Chapter 72 A Trap

But if he brings too many people, if something goes wrong, he will have to bear more responsibilities, so even for Meng Ling's sake, he is only willing to take two people in.

Meng Ling heard it, but didn't want to expose it and offend him.

"Okay, that's troublesome."

Meng Ling nodded, then reached out and held Mo Jiuwei in his arms, "I'll take her there."

The male cultivator opened his eyes wide, "Take her?"

He looked at Meng Ling in astonishment and found that she didn't seem to be joking.

Looking at the fellow disciples beside Meng Ling, they all had a look of "it should be so" on their faces, and no one objected.

The male cultivators were confused. Aren't they anxious to see the elder sister? Why did they give the quota to such a little baby? ?

"Is there a problem?" Meng Ling asked.

After several conversations, the smile on her face had disappeared, and she was looking at the male cultivator with an expressionless face.

"Well, no problem...but if you take her, you can also take someone else with you." said the male monk.

Du Yue was about to say that she was going when she heard Mo Jiuwei's voice -

[Bring some Hu wine! ]

"I'll go." Hu Jiu immediately took a step forward and said to Du Yue and the others, "You guys go find a teahouse or inn first and wait for our news."

Du Yue and the others nodded.

"Okay." Meng Ling nodded and looked at the male cultivator, "Senior Brother Zheng, let's go."

"Okay, let's go."

Watching Senior Brother Zheng taking Meng Ling and the others away, Du Yue and the others had no intention of leaving.

As long as you go down the mountain, you can find an inn and a teahouse in the market at the foot of the mountain, where you can take a short break and eat while waiting.

But everyone was concerned about Chen Lan's safety, so no one had the mind to eat or sit down.

So all of them stood outside the mountain gate, waiting for news with anxious faces.

"The location of the Hundred Sects School is Tiandu Garden. There are lecture halls and caves there. Food, accommodation and training are all provided there." Zheng Yan explained the situation to them as they walked, and gave them a brief introduction to his own sect, with pride in his tone.

In addition, he was secretly observing Hu Jiu's behavior.

When Meng Ling contacted him using the sound transmission talisman, he said that he had now joined another sect and this time he brought his fellow brothers and sisters to find a senior sister named Chen.

The news that Meng Ling had joined a small sect after her spiritual roots were destroyed had spread all over the circle. Many people were laughing at her and hypocritically sighed, "What a pity."

Zheng Yan had naturally heard of it as well.

In other words, the people who came today are all disciples of that small sect.

In Zheng Yan's expectation, the people of these small sects were very shabby and had never seen the world. Just seeing the gates of their sects would make them cry and scream like country bumpkins, which was extremely embarrassing.

This kind of situation has happened before. For example, among the disciples who came to the Hundred Sects Lunxue this time, many of them were from small sects, and they made quite a few fools of themselves on the day they came to Qingyue Sect.

Zheng Yan had heard other fellow disciples laugh at him in private many times, so he thought that Meng Ling's fellow disciples must be the same.

But now it seems that these people still need to know the rules. Although they are dressed a little shabby and have no magic weapons or robes to show off, at least they are not bumpkins who are greedy for everything they see.

Hu Jiu didn't know that he was being treated as a bumpkin. Although he had never been to Qingyue Sect, in his opinion all the big sects were the same, all fake and pretentious, and not as good as their Xianlai Sect.

So after coming here, he didn't look around at all, but just followed Zheng Yan forward, ignoring everything around him.

This is why Zheng Yan was a little surprised.

But it was just a little surprise. After all, in his opinion, a bumpkin is just a bumpkin, and those small sects could never compare with their Qingyue Sect.

"This is Tiandu Garden. This is Xiao Fang. If you need anything in the future, please go to him." Zheng Yan pulled a young disciple over and smiled apologetically, "I still have to practice my lessons, otherwise the master will scold me again. I'm afraid I can't accompany my junior sister anymore."

"Thank you, Senior Brother Zheng. You can go and do your work." Meng Ling nodded. "I'll remember this favor."

Although Zheng Yan was not sincere in helping, he only did so out of kindness because they were both geniuses, just to save face. But after all, it was he who brought them in, so Meng Ling was still grateful.

Only after hearing this did Zheng Yan reveal a satisfied smile, bowed, and said goodbye.

"Do you know where Senior Sister Chen Lan from Xianlai Sect is?" Meng Ling asked Xiao Fang after he left.

Xiao Fang looked to be only in his teens, with a round head and a look of clear stupidity in his eyes.

"I don't know. It's not the time for morning classes. The disciples should be practicing on their own." Xiao Fang shook his head. "If you want to find someone, just send her a sound transmission note."

If she could send back notes, would I need to ask you?

Meng Ling frowned, thinking about going to Senior Sister's cave first?

[Senior Sister was taken to a formation in the mountains, it seems to be in a cave, let her lead the way! ]

Mo Jiuwei sensed something, kicked her legs eagerly, and then pointed in a direction.

[In the west, west! ]

"Is there anything in that place that could trap people?"

Meng Ling suddenly pointed to the west and asked Xiao Fang.

Xiao Fang blinked his eyes in confusion, "Where are the trapped people?"

"It's a formation that can trap people." Hu Jiu said, "She is in danger and she doesn't reply to the message. She is probably trapped somewhere."

They thought their description was accurate enough and all that was left was to lead the way.

But Xiao Fang still looked confused and shook his head at them, "No, they are here to take turns to study. They must be resting at this time. How could they be trapped? You two Taoist friends are worrying too much."

After saying this, he showed a friendly smile.

Hu Jiu, Meng Ling: ...

Both of them felt a little tightness in their chests, and their fists were itchy.

Meng Ling was too lazy to waste words with him, and directly carried Mo Jiuwei and walked towards the west, saying at the same time: "Jiuwei, you are closest to Senior Sister Chen, so you must be able to feel her location, right? I will walk, and you can show the way, okay?"


[Senior Sister Meng really understands me. How does she know that I know where the place is? ]

Mo Jiuwei was overjoyed, and quickly nodded, then pointed the way.

"Hey, two fellow Taoists, where are you going? You can't just wander around here!" Xiao Fang was stunned, watched them walk away, hurriedly caught up with them, and shouted to stop them.

[Fool, these are the three fellow Taoists. ]

Mo Jiuwei took some time out of her busy schedule to correct him.

"Fang Daoyou, we can sense the location of our senior sister. Please come with us to find her."

Meng Ling stopped and looked at Xiao Fang seriously, "Our people paid money to come here to study, and you, Qingyue Sect, have the responsibility to ensure her safety. If anything happens to her, I will definitely hold your sect responsible!"