, and everyone greeted him.

Lin Shiji took out a small booklet, glanced at everyone, and nodded, confirming the attendance.

"Since everyone is here, I will say a few words!"

"This demon hunting expedition is mainly for your training. You are a team, and all actions must follow orders. Do not act alone and do not take unnecessary risks that endanger others."

"We may encounter people from other families or many rogue cultivators in the mountains. Avoid causing trouble and unnecessary conflict."



"It's getting late, let's set off!"

Lin Shiji led the way, with the group following behind.

In less than a quarter of an hour, they flew out of the protective formation and gathered together, waiting for Lin Shiji's instructions.

"Tianming, the journey is long. Let your Purple Gold Eagle carry everyone to save time and spiritual energy."

Lin Tianming readily agreed and summoned the Purple Gold Eagle. Lin Shiji jumped onto its back, followed quickly by Lin Tianming and the others.

In no time, all eleven were seated, comfortably spread out. The Purple Gold Eagle had grown significantly and could easily carry over ten people without affecting its speed.

Lin Shiji took out a map and pointed to a place called Qingyang Mountain, over three hundred miles west of Qingzhu Mountain.

Lin Tianming gave the command, and the Purple Gold Eagle flapped its wings, ascending to a height of a hundred feet before heading west.

The Purple Gold Eagle flew swiftly, the wind whipping through their robes, creating a rustling sound.

Lin Shiji sat at the front, calm as a monk in meditation, lost in thought.

Lin Tianming and the others were no strangers to such journeys. Many of them had combat experience, and Lin Tianfeng, a battle enthusiast of the family, had participated in several demon beast hunts.

Lin Tianhong, however, was noticeably nervous, his face pale and beads of sweat forming on his forehead, causing the others to tease him.

In just half a day, the group, thanks to the Purple Gold Eagle's speed, covered over three hundred miles and arrived at Qingyang Mountain, landing in a valley.

Everyone dismounted from the Purple Gold Eagle, and Lin Tianming stored it back in his spirit beast pouch, surveying the area.

The valley was lush with greenery, covered with dense forest, and a river flowed through it from east to west.

This was the outskirts of the Luoyun Mountain Range. Further west lay the territory of demon beasts.

After organizing the formation, Lin Shiji led the way westward, and everyone followed, with Lin Tianming deploying his spiritual sense to monitor their surroundings.

Lin Xingzhi, the highest-ranked after Lin Shiji, took up the rear.

Lin Tianming and his two younger brothers were placed in the middle, giving them more time to react in case of sudden attacks.

As they ventured deeper, the mist in the forest thickened, significantly reducing the range of their spiritual senses by a third.

Half a day passed, and the group had traversed nearly a hundred miles westward, entering another valley.

This valley was small, only a few miles wide, with sparse trees and scattered rocks.

It was now evening, the time when demon beasts became active, increasing the chances of encounters.

For safety, Lin Shiji decided to camp here for the night and continue at dawn.

The group sat together, recovering their strength, with two people taking turns to keep watch. Lin Tianhong and Lin Tianfeng took the last shift, while Lin Tianming and a Qi Refining level six uncle took the first.

Lin Tianming and his companion did not cultivate but sat, one facing south and the other north, keeping an eye on their surroundings.