Chapter 95: Jiuwei Constitution

[This condition can be negotiated, but there must be a time limit, at least several hundred or even a thousand years. ]

[After all, even without it, we are still the Xianlai Sect. Without it, we may never be able to leave the Qingyue Sect. We are in the right, so it is reasonable for us to raise this condition.]

Quan Ling kept testing her, and Mo Jiuwei could understand that.

It hasn't even escaped from the previous "cage", so naturally it doesn't dare to trust others, otherwise wouldn't it fall into a second cage?

If Quan Ling wants to completely break away from Qingyue Sect, it needs to abandon this place, which is inherently harmful to it.

If there is a problem on our side, the loss will be too great.

"Yes, but it will take two thousand years." Liu Feng thought for a moment and said, "In these two thousand years, your body and origin must be there for the first hundred years, and your origin can leave at will after a hundred years. After two thousand years, it's up to you to stay or go. No matter what decision you make, we will not interfere."

After saying this, he was afraid that Quan Ling would directly refuse, so he added, "Didn't you say that in order to thank us, you were willing to use your origin to help us practice? Then the first hundred years will be your thank you gift, how about it?"

Everyone in the Xianlai Sect couldn't help but hold their breath, thinking to themselves that Master Liu was really bold to bring it up, he mentioned two thousand years right away!

Uncle Jiuwei was talking about hundreds or thousands of years, but he said two thousand years... Could it be that Quan Ling thought they were asking for too much and turned against them?


"Two thousand years in total?" Quan Ling's voice was indeed full of surprise. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." Liu Feng couldn't help but be cautious, "If you think this is inappropriate, then we can also..."

"Okay, then two thousand years!"

As if she was afraid that he would go back on his word, Quan Ling made the decision directly, "I, Jiuyou, keep my word and am willing to stay in your... what sect?"

"Xianlai Sect."

"Oh, Xianlai Sect. I will stay in Xianlai Sect for two thousand years. I will leave my origin to help you for the first one hundred years, and only my body will remain for the next one thousand nine hundred years. After two thousand years, I will leave. Whether you agree or not, I will definitely leave. And during this period, you cannot set up any formations or restrictions to try to restrain me, otherwise it will be regarded as a breach of contract. I can leave early!"

Liu Feng was shocked——

Ah, you agree now? ?

Doesn't it even try to bargain?

The reason why Liu Feng said two thousand years was that he felt that he could not reveal his cards directly and had to leave some room for maneuver, otherwise it would not end well.

But who knew that Jiuyou was surprisingly easy to talk to, and didn't think there was anything wrong with this time at all, but...

Thinking back to the tone of its questioning just now, it clearly felt that the time was too short!

[Tsk, the time reported was too short.]

[Yes, it is a spring, not a person, and it has an infinite lifespan. It is easy for a monk to live for thousands of years, let alone it.]

[Whether it is two thousand years or three thousand years, it is probably considered short in its eyes... After all, it has been in Qingyue Sect for at least hundreds of thousands of years.]

Mo Jiuwei quickly understood the reason.

But she didn't feel any regret. Two thousand years was enough. What's more, Uncle Liu was quite smart and asked for a hundred years of original time.

Just these hundred years are enough for the Xianlai Sect to develop rapidly in its early stages.

"No problem, it's a deal."

Liu Feng nodded in agreement.

After finishing the serious business, Quan Ling's attitude towards them became better and she no longer cared about being "plotted against".

But soon it turned its attention to Mo Jiuwei.

"By the way, who is this doll and where are her parents from?"

Du Yue hugged Mo Jiuwei tightly, a little wary, "Why are you asking this?"

Why would Quan Ling care so much about her little sister?

"I have never seen such a spiritual body in a human cultivator." Quan Ling said, "She can have such qualifications, either because of her own merits, or... her parents are not ordinary people."

"She has no parents, nor does she need them. We are her family." Du Yue gritted her teeth and said, with hatred for the parents in her voice, "All this must be the blessing that Junior Sister has cultivated herself, and it has nothing to do with her parents."

Bah, what parents!

If Uncle Liu hadn't happened to go out that day and picked up the junior sister who had been frozen blue, the junior sister would have definitely died that day.

Just because she was disabled, those parents cruelly abandoned her. What kind of parents are they?

Du Yue was angry at them, and also at Quan Ling for bringing up such a matter.

But Mo Jiuwei herself didn't care.

[Indeed, this is all the result of my own cultivation over several lifetimes! ]

[After so many twists and turns in my life, I am not allowed to have a good life in my last life? ]

Mo Jiuwei doesn't care about parents at all.

If she wanted, she could instantly know the situation of this body's parents and family, but she didn't want to know.

As Senior Sister Du Yue said, the disciples of Xianlai Sect are her relatives, and she is very happy here.

Quan Ling didn't ask any more questions, but said confidently: "This girl will definitely make a big splash in the future. With Ben Quan in your sect and her presence, you will definitely become famous in the mainland in the next two thousand years."

After these words were spoken, everyone in the Xianlai Sect held their heads high and puffed out their chests, they were extremely happy.

It was Yi Xingyun who realized it belatedly and asked, "You just said that Junior Sister has a spiritual body?"

"Yes, there is no dirt, the spirit is pure and upright, and there will be no obstacles in cultivation."

Quan Ling said with admiration: "For example, ordinary cultivators are like rags, dirty and turbid at the beginning, and need to practice continuously to transform their bodies into half-spiritual and half-human bodies. But spiritual energy can never fully enter your body, and a large part of it is blocked outside. Even excellent mutant single spiritual roots and people with immortal marrow cannot avoid it."

When everyone heard its metaphor, their faces turned black at first.

Who are you calling a rag?

You are the rag!

But then, my heart skipped a beat——

The mutated single spiritual root refers to Meng Ling.

The person who possesses the Immortal Marrow refers to Liu Feng!

This Quan Ling actually has such a high eye for things that he can tell the special features of these two people right away!

But judging from its tone, it seemed that it did not take their peculiarities seriously at all.

"But this little girl is different. Her body is like a crystal stone, naturally crystal clear, so her cultivation speed will be incredibly amazing."

One is a rag and the other is a crystal.

What a world of difference!

Everyone was shocked. It was the first time they knew that Mo Jiuwei had this kind of physique!

Her physique seemed different from any other physique known in the world, because those physiques belonged to "people", and in Quan Ling's eyes, people were turbid, and no matter how good they were, they still had flaws and limitations.

But, Mo Jiuwei is not!