Chapter 3 Mo Jiuwei

[Senior Sister Du is really a worm in my stomach! ] Mo Jiuwei was pleasantly surprised.

  Du Yue: ...

  She fed Mo Jiuwei with a smile, and Mo Jiuwei squinted her eyes and drank happily.

  "Little baby, we haven't given you a name yet, what do you want to be called?" Du Yue put down the bowl and asked with a smile.

  "Let's call her Xiaoyao, with my last name, how about Liu Yaoyao?" Old man Liu smiled and moved forward.

  [No! I want to be called Mo Jiuwei! ]

  Mo Jiuwei kicked her legs and silently resisted.

  "From the look of her, it seems that she is not happy." Senior Sister Chen said with a smile, "I think this little girl is destined to be with our Xianlai Sect, why not take the last name of the founder - Mo."

  [Huh? What a coincidence? That's great, let's take the last name Mo! ]

  "Surname Mo, that's fine too." Old man Liu pretended to think, and then deliberately said: "As for the name, the day we picked her up was the ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, why not call her Mo Jiu... Yao?"

  Everyone in the Xianlai Sect looked at him silently -

  you just made it up!

  Today is clearly the eleventh day of the twelfth lunar month, what the hell is the ninth day of the first lunar month!

  There is no other way. They have to find a name that satisfies her idea, but they cannot reveal the fact that they can listen to her heart. They can only force a "coincidence" like this.

  [No Jiuyao, Jiuwei!] Continue to kick her legs.

  A handsome young man said with a smile, "Junior sister is beautiful and cute, and is very similar to the Mingwei flower I saw more than a month ago. Why not... call her Jiuwei."

  [Wow, yes, yes, it's Jiuwei!]

  Mo Jiuwei was satisfied and finally stopped kicking her feet.

  "In that case, then let's call her Mo Jiuwei." Old man Liu nodded with a smile.

  "What a good name."

  "Jiuwei, you will be called Jiuwei from now on."

  Everyone talked one after another, and they all came to Mo Jiuwei, looking at her with a happy smile.

  [Well, so many people... I don't know them.] Mo Jiuwei tried to identify the appearance of these people.

  It is unknown how many people there are in Xianlai Sect, but at this time there are more than ten people in the room, all surrounding Mo Jiuwei's bed.

  "Jiuwei, I'm Liu Feng, your uncle Liu." Old man Liu's eyes flashed and he said with a smile.

  [I remember, it was you who saved me... But old man, how come you

  are only in the late stage of foundation building at your age? You obviously have good aptitude! ] [Wait, are you actually carrying the immortal marrow without knowing it? That's really a waste of such an old age! ]

  Liu Feng was stunned.

  What? Immortal marrow? Me?

  The others also looked at him in astonishment, some half-believing and half-doubting.

  "Hey, Junior Sister Jiuwei, I'm your Senior Brother Yi Xingyun." The handsome young man who suggested calling Jiuwei stepped forward and said with a smile.

  Yi Xingyun has an outstanding appearance, with a clear and bright appearance, and even if he is wearing old clothes, his brilliance is not concealed at all.

  [Senior Brother Yi is really the face of Xianlai Sect, but this dress is too shabby... And this cultivation is really unbearable. ]

  Mo Jiuwei shook her head in her heart.

  Yi Xingyun almost couldn't hold back his expression-

  was he being disliked?

  Then, the others came forward and introduced themselves, either seriously or with a smile on their face.

  [Senior Sister Du Yue, I know her well! She hugged me the longest, and she was so gentle and kind.]

  As Du Yue's smile deepened, she suddenly froze——

  [I don't know what that scumbag was thinking, he actually dared to cheat on her, and cheated her for money and sex! It's really outrageous!]

  Scumbag? Cuckold her? Cheated her for money and sex?

  Cuckold who?


  [Senior Sister Ji Qingqing must have had a good family in the past. The robe I'm wearing is hers, and the material of her sword is also good. If I forge it again, its value will definitely increase by more than ten times.]     Ji Qingqing sighed silently upon hearing this, as if she was lost in some memories.

  Then, the very dashing Senior Sister Chen Lan also stepped forward and reported her name.

  [Senior Sister Chen has dual spiritual roots, how come she has only reached the foundation building stage? ]

  [Oh, it turns out that she has a knot in her heart, and it is difficult to resolve. What a pity. ]

  Chen Lan opened her eyes wide.

  Others were also shocked -

  Chen Lan's dual spiritual roots are considered to be upper-middle class in the world of immortal cultivation, but she is nearly a hundred years old this year and is only at the foundation building stage. There is naturally a reason for this.

  Her only daughter died young, and she has been heartbroken ever since, and has no intention of practicing.

  Then, a bearded man chuckled, "Junior Sister, I'm Hu Jiu, your Senior Brother Hu!"

  Mo Jiuwei couldn't help sneezing.

  [Emma, ​​this smell. ]

  "Go away, stay away from our Weiwei, you are full of alcohol, and you are fuming people!" Old Man Liu frowned and chased Hu Jiu away like a fly.

  Hu Jiu looked embarrassed, and he obediently retreated to the door, then stood on tiptoe and looked eagerly at Mo Jiuwei.

  He really wanted to hug his sweet and soft little junior sister!

  [Brother Hu is obviously an alcoholic, is that why he is in the Qi training stage?]

  Hu Jiu scratched his head a little embarrassedly -

  it was true.

  His family used to run a winery, and he secretly drank alcohol since he was a child, and he became addicted to it when he grew up.

  Unfortunately, he couldn't drink much and often got drunk, so he either slept or looked for and drank alcohol, and the time he had for cultivation was pitiful.

  [But if you like wine, you can become a winemaker, and you can also cultivate and ascend by using wine to enter the Tao.] Mo Jiuwei thought.

  Hu Jiu couldn't help but widen his eyes -


  Using wine to enter the Tao!

  Is this possible? ?

  The last young girl jumped forward and shook her head in front of Mo Jiuwei, "Junior sister, look at me, I am your senior sister Meng Ling, haha, I am finally not Junior Sister Meng anymore!"

  She used to be the youngest and anyone could order her around, but now someone else is finally at the bottom.

  [Hiss... Xianlai Sect is awesome, there is actually a genius with a mutant single spiritual root - thunder spiritual root! ]

  Mo Jiuwei finally got interested when she saw Meng Yao.

  Because this youngest girl is the top spiritual root - the proud daughter of heaven with thunder spiritual root!

  People with such spiritual roots are absolutely rare in the world of immortal cultivation. It can be said that all sects can choose them, and they are treated as personal disciples wherever they go.

  But such a person would actually be in such a downtrodden Xianlai Sect!

  But after a closer look, Mo Jiuwei understood.

  [Oh, it turns out that the spiritual root is damaged and the cultivation is hindered. No wonder. ]

  Meng Ling's smile faded and she lowered her head with some disappointment.

  Yes, she was once a genius who was praised to the sky, but then something unexpected happened.

  Since then, the genius from the clouds has fallen to the mortal world and has become the mud under her feet. She has been ridiculed and mocked by countless people.

  If she used to practice for one day, it would be equivalent to ten days for ordinary people. Now, even if she practices for ten days, it is not as good as one day for ordinary people. Her

  spiritual roots are damaged and she cannot absorb spiritual energy. Even if she practices for a long time, it seems to be in vain.

  She can see the end of her life at a glance.

  [But it's not a big problem. As long as she has that spiritual herb, her damaged spiritual roots can be repaired, and then she can practice normally. ]