Chapter 90 Domain

The light here is very dim and you can hardly see anything. You can only feel the flow of water and its unique fresh scent.

Liu Feng was also a little confused, "Where should I go?"

[Of course, we should go to the place with the most spiritual energy. The real body of the spring spirit is there.]

[We have to find it and talk to it directly. ]

Yes, Liu Feng secretly cursed himself for being stupid. How could he lose his composure when he saw all darkness?

It must be because he was too nervous... In fact, no matter who it was, if they were asked to attack the Qingyue Holy Land, they would probably panic, right?

If you are not careful, you may lose your life!

In fact, it was Mo Jiuwei who "instigated" this matter. Otherwise, if it was someone else, Liu Feng would not have followed him no matter what. This was really too bold and reckless, and it could be said that he was playing with his life.

This is a matter concerning the holy land, which will alarm the entire Qingyue Sect. If something happens here, even some of the "old monsters" who are in retreat may hear the news and spare no effort to find the culprit.

Liu Feng floated in the water with the help of water-repellent beads, feeling the distribution of spiritual energy here, and then swam carefully towards the most concentrated area.

[Wow, this is indeed a holy place. There are so many restrictions here! ]

[Four Gods Formation, Dream Killing Formation, Qiankun Psychedelic Formation... Fortunately, I have the God Hiding Talisman, otherwise if I accidentally touch any of them, there would be no return.]

[Hey, what happened to Master Liu? Why did he suddenly tremble? ]

How can I not shiver!

Liu Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He knew that this trip would be dangerous, and guessed that there must be many restrictions around the Jiuyou Spring, but after hearing Mo Jiuwei's words, he realized how terrifying the restrictions here were!

She was right. Anyone who encountered it would either die on the spot or immediately alert the guards.

Not to mention that he is only in the Jindan stage, even if he is in the Yuanying stage or Huashen stage, he would probably tremble when he heard it.

[It's almost there, just in front of the left! ]

Liu Feng's expression tensed and he looked around carefully.

Suddenly, he had a feeling that he was being watched closely, as if something dangerous was quietly watching him and could attack at any time.


Liu Feng's sixth sense made his hair stand on end. He paused and suddenly wanted to turn around and leave.

Damn it, is it really possible for him to do such a dangerous thing?

[Ah, it has found us and is staring at us.]

[It looks like it's quite curious. Of course, who would normally come here to swim? Even the guards don't patrol like this.]

Liu Feng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He thought there was some powerful being hiding here guarding, luckily it was a spring spirit... and it looked like it probably wouldn't be aggressive for the time being.

It is also possible... It's not that it doesn't want to attack, but it is afraid that attacking people actively will leave some clues. Then the fact that it has awakened the spring spirit will not be hidden from Qingyue Sect.

When Liu Feng was thinking this, he suddenly felt dizzy, his body swayed, and then he came to a special area.

It is dark here too, but there is a ripple-like glow of light. The light is like the mottled gold of fish scales created by sunlight shining on the lake, with a dreamy beauty.

But Liu Feng couldn't feel its beauty at all, he just felt panic -

This is where!

Who did it!

Could it be that they were discovered?

Liu Feng, who never did anything wrong, did something wrong for the first time, and it was a big thing of breaking into someone else's holy land. He had never felt so guilty as he did now.

So any sign of trouble makes people tremble with fear.

[It's actually a domain? ]

[This spring spirit is indeed extraordinary. ]

[Tsk tsk, luckily we discovered it in advance, otherwise if we allowed it to grow and expand recklessly, the Qingyue Sect would be in real danger.]

[Of course, whether Qingyue Sect lives or dies has nothing to do with me. I don't want to save them. I just want to make a fortune.]

[Oh, I am so bad and heartless. ]

Liu Feng could no longer hear the rest of the conversation. There was only one word in his mind -


It's actually a domain!

"Domain" is a kind of spatial magical power that can only be performed by cultivators and monsters with high cultivation. When using the domain, the opponent is temporarily pulled into one's own exclusive space, and can communicate with one's own mind without any interference.

Furthermore, if the opponent is too strong, the people who are pulled into the area can do nothing but allow themselves to be manipulated without any ability to fight back.

It was the first time for Liu Feng to enter a domain, but he did not expect that he entered a domain not of monsters or cultivators, but of "spirits"!

Mo Jiuwei was right. This spring spirit was truly terrifying. It had only been born for a short time and already had this ability. If it was given some more time to develop, what level of monster would it become?

Liu Feng swallowed his saliva and became even more nervous.

[Uncle Liu, please don't panic. It came to you first, which means it is the one who is anxious.]

[If I guess correctly, it has set its sights on you and wants you to take it out.]

[That's good. This way, we can turn passivity into initiative.]

[You need to be cool and don't let it take control of you easily! ]

[Ah... Uncle Liu, do you understand what I mean? You must understand! ]

"Who are you and why are you pulling me into the domain?"

Liu Feng took two deep breaths to calm himself down, then asked in a cold voice.

He wanted to find the true form of Quan Ling, but Quan Ling had no true form. Perhaps the flickering light here was it.

"Are you a disciple of Qingyue Sect?" A voice sounded that was neither male nor female, and the age could not be determined either. It sounded like it was very young, yet also somewhat unfathomable.

This voice echoed in the domain, but it successfully made Liu Feng relax—

There is no murderous intent!

Jiu Wei was right. Quan Ling did have something to ask for.

That would be much better.

"I am indeed not a disciple of Qingyue Sect." Liu Feng nodded, "In fact, in the entire Jiuyouquan, I am the only one who is not a disciple of our sect."

Well, in fact, in addition to the Xianlai Sect, there is another sect whose disciples are also in Jiuyouquan, and that is the Echo Valley where the two disciples who were injured with Chen Lan are.

However, the time they chose to enter the spring was not today, so what I said was not a lie.

"You are not." The other party's tone rose slightly, and he seemed to be very satisfied with the answer. "Then why are you here?"

"Hmph, the Qingyue Sect bullied disciples from other sects, and I made a big fuss about it. The Qingyue Sect couldn't stop the situation, so they had to make compensation, otherwise their reputation would be damaged." Liu Feng said.

Apart from the initial panic, Liu Feng is now very calm.

As long as he knew what the spring spirit wanted to do, he would know how to negotiate with it.

From passive to active, this is his confidence.

I think this Quan Ling will not easily harm himself, the "only out-of-town" disciple.