Chapter 104 New Disciple

Zhao Ning had no consciousness and his mind was not clear, only some survival instincts remained.

For example, when they are hungry, they will find fruits to eat; when they are thirsty, they will lie down in the river to drink water.

After she got lost, the villagers were too lazy to look for her, and now Zhao Ning has been wandering in the mountains for two days, and was accidentally injured last night.

If this continues, she will either starve to death or fall to death, or more likely die in the mouth of a monster.

[It's only 200 miles from here. I don't know if Senior Sister Chen and Senior Uncle Liu can find her.]

[She must find it, otherwise she won't be able to survive. ]

It would be better if he was not injured, but now Zhao Ning is injured and the injury has not been treated in time. Although the injury is not serious, the smell of blood will still attract more monsters.

"I heard that there are many mountain villages near Qingyue Gate, where people who are protected by them live. Maybe Zhao Ning is there. Why don't we go look for him?"

"Okay, let's try our luck."

As Liu Feng and the other two were talking, they walked in one direction.

[Oh no, wrong, wrong, it's in the west! ] Mo Jiuwei was anxious.

"Why don't we go west?" Liu Feng suddenly changed direction. "I feel there is more hope here."

Chen Lan nodded, "Okay."

So he turned directly to the west.

The people in the Immortal Palace were almost dying of laughter.

Uncle and sister, can you guys act more seriously...

Perhaps because they knew Jiuwei would not think deeply, let alone be suspicious, everyone was not acting seriously at all as before, and was acting casually.

But, you know what, even though it was very casual, my junior sister really didn't take it seriously and didn't feel like there was anything wrong at all.

Just like that, under Mo Jiuwei's guidance, they soon found Zhao Ning.

When Chen Lan saw her, her heart tightened and she hurried forward: "Junior sister? Are you okay?"

Zhao Ning has fainted.

She walked around aimlessly, sat down to rest when she was tired, and fell asleep when she was sleepy.

Qin Kun took off her Qiankun bag and weapons and threw them into the mountains to prevent anyone from knowing her identity.

She hit her head while walking on the mountain last night. She only felt the pain but didn't know how to treat the wound.

Today is even worse. When I was lying down to sleep, I was bitten by some poisonous insect. Now I feel cold all over and I am dying.

Seeing that she didn't say anything, Chen Lan walked closer and realized that something was wrong.

"She's been poisoned!"

"Hurry, we have detoxification pills here." Liu Feng handed it over quickly.

Zhao Ning's injuries were healed and the poison was removed with elixirs, but she hadn't woken up yet and was still in a coma.

Liu Feng took out the flying magic weapon, took Zhao Ning and Chen Lan, and returned to Xianlai Sect.

Well, not only did everyone come, they also brought a "new disciple".

As soon as they approached, the Dalmatian came to greet them, barking happily, its little tail wagging until a shadow appeared, and it circled around them happily.

"Hey, little spot, have you gained weight again?" Liu Feng smiled and lowered his head, touching the dog's head.

Chen Lan was holding Zhao Ning when she saw her own headman appear with a smile, pushing a wheelchair. "Thank you for your hard work. Come in."

"Master, how are you these days?" Liu Feng asked with a fist salute.

"Everything is fine, how about you guys?"

"Everything is fine."

"Come in first."


After not returning for several days, everyone missed their own sect very much.

There is no place like home. Although the Qingyue Sect is more imposing and richer, it is really uncomfortable to stay there. It is far from the Xianlai Sect!

It lacks human touch, warmth and tenderness.

It was cold over there and there was no sense of belonging, but as soon as I stepped in here, I felt relaxed.

First, he sent Zhao Ning to the guest room and let her have a good rest, and then Chen Lan dared to release the Immortal Palace.

"Oh my god, you're finally back!"

"I miss this place so much."

"Wow, Master, I missed you so much!"

Everybody cheered and was extremely happy.

Only one person, oh no, one "spirit" was the most unhappy.

"Hey, Senior Jiuyou, please stop being so upset."

"Yes, look, this is our sect. Do you want me to take you around?"

Everyone tried to coax Jiuyou, but it didn't appreciate it at all. The more everyone tried to persuade it, the more it exploded.

"Liar, you are liars!"

"You said that the Immortal Palace wouldn't last long and that I would be ejected, but it's been a few days and nothing has happened. You are all liars!"

Jiuyou has been angry for several days because he found out that everyone was fooling him again.

The reason why it surrendered and bowed its head was because the spiritual energy of the Immortal Palace might be exhausted at any time, and then everyone would be at risk of being exposed.

In order to stabilize the people of Xianlai Sect and prevent them from handing him over, Jiuyou compromised and agreed to the conditions.

But who knew that all this was fake? The spiritual energy in the fairy palace was so abundant that it would not be used up even in a few days, let alone a few hours!

"Ah, Senior Jiuyou, it's not that we want to lie to you, but we ourselves don't know!" Du Yue looked aggrieved.

"That's right, we have only owned the Immortal Palace for a few days. How could we know that it would be different from what we imagined?" Yi Xingyun also advised.

Jiuyou still snorted coldly, not believing it at all.

"Actually, it's all because of you, senior. I think it must be because you are too powerful and the spiritual energy is too abundant. It meets the spiritual energy needs of the immortal palace, so it has been able to hold on." Meng Ling flattered with a smile.

Jiuyou's voice was a little hesitant this time, "Really?"

"Of course it's true! Treasures like the Immortal Palace are hard to come by, and we've never used it to house a spirit as powerful as yours before, so naturally we didn't expect such a result."

"I have to thank you, senior, for broadening our horizons!"

After all this praise, Jiuyou finally calmed down. He just snorted and stopped talking.

It was the same hum, but this hum was completely different from the previous hum that was clearly filled with anger.

Over the past few days, Xu Yihan had been told everything about Jiuyou, so even though Xu Yihan had been staying in the sect, he was still very clear about their experiences over the past few days.

So after everyone had gotten over the excitement, he started asking about resettlement.

"I wonder where Senior Jiuyou wants to choose to open the spring?"

"You don't have to worry about this. I will go around on my own and stop wherever I like. After all, it's in your Xianlai Sect." Jiuyou said.

Xu Yihan smiled and nodded, "Okay, if you need anything else, just ask, senior."

"Humph, what can you get here when it's all shabby?"

Jiuyou obviously looks down on the Xianlai Sect.

It's not that it's arrogant, it's just that this place is really not up to par.

There are few disciples in the sect, and many places have been abandoned. Even the permanent residence seems shabby. Anyone who has seen the world will feel that this place is not worthy of the Jiuyou Spring.