Chapter 49 Market

Since the rotation of learning is inevitable, we can only grit our teeth and accept it.

  The Xianlai Sect can indeed provide 3,000 crystal stones now, but this is indeed not a small amount. Thinking of giving it to others for nothing and not being able to learn anything useful, everyone is angry.

  Because of the anger, everyone is practicing very diligently, and Mo Jiuwei also began the days of "taking turns to accompany".

  Today I will accompany Uncle Liu to practice, tomorrow I will accompany Brother Hu to make talismans, and the day after tomorrow I will accompany Sister Ji to practice swords...

  If you want to say who is the least diligent in practicing in the Xianlai Sect, it is probably Chen Lan.

  Her problem is not elsewhere, but her own poor state. She always lacks something when practicing, which makes her efficiency less than half of others.

  Mo Jiuwei can't do anything about this. Chen Lan's daughter's matter has caused her too much of a blow. She can only figure it out and let it go by herself. Others can't help.

  "Chen Lan, take these things to the market and try to sell them for a good price." Liu Feng pointed to the pile of things on the table and said.

  This is the result of the three people Hu Jiu and others have practiced in the past few days.

  Because they are novices, the things they have refined are also very basic. Everyone can't use so many, and it's a waste to keep them. It's better to sell them in the market and exchange them for crystals.

  "No problem, leave it to me." Chen Lan smiled.

  "If it can be sold, sell it. If it can't be sold, pack it and sell it to the shop. You can handle the specific situation." Liu Feng believes in Chen Lan's ability and knows that it's okay to leave this kind of thing to her.


  [And me, take me with you! ] Mo Jiuwei was excited.

  It's great to go out again.

  She also wants to go to the market to set up a stall!

  After hearing this, Liu Feng glanced at Chen Lan calmly and asked her what she meant.

  "Jiuwei, come with me, take her to see the excitement outside." Chen Lan dotingly tapped Mo Jiuwei's nose. Jiuwei

  is not an ordinary child. She won't cry and cause trouble. She will just stay quietly, and she knows a lot.

  It can be said that everyone is willing to take her with her, and no one will dislike her.

  "Let me go with you." Ji Qingqing also said, "My eyes are a little blurry from practicing sword these days, and I want to take a short break."

  So the three of them went.

  There are two types of shops in the market, one is a fixed shop with a storefront, and the other is a popular roadside stall.

  If you want to do a big long-term business, it is suitable to rent a shop, but for a small business like theirs, you naturally have to rent a small stall.

  This kind of small stall can be rented by the day, half a month, or a month. Because they don't know the situation for the time being, they only rented it for one day.

  "Look, No. 39, East Fourth Lane, this is your shop. From now until this time tomorrow, if it exceeds even a quarter of an hour, you will be charged for one more day."

  The servant of the market took them to the place, turned around and left after explaining it clearly.

  But before leaving, he looked at Mo Jiuwei twice more, obviously a little surprised that someone would set up a stall with such a young child.

  "Hey, is this child your daughter?"

  The stall next to them was occupied by an old man selling tea. His hair was completely white and his business was not very good, so he was just looking around idly. When he saw them coming, he started chatting.

  "No, she's my junior sister." Chen Lan explained.

  Her face was not very good, not because of the old man's words, but because of other things.

  She raised her eyes and looked at a shop diagonally in front of her. There were dark clouds in her eyes, heavy.

  Not only her, Ji Qingqing also had a stern face, and gritted her teeth when she looked at the shop.

  After the old man asked, seeing their expressions, he didn't dare to say anything, but just half-closed his eyes and took a nap.     [What's wrong with the two sisters? Is there something wrong with that shop?] Mo Jiuwei also noticed it and couldn't help but feel confused.

  However, the sisters who had always been "in tune" with her in the past rarely explained this time. They just quickly retracted their gazes and began to take out things and put them on the ground.

  The shop on their right was still empty and had not been rented.

  There were not too many monks passing by at this time. The shop they were assigned was not in a prime location and was not a must-go place for people to walk.

  So after waiting here for a while, no one stopped to ask, let alone someone came to buy.

  "Senior sister, we won't be able to close a deal, right?" Ji Qingqing was quite looking forward to it at first, but she became frustrated after waiting for a while.

  "It's normal that we can't close a deal. The things we sell are not very special. People can buy them anywhere." The old man on the left said, "Unless you sell them very cheaply."

  "That won't work." Ji Qingqing said, "Our things are hard-earned, we can't sell them at a low price."

  If they sell them at a low price, wouldn't it be a waste of the hard work of the three brothers and sisters?

  Besides, these things also have costs, and buying materials costs money!

  Even if they can't be sold for a while, they can't lose money.

  The old man laughed after hearing this, and said, "It's always like this at the beginning."

  "You should have set up a stall here for a long time, right?" Chen Lan asked the old man with her head tilted.

  "It's been a long time, on and off, about ten years." The old man nodded, then picked up the cup and sipped the tea in the cup.

  "So long? Have you made any money?"

  "I don't make much money, but it's quite interesting, much more interesting than at home." The old man said with a smile.

  Chen Lan looked at the tea in the old man's stall. These were not spiritual teas, but the most ordinary tea leaves. Maybe they tasted good, but they were not necessary for cultivators, and the price was cheap.

  Chen Lan's expression was a little strange -

  can these teas really be sold?

  The old man didn't chat with them anymore, but tilted his head to talk to the lady selling hairpins on his left.

  "Excuse me, how much is the elixir this time?"

  After a while, a young male cultivator hurried by and stopped to ask.

  "10 crystals for one pill." Chen Lan said.

  This price is a little cheaper than the normal market price, but it is not the cheapest either, because when they came, they saw another store selling 9 crystals.

  However, the quality of the pills from that store is a little worse, and it looks like they were made by a beginner.

  From this, we can see that Du Yue has a good talent in alchemy. Although she is also a beginner, her finished pills are more attractive than others.

  The male cultivator pursed his lips after hearing this, "I want five pills, can I have 45 crystals?"

  "45 is not okay, 47 is fine." Chen Lan said straightforwardly.

  The male cultivator hesitated for a moment, but finally paid the money, then took the pills and left in a hurry.

  The old man was quite surprised to see this scene, "Is it possible? You opened so soon?"

  "Just lucky." Chen Lan said, "It looks like he is going on a long journey, and he must buy this pill."

  The old man nodded, and then went to talk to the old lady again.