Chapter 1:

Disclaimer: The events and characters are not real. This story might not also be accurate on what happened in history, but there will be many similarities. Feel free to correct those and tell them to me, but kindly remember to deliver them in a kind manner! thank you!

( •̀ ω •́ )✧________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________It was now February 11, 1880, the day after the celebration of the "Day of wealth". Words about the ball last night spread across the streets of Manila till they reached the ears of the public.Today after the holy mass of the church was finished, multiple women were already outside of the church gossiping (although whenever they were caught, they would say they were just saying hi to each other.).Aling Andeng, a middle-class woman and wife of a famous merchant, Manong Edios, started. She folded her fan and adjusted her vail. "Oh, ladies... The ball last night was fabulous!" Donya Estalia, one of the "honored guests" last night nodded her head "Truly!""I still can't believe Santiago forgot to invite me!" Donya Isabel grumbled behind her fan."You do know that Santiago has a questionable memory." Estalia said, feeling sorry for her friend.As Isabel continued to complain, Aling Gloria, a middle-class woman and friend of Andeng stared at the church with a blush growing on her face as if waiting for someone."Oh? Gloria, what's the matter with you? Did something happen that we don't know about last night?" Andeng asked, nudging her friend."I..." Gloria begins. "I think I saw my future last night...." she added."Future?""I managed to catch a second to engage with Father Francis!" Gloria squealed; her face flushed.As Gloria squealed, the rest of the ladies were stunned before gasping and fussing Gloria with questions."Really?""What was he like?!""Is he handsome up close?!"For those who don't know, Father Francis is one of the local Dominican priests who served at the Church near the municipal hall of Manila. He is adored by many, women and young ladies in general. It is because he is acknowledged by an organization in Spain and is a handsome young man who's in his mid-20s. His voice is deep, enough to make a woman swoon and his mannerisms is different from the other priests within his sector. He can be considered a kind and decent man, compared to the other priests within his sector, but he still has a tinge of aura of authority around him.—-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For Gloria, last night was not particularly interesting. She was just invited to the ball. An event where she needs to flaunt her family's wealth. For the most part, it was the usual, mundane and snarky facade she needed to keep up as she did engage with different people. As the ball resumed, Gloria found herself aimlessly wandering through the sea of nobles. Then all of a sudden, she bumps into someone, sending her to stumble and fall. But before she made contact with the ground she was caught by a pair of strong arms."Ah– I'm sorry–""Are you alright, Señora?" A deep voice asked Gloria, gently helping back to her feet. Gloria glanced at the source of the voice, only to find a handsome young man staring at her. It was Father Francis. Shocked by that fact, she stammered an apology and the young man offered her a simple smile before excusing himself.Although it seems to be a small thing done out of politeness, Gloria...well, took it to heart.—-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As Gloria retells her friends the tale, they can't help but dream (read: be delusional) on the situation. After minutes of squealing and fussing over that, an annoyed voice called them out."Oi! Ya old Hags! Quit fantasizing about a priest ya fools!" The voice, which sounded like it belonged to a young lady , called them out from a stall.Now, the attention of the women was shifted to the new voice. Andeng then replied back with an annoyed look on her face"Watch yer tongue will you?!" she replied."We are discussing some important matters young lady!" Isabel chimed in while Gloria and Edios glared at the young lady."Talk? Ya mean fantasizing with a holy man?!"Gloria gasped. "How dare you–" she was cut off by a stern voice."I must remind you that you are still near the church.""Priest–""Father– "The group of ladies looked at the source of the voice. To their surprise it was Father Francis. The group of ladies fixed themselves before bowing in respect.Father Francis sighed before waving his hand dismissively and going to the young lady."Must you set your stall near the gates of the church?" He asked, eyeing the leftover variety of fruits within the stall."Well, the more people see your goods, the more people can buy them." The young lady answered nonchalantly.Father Francis raised his brow. "No greetings? No bowing? You sure are quite bold. ""Meh."The tension between them rose, and as it did, the group of women slowly left their position. They were scared if they had to face the wrath of the priest, so they left the scene discreetly. Luckily the bystanders just minded their own business, choosing to ignore the two for their own sake.Father Francis sighs before pointing at the mangoes. "15 centavos." He said.The young lady just nodded before taking two of them and putting it into a sort of container made with banana leaves. Francis handed the payment to the girl but not before edging closer to her and talking so that only she could hear."A new shipment of guns will arrive at the port tonight.""I see. I'll be sure to inform mother about it." the young lady replied before bowing to conceal the smirk growing in her face.Francis nodded before speaking again in a voice only she could hear."Take care, Isadora."