Chapter 109 Guo Cong

"Hey, isn't this the Mu family brother? You actually returned to Ziye City!"

Just when they were about to reach Yongyang Tower, someone saw them and spoke.

The voice was high-pitched, but the intonation was strange, and it was definitely not a word of surprise.

The Mu brothers stopped, looked in the direction of the voice, and then their expressions changed.

"Hmph, what bad luck." Mu Xue pulled the corner of his mouth, then immediately turned his face away, speaking with disdain.

"Don't pay attention to him, let's go eat." Mu Xuechu said, and wanted to go into the restaurant first.

"Stop! Don't run away in such a hurry. I know you are living a miserable life and regret your past ignorance, but you can't wipe away your shame... How about this, if you kneel down and call me master, then I will reluctantly accept you and let you live in my Guo family."

The young man who spoke raised his eyebrows, chuckled, and looked very proud.

Guo Cong knew that the two brothers were arrogant and proud, and even if they regretted it in their hearts, they would never bow to him in public.

The reason I say this is just to stimulate them!

"Give up your thoughts. Even if you kneel down and call us master, we won't accept you, let alone the other way around." Mu Xue sneered, "A second-generation rich kid is so proud. What's going on? The Guo family has no one left, so it's your turn to be the head of the family?"

Guo Cong is from a small aristocratic family and the direct descendant of the Guo family.

The Mu brothers were once recruited by the Guo family. As long as they nodded, they could go to the Guo family to serve as Guo Cong's "companion guards."

Companion guards are guards who grow up with the children of the master's family. In order to cultivate the master-servant relationship between the children and the guards, many families often recruit guards when their children are young, and the recruited guards are of similar age to their children.

Guards trained in this way will be more loyal to their master, and will give their lives without hesitation when the need arises.

However, the Guo family's recruitment failed, because in the end the Mu brothers did not choose the Guo family, but joined the Xianlai Sect.

This made the Guo family very angry, and they felt that they were ungrateful. Guo Cong, who kept a record of things, also had a grudge against this, thinking that the two of them were blind and left his good Guo family behind, and insisted on going to Xianlai Sect to suffer!

It was their honor that the Guo family wanted someone, but not only did they not cherish it, they also chose a worse place to go... Doesn't that mean that in their eyes, the Guo family is not even as good as the declining Xianlai Sect!

It's really outrageous!

The Mu brothers have good qualifications, but the reason they were noticed by the head of the Guo family, who took great pains to recruit them, is because the two brothers have a tacit understanding and have learned the family heirloom "Double Shadow Sword" since childhood.

If these two brothers were there, they would cooperate with each other perfectly and would definitely be better than any other two people, and Guo Cong would be safer.

After the failure, the head of the Guo family was quite concerned and mentioned it several times in front of his son Guo Cong, so he took note of it and even kept paying attention to the latest developments of the Mu brothers and the Xianlai Sect in the following years.

This attention made them happy, because the Xianlai Sect was so poor that they could barely make ends meet!

It is said that the Mu brothers also left Ziye City and went out to work hard and make money.

Tsk, two people earning money for the entire sect to spend, how miserable!

This made Guo Cong feel a little proud while watching the joke -

See, I asked you to come but you didn't come, and now you regret it!

I unexpectedly saw the two of them today, so of course I had to mock them to vent my anger.

But he didn't know that before he could vent his anger, he was choked by Mu Xue's words and became even angrier!

"How dare you! What a jerk! How dare you curse my father!" Guo Cong said angrily.

[Tsk, why are there people rushing to take the blame? ]

[It's disgusting at first glance, and it affects my appetite! ]

Mo Jiuwei turned her face away, not wanting to look at the ugly thing.

Guo Cong was wearing a golden outfit and had rings on at least seven of his ten fingers, but he was short and fat.

The ring looks good on others, but it feels like torture on him!

"Fellow Daoist Guo, I'm afraid you heard it wrong. No one cursed the head of the Guo family." Chen Lan stood up immediately when she heard that Mo Jiuwei was upset. "Although I know that Fellow Daoist Guo is too worried about my two junior brothers who haven't seen them for a long time, unfortunately, we still have to eat. It's not appropriate to block the door like this."

[Isn't it? I'm hungry. Why are you blocking the door now? ]

[Get out of the way! ]

"Eat? Are you talking about Yongyang Tower?" Guo Cong was amused when he heard it. "No way, you Xianlai Sect have the ability to dare to enter the door of Yongyang Tower?"

Yongyang Tower is one of the most famous restaurants in Ziye City. A meal here would cost at least a hundred crystal stones. If you dare to order a few more dishes, the price would be more than five hundred.

This amount of money was enough to buy a lot of elixirs and even small magical instruments!

Guo Cong didn't believe that the extremely poor Xianlai Sect could have this much money, unless... this group of people were really greedy, so they scraped together some crystals and came here to order one or two dishes to satisfy their cravings.

"It's just a place to eat, why don't you dare to go in?" Yi Xingyun sneered, "Or is it that Fellow Daoist Guo himself doesn't dare to go in, so he has to save others by himself?"

"Nonsense, how can I, Guo Cong, not afford to eat at Yongyanglou?" Guo Cong laughed angrily, "Okay, I still want to see what delicious dishes you guys can eat. Aren't you going to come? Then please come."

He said please, but his footsteps did not wait for anyone and he walked in first.

[You're so proud of yourself just because you're eating. What are you thinking? ]

[Alas, Senior Brother Xuechu, please don't get angry because of this kind of person. It's really not worth it. ]

Muxuechu and Muxuequ couldn't help but burst out laughing.

They were a little upset at first, but when they heard their junior sister speaking in an adult-like tone, they felt like laughing.

I don't know how Guo Cong would feel if he knew that they were looked down upon by the little junior sister, who was just a baby.

No, it was his honor to be looked down upon by the little apprentice sister!

A group of people followed Guo Cong into Yongyang Tower.

"Mr. Guo, is this still the Meizijian today?" The waiter asked Guo Cong while greeting them with a smile.

As one of the most prominent families in the city, the waiter also knew the Guo family. He was most familiar with Guo Cong's father, and he also knew Guo Cong.

In the past, when the Guo family came, they usually stayed in the Mei room, so he asked one more question.

"No, we are going to sit on the third floor by the window today. If we sit in the private room, how can we see what delicious dishes the people from Xianlai Sect have ordered?" Guo Cong said with a smile, then turned around and glanced at the people from Xianlai Sect.

Everyone in the Xianlai Sect ignored him and went up the stairs on their own.

Guo Cong didn't take it seriously. He just thought that he had hit their weakness, which caused them to be speechless.

"Okay." The guy replied.