Chapter 106 Mu Family Brothers

But, in her last life, she didn't want to work hard anymore!

  She just wanted to lie in the arms of her senior brothers and sisters, be held by them in turn, listen to them say nice things to comfort her, feed her delicious food in different ways every day, and she didn't have to do anything.

Everyone smiled dotingly, and Chen Lan couldn't help but kiss Mo Jiuwei on the face.

Mo Jiuwei was laughing when she heard a man's voice from afar -

"Where is my junior sister? Let me hug her!"

"Go away, I'll go first!" another voice said anxiously.

"Go away, I'm your brother, of course you have to let me hug you first!"

"I'm your brother, you have to give in to me, so you have to let me hold you!"

As the two people quarreled, Mo Jiuwei also saw two tall figures coming into view.

They were dressed in white, had handsome faces, bright smiles, and quick steps. They were actually two handsome men as white as jade!

Mo Jiuwei was almost drooling——

[Wow, the Mu family brothers are so handsome! ]

[How many female cultivators will be moved by this! ]

The Mu brothers who were arguing suddenly stopped, and they both looked at Mo Jiuwei with their eyes shining.

When Liu Feng and the others saw this expression, they guessed something and couldn't help but reveal a look of "as expected".

The Mu brothers also looked at each other with undisguised joy.

They can hear it too!

As early as when they were on the road, Master Xu had already told them about this matter so that they could be prepared.

This is to prevent them from being too surprised when they meet and asking in person, which would lead to exposure.

When they first heard it, the Mu brothers thought it was a bit outrageous. They wondered if the leader had a brain problem after his leg injury, otherwise how could he make up such a bizarre thing.

But I didn't expect it to be true!

The voice ringing in my ears was so babyish, clearly the voice of a baby, it couldn't be fake.

"Is this Junior Sister Mo? Come here and let me hug you."

One person quickly stepped forward and without further ado, he took Mo Jiuwei into his arms. After he actually held her in his arms, he became very careful. "Wow, Senior Sister Chen, she's so soft. I won't hurt her, will I?"

"If you're careful you won't." Chen Lan glared at him, then looked at him and the other person carefully, "You've both become thinner. You've worked hard these past few years."

"It's not hard, this is what we should do." Another person also stepped forward, nudged the person in front with his elbow, and then reached out to grab, "Let me hug my junior sister."

"No! You have rough hands and feet, what if you break it?"

"Who said that? I'll be very careful!"

Du Yue burst out laughing, "Okay, stop fighting, everyone will have a turn, don't hurt Jiu Wei."

Mo Jiuwei opened her big grape-like eyes and looked at the two of them closely.

They look so alike, with the same body shape, and although there are some minor differences in the clothes they wear, they are both white.

However, Mo Jiuwei still found some differences in the details——

One has a small mole between his eyebrows, while the other does not.

"Junior sister, look at me, my name is Mu Xuechu, and I'm his brother." said the man without the mole.

"My name is Mu Xuequ, and it's your senior brother Xuequ." The man with the mole said with a smile.

The two look very similar, but there is a difference when they really smile. The older brother's smile is very sunny, while the younger brother's smile has some evil charm.

[Remember, the one without a mole is the older brother, and the one with a mole is the younger brother! ]

Mo Jiuwei shook her hands and opened her mouth to make a high-pitched sound, as if in response.

The Mu brothers looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

They were far away just now, so the feelings were not so deep.

Now that I saw my junior sister up close, I could clearly see that she didn't say anything, but I could definitely hear the sound.

It's amazing!

[Wait, are they both injured?] Mo Jiuwei suddenly sniffed, a little suspicious.

Mu Xue froze for a moment and was about to explain, but in her haste she choked and started coughing.

When he coughed, his chest began to hurt. He covered it with his hand, but his face turned pale all of a sudden.

"What's the matter? Are you injured?" Liu Feng's face changed and he asked anxiously.

Chen Lan quickly took Mo Jiuwei into her arms, "What's going on with you? Come on, sit down and rest for a while."

The two of them didn't expect that they couldn't hide it, and they couldn't help but smile bitterly.

As soon as they entered the sect, they tried very hard to pretend that nothing had happened, and for this purpose they even quarreled and bickered with each other very vigorously.

But who knew that he would fail in front of his junior sister!

"Well, it's nothing, just a little skin injury, it's nothing serious." Xuechu said.

"Yes, you'll be fine after a few days of rest." Xue Quye said.

"Stop pretending and let us see it." Ji Qingqing stepped forward anxiously.

The two had no choice but to undress and expose their wounds.

The injury was indeed an external one, but the wound was dark blue and even had signs of pus!

This was definitely not a new injury!

Mu Xue suffered more wounds, while Xue Qu was better off, with only two.

"Are you poisoned? What's going on!" Yi Xingyun asked in panic.

Mu Xuechu was silent for a moment, then took out some things, which were all earned by the two of them working hard these days.

The things were quite mixed, with all kinds of them, but there was one thing that was the most abundant, and that was green pearl crimson grass.

The leaves of the green pearl grass are slightly larger, and a small bunch of fruits like green grapes hang under the two leaves.

But they are much smaller than grapes, and a whole bunch is only slightly larger than the nail of your thumb.

There were quite a few of these green pearl grasses, wrapped in a piece of cloth, as if they had been left there since they were picked and had not been carefully processed.

And among these blades of grass, there were some blood stains on them!

It is not difficult to imagine that there must have been a sudden fight when they were picking them, so someone was injured.

"When we were picking this, someone came to snatch it. We didn't let them. When we fought, they couldn't beat them, so they used poison in a despicable way." Mu Xuechu said.

"You said the last thing to do is to pick it?" Liu Feng asked.

The two nodded.

This green grass only grows for one month a year.

When the headmaster and Uncle Liu urged them to come back, they didn't go back because they were waiting for the Luzhujiangcao.

After digging them up, Xianlai Sect will have more crystals, and everyone's life will be better.

There is now a little sister in the sect, she is still a baby, and in order to let her grow up better, they also need to get more money!

As for what Liu Feng told them, that the sect is now very rich and has no shortage of crystal stones, the two did not believe it at all, and just thought it was a lie made up by Liu Feng to persuade them to return to the sect.

The wounds on their bodies were caused by fighting with others.

(End of this chapter)