Chapter 38 Yuntianmen

What's going on?

  Could it be that the voice of the junior sister is not really transmitted in the air, but directly rings in the mind, so the sound is not affected by the distance?

  After this competition, I have to think about this matter carefully.

  The three of them did not think too much and soon put their attention back on answering the questions.

  Mo Jiuwei was not idle at all. She was curiously looking around, her eyes all circling around the handsome men and beautiful women.

  The competition of the Sanyi Huamen has an age requirement. Those over 40 years old cannot participate.

  40 years old is still young in the world of immortal cultivation. Even the lifespan of the Qi training disciples with the worst cultivation is 200 years old.

  Therefore, almost all the people present are young cultivators, and they have been specially dressed up, and everyone looks refreshed.

  Tired of watching, Mo Jiuwei simply closed her eyes and took a nap. Anyway, she has a "bed" anywhere, so she doesn't have to choose the time and place.

  After the competition, Mo Jiuwei just woke up from her sleep.

  She yawned, and then quickly moved her neck, trying to find where Hu Jiu and the others were.

  [Is the competition over? What's the result? ]

  [Where are they? ]

  [It feels like a lot of people are missing. ]

  Chen Lan smiled and said, "Junior Sister Jiuwei, are you awake? Your Senior Brother Hu and the others have passed the first round of preliminary screening, and are now in the second round. If they pass this round, they will be eligible to participate in the formal competition tomorrow."

  Today's is just a screening, not even a formal competition. Only those who can stay until tomorrow will count.

  Those disciples who didn't pass the first round of preliminary screening didn't have the face to stay and left directly. Many of them cried as they walked.

  Tsk, they are still too young!

  Mo Jiuwei finally understood.

  She moved her head, and soon saw the back of a person writing hard not far away -

  it was Du Yue!

  Both rounds of preliminary screening were answering questions, but the subjects were different. There were fewer questions in the second round, but the difficulty was obviously increased.

  Du Yue was writing when she suddenly heard the voice of her junior sister——

  [Ah, that person is actually copying Senior Sister Du's answers, how shameless!]

  Huh? Someone copied me?

  Du Yue frowned and subconsciously turned her head sharply, just in time to meet a pair of shocked and panicked faces.

  The man was startled by her. He was so absorbed in copying that he had never expected to be discovered so soon.

  He froze there at first, then his face turned red all of a sudden, and he quickly lowered his head and dared not look at her.

  [Ahaha, finally found out!]

  After watching this, Mo Jiuwei suddenly moved her little nose.

  [Hmm, what is that smell, it seems a little familiar...]

  [Forget it, it's too light, I can't remember it.]

  Mo Jiuwei tried very hard to think about it, and gave up when she found that she really couldn't remember it, and probably because she was tired of thinking, she tilted her head and fell asleep again.

  Chen Lan looked at her funny, stretched out her hand to straighten her tilted head, and then reached out and touched her nose lovingly.

  "Uncle, do you smell anything?" Yi Xingyun asked Liu Feng in a low voice.

  Liu Feng had been sniffing since he heard Mo Jiuwei's voice, but he didn't get anything.

  "I don't know what smell she was talking about. I can't smell it."

  "Maybe it's because there are so many people and the smells are mixed. I didn't find anything special." Yi Xingyun said.     Another quarter of an hour later, the second round of preliminary screening was over.

  The results were announced on the spot. Just by glancing at what they wrote, the seniors could quickly determine whether the person should be eliminated or kept.

  "Great, all three of us passed!" Yi Xingyun was overjoyed after seeing the results!

  The eliminated disciples left with their heads down, and the remaining disciples were all happy, and among them were the three people from their Xianlai Sect.

  "Not bad, not bad." Liu Feng also laughed out loud, "It seems that the purpose of this trip has been achieved, and we will not be the last."

  "How could we be the last? There were so many people who left in the first round, and we at least made it to the second round." Yi Xingyun said with a smile, "It seems that they are indeed the same as the little sister... They are indeed excellent."

  Just now, Yi Xingyun went around and asked around, and then learned that most of the disciples who were competing had learned skills for 10 to 20 years, and the shortest one had learned for eight years.

  And the three people from their sect had only learned for two months!

  If this is not excellent, what is it?

  Hu Jiu and the others also walked over with a smile.

  "Uncle Master, I have done my job!"

  Liu Feng smiled from ear to ear, "Okay, okay, you have done a great job! You have worked hard. Let's go to Danyin Sect now, and you should rest early."

  After passing the selection, they can stay tonight, and the cave they were assigned to is in Danyin Sect.

  After a night of rest, the second day of the competition came.

  Mo Jiuwei was taken to the sidelines to watch, but she moved her nose again when she arrived.

  [Hey, the smell seems to be a little stronger today? ]

  [What is it... Why can't I remember it...]

  Chen Lan couldn't help but look at Liu Feng and ask with her eyes.

  But Liu Feng smelled hard and still shook his head.

  They couldn't smell it, or they had smelled it, but couldn't tell which one was the one Mo Jiuwei said among the many smells.

  Liu Feng glanced at Mo Jiuwei and suddenly had the urge to ask her what the smell was.

  Because he inexplicably felt that the smell that could be noticed by Mo Jiuwei for two consecutive days must not be emitted by ordinary things.

  But after thinking about it, he gave up and didn't ask any more.

  "Meng Ling? It's really you!"

  A voice suddenly sounded, and then two female cultivators walked out from the side of the crowd.

  They were not very old, and looked about fifteen or sixteen years old, but they were dressed luxuriously, holding Qiankun bracelets or Qiankun rings on their hands, and their swords were all yellow-level.

  The price of a graded magic weapon is more than ten times that of an ordinary magic weapon. Just looking at this, you can tell that the two of them are from extraordinary backgrounds.

  At this time, the two were looking at Meng Ling with surprise, especially when Meng Ling turned around and faced them.

  Meng Ling's heart sank and his brows furrowed.

  "Meng Ling, why are you here? Just now Liu Liu said that he saw you, but I didn't believe it. I didn't expect it to be true..." The red-clothed woman looked at Meng Ling, then at Liu Feng and the others, "What sect are you from?"

  "Who are you?" Yi Xingyun noticed Meng Ling's expression, which was definitely not the joy of seeing an old friend, so he roughly guessed the identities of the two.

  "We are elite disciples of Yuntian Sect. I am Liu Xiao, and this is my junior sister Qiao Wenxue." The pink-clothed woman answered.

  It's really Yuntian Sect!

  If we rank the major sects in the continent, Yuntian Sect is definitely in the top five.

  Being able to enter Yuntian Sect and become its elite disciples shows that these two people are extraordinary talents.