Chapter 10 Yuling Water

Everyone in Xianlai Sect couldn't help laughing -

  in fact, you really "told" us directly.

  But the more Mo Jiuwei thought about it, the more they dared not tell us that they could hear her words.

  Saying it would not change the current situation, it would only add to the trouble!

  [The entrance to the cave is here, the position above is it! ] Suddenly, Mo Jiuwei found the trace of the cave entrance.

  Almost at the same time, Old Man Liu and the others also found the entrance to the cave.

  "Uncle Liu, I'll go with you." Chen Lan said immediately, "Others should not go in, otherwise there will be too many people and too much noise, which may cause trouble."

  She and Liu Feng have the highest cultivation among these people, and they are more flexible, so it is easier for them to go in or out.

  The entrance to the cave is so narrow that if too many people go in, it will be difficult to retreat.

  "Okay, you wait outside, it's best to hide your body and don't be discovered by others."

  Liu Feng said and walked into the cave first.


  Chen Lan followed closely behind, and of course, Mo Jiuwei, who was held in her arms, also went in with her.

  This is also the reason why Chen Lan wanted to go into the cave, because only if she went in, Mo Jiuwei could naturally go in with her.

  If you want to find the spiritual object quickly, you can't do without Jiuwei's help!

  And the fact is indeed so.

  [On the left! ]

  [Choose the road on the right! ]

  [We're here! ]

  They were still following Mo Jiuwei's instructions, but before they heard her last sentence, Liu Feng and Chen Lan looked at one place.

  They had already seen the spiritual object.

  There was a stone that looked like a bamboo shoot. The stone was vertical and long. The color was obviously different from the surrounding stones, with a jade-like color.

  And at the position of the "shoot tip", milky white liquid was dripping down, and the strong spiritual energy around came from there.

  "The color of this pool of water on the ground is normal, and its 'spiritual transformation' should have just started not long ago." Chen Lan said happily.

  Spiritual transformation is spiritualization. Before the birth of spiritual objects here, the bamboo shoot tip was also dripping water, but it was just ordinary liquid, which did not contain spiritual energy.

  But when the spiritual energy was accumulated enough, what dripped out was no longer water, but spiritual water.

  "This is Yuling Water." Old Man Liu's eyes were a little hot.

  This is a spiritual object that he has only seen in jade slips. He has only seen it in books and heard about it from others in his life. This is the first time he has seen it with his own eyes!

  He took a deep breath and felt that the spiritual energy here was so dense that it could flow into his limbs and bones with just one breath. His body felt comfortable, like a thirsty person drinking a big mouthful of water. It was so comfortable that he wanted to sigh.

  [Don't be intoxicated, collect your things quickly!] Mo Jiuwei was anxious.

  [Hurry up! Now the fight has started outside. The winner will be the first to break into the cave. We don't have much time!]

  Old Man Liu was sober with a start.

  He looked and saw that Chen Lan next to him was also intoxicated.

  It's not their fault that they have never seen the world. It's really that the cultivators' desire for spiritual energy is engraved in their bones. Unless they are powerful people with profound cultivation, few ordinary people can remain calm in front of spiritual objects.

  But...Jiu Wei is obviously not an ordinary person.

  Old Liu thought to himself, and his movements were not slow. He first ran to the spiritual object in a few big steps, and then found an empty bottle to collect the Yuling water.

  This Yuling water cannot touch other water, so the Yuling water that dripped down has lost its effect.

  "Tap, tap..."     Drops of Yuling water dripped into the bottle slowly. These few drops of water were so few that they didn't even fill the bottom of the transparent bottle.

  [The time for spiritual transformation is usually no more than a cup of tea, so you can catch as many drops as you can.]

  [Not good! People outside are coming in!]

  Mo Jiuwei suddenly moved her head, and then stretched out her hand to grab something out of thin air, trying to remind them to leave quickly.

  In order not to disturb those people, she didn't make any sound from beginning to end.

  Old Liu and Chen Lan's hearts sank. They had already heard the sound coming from the cave from a distance. Not only did someone break in, but there were also sounds of fighting.

  The fight between the powerful can't be over in a short time, and there were so many people outside just now, how can they quickly decide the winner?

  But the time for the spiritual creature to appear is limited. They can wait, but the spiritual creature can't wait. By the time they finish fighting, the spiritual creature may have disappeared!

  So seeing that the situation was not right, they simply rushed in and fought while walking.

  Old Liu and Chen Lan looked at each other, exchanged glances, and then the two of them put away the bottle without any reluctance, turned around and retreated the way they came.

  They only took a little Yuling water, so little that the bottle was light and seemed empty.

  But it is better to have it than not to have it. If they delay

  any longer, they will die. Not long after they left, the Jindan monks over there had already arrived here.

  "It turned out to be Yuling water!" Someone saw the situation here with sharp eyes and was overjoyed.

  "No, the time when Yuling water appeared is less than a cup of tea. We have wasted a lot of time. We must fight quickly!"

  As they said that, those people began to wave their weapons again, and talismans flew everywhere. The whole cave was full of spiritual energy and light balls coming and going, which was very exciting.

  Someone wanted to take the Yuling water in the chaos, but was attacked from behind. He died on the spot without even touching the shadow of Yuling water.

  When the battle was over, the leader dragged his seriously injured body and struggled to take the Yuling water, but he only took three drops.

  Because from the fourth drop, the Yuling water disappeared, and the dripping water turned back into ordinary liquid.

  "How is it, did you get anything?"

  At the southern cave entrance, seeing Old Man Liu and his group coming back, Hu Jiu hurried forward and asked, "I heard the noise, they have already broken into the cave, did you not run into them?"

  "No, we walked fast." Chen Lan answered, wiping the sweat off his face, "I really used all my strength."

  In order to catch more drops of Yuling water, they had to move faster, otherwise they would run into those people.

  "That's good, let's get out of here first."

  Everyone said, quickly left the vicinity of the cave entrance, and found a place where no one was around to rest.

  "How is it, what kind of spiritual object is that?"

  "Yes, I haven't seen a spiritual object yet, let's see what it looks like!"

  After confirming that there was no one around, everyone excitedly stepped forward and asked.

  Except for Old Man Liu, the disciples were very young and had not seen much of the world. They had only followed the Xianlai Sect through poverty and destitution.

  Where would they have seen a spiritual object!

  "Look, do you recognize it?"

  Old Liu smiled, and a small bottle appeared in his palm.

  The mouth of the bottle was plugged, and the milky white liquid inside could be seen through the bottle.

  Milky white? Liquid?

  Meng Ling's eyelids jumped, and she seemed to have some guesses in her mind.

  She carefully pulled out the plug, and before she could get close to smell it, a strong and clear spiritual energy attacked her face, making her take a deep breath involuntarily.