(S1) - Chapter 9

The ORC was in the club room all ready. Issei was in his school uniform and surprisingly having a thoughtful look considering he's a idiot.


Issei: "Dam you Author-Sama I'm not a idiot!!"

Author-sama aka Me: "Yes you are idiot!! Ddraig hit the pervert in the face."

Ddraig: "Sir yes sir."

Issei was smacked in the face.

Author-Sama: "Now back to the show. Anymore fourth wall breaks will result in me putting in Rock Lee from naruto verse and pair him with you."

Everyone in DxD Verse: "Aye."


Rias and Akeno in their school outfits drinking tea calmly. Koneko wore her school outfit except she had two fingerless cat gloves for fighting on her hands and was eating some candy. Kiba has some armor on his arms and legs and he was reading a book calmly. Asia was wearing her old nun uniform clutching to issei tightly showing her nervousness. (Y/n) had one a battle outfit.

This outfit was given to him by Tiamat. She seemed sad and had been crying but before he could do or say anything she ran away from him. He was gonna go after her but he couldn't as the rating game was gonna happen and if they lost it would make it near impossible for him to see what's wrong.

He asked (D/n) what he did wrong and the dragon said Tiamat heard him say "My Sona" back then and then connected the dots. Tiamat liked him. He had literally punched the hall and it broke down and when asked what happened he said it was private. They accepted knowing that it was between (Y/n) and whoever else or what made him mad. They used some magic and fixed it.

"How is everyone so calm." Issei whispered to Kiba, Asia nodding to wanting to know to. "There all nervous. President and Akeno are not even actually drinking their tea. There is no tea in them. Koneko hasn't actually eaten the first candy yet. (Y/n) is having a issue as we all saw so I don't think he is nervous at all and or would be anyway. I cover mine by reading." Kiba whispered. Issei and Asia nodded.

Soon Sona and Tsubaki walked in. She (Sona) was gonna talk to (Y/n) but Rias stopped her. "Sorry Sona my pawn is currently having a mental issue and not very into talking right now. It will probably be better after the game where he can get rid of his anger." She said as Sona nodded her eyes holding major concern for the pawn of Rias.

"Anyway I came here to say good luck and that I'll be watching. Good luck I'll see you 6 after the rating game." Sona said and then left.

Grayfia then appeared. "Grayfia." Rias said wondering what she was doing here. "Ojou-sama. I have come to inform you that Lucifer-sama is watching this game."

"Brother dearest is watching." Rias said as she held her hands to her face. "Rias's brother is Lucifer!!" Issei said in shock.

"You remember how the 4 original Satan's died right??" Kiba whispered. Issei and Asia nodded. "Well there was a civil war between devils wanting to stop the war and other devils wanting to continue the war. The ones for peace win and the original Satan's names were given as titles for the new ones and as a new last name. Rias's elder brother was chosen as the new devil king as he made it onto the top ten list and became a super devil along with Beelzebub and another person you don't need to know about." He explained to the shocked two former humans.

"The game is starting now. Everyone please stand in the magic circle and you will be teleported to the arena." Grayfia said as they all stepped on it and it lifted and when it was gone only Grayfia was gone.

"Did I mess it up??" Issei asked and Kiba told him to check outside and they did and saw the sky was different. "We're in a different dimension now so we can go all out as some people tend to be very destructive." Kiba said as his eyes and everyone else's tracked to (Y/n) despite his current attitude smiled slightly. He had a way to relive stress without worrying.

"Alright Kiba give me a map of the academy." Rias ordered and Kiba grabbed a rolled up paper and unrolled it out and showed a map of the academy.

"They will most likely have the gym captured so we need it. Issei and Koneko will go to the gym. Akeno go to the forest and plant traps. (Y/n) and Kiba go with her and help her and plan a ambush on the enemy team. Asia stay with me." Rias ordered once the game officially started.

"Right." Everyone said and moved out.

After setting traps and planning a ambush (Y/n) and Kiba hid in the shed masking their presence and told akeno to go help Koneko and issei out.

They heard three pawns and one took knocked out and smiled but frowned when they heard Koneko knocked out and saw issei running towards them and swung him into the shed there in.

Eventually they came out and saw everyone from Riser's peerage beside Riser himself.

"Knight of Rias Gremory I challenge you to a Knight battle." A Knight said and Kiba agreed and fought. Issei fought a rook and another Knight.

(Y/n) was gonna fight the others. Eventually Rias said she was gonna challenge Riser directly.

"Issei go help get me and Kiba will deal with them." (Y/n) ordered as issei took off some of them tried to stop him but Kiba blocked it but was removed from the game due to taking a attack from half of them.

"Good now that my teams gone I can deal with you all." (Y/n) said his aura flaring as he saw issei enter the over booster with a count of ten.

(Imagine the fight vs Riser but issei using a energy cross given to him by

(Y/n) Incase but made it so it wouldn't burn issei but every other devil it will burn.

"Starlight dragons minimal destruction." (Y/n) said and a orb of energy forming and he dropped it before shooting up with his sacred gear dodging the explosion as he snapped his fingers and it exploded.

Grayfia: "Knight of Rias Gremory eliminated. Queen, Rook, Knights and Pawns of Riser Phenex eliminated." She said clear shock in her voice.

Issei was shocked by that statement as his over booster vanished as the count was over and didn't see Riser take advantage of that and throw a fire ball at him that would have killed him possibly.

(Y/n) appeared in front of him and ate it quickly but no one noticed that and thought he absorbed it.

"Issei take Rias far away so I can go all out." (Y/n) said with a voice that dares him to say no. Issei didn't do and grabbed Rias and ran saying to the protesting Rias if she's eliminated then they lose and if (Y/n) looses Riser would be tired at least.

"You know what Riser is gonna do after this game??" Riser asked looking at    (Y/n) who waited for him to continue and tell him. "I'm gonna take the Sitri heiress and the only female dragon king as mine by force." He said grinning like a cocky smug bastard. (Y/n) seemed to freeze for a few seconds before he moved at high speeds his hand on black fire as he yelled "STARLIGHT DRAGONS HARD FIRE FIST!!" To everyone's shock.

"Your a hybrid, a starlight dragon and turned your magic into dragon slayer magic!?" Riser said in shock as (Y/n) grinned darkly.

"Yes I did!! Now feel the pain riser!! Starlight dragons roar of lightning!!" He shot a blast of black lightning at riser who dodged and a decent size explosion happened.

Riser threw a spear of fire at (Y/n) who dodged and both he and riser punched each other sending each other back. Both summoned fire and through a ball of fire and it exploded hitting each other in the chest.

Riser stood up regenerating from the blast. His chest uncovered. (Y/n) was fine beside his missing shirt which showed his dragon force had activated protecting him.

"You know what I'm gonna force those girls as my own!!" He yelled as that was a mistake as (Y/n) was covered in a giant spiral of fire and lightning and Ddraig spoke to Issei.

Ddraig: "He's done it. The second starlight dragon has reached his peak. He's had achieved-"

Ddraig and (D/n) yelled out at the same time "BALANCE BREAKER!!" And (Y/n) was covered in his balance breaker.

Riser being scared gather a bunch of power and threw a fire ball at (Y/n) who simply raised his hand at it and (D/n)'s voice was heard [Nullify].

"You dare threaten to rape the two girls who I love, Riser Phenex!? DIE!!" (Y/n) yelled his aura rising as they heard    (D/n) start yelling multiple times [AMPLIFY, AMPLIFY, AMPLIFY, AMPLIFY, AMPLIFY, AMPLIFY, AMPLIFY, AMPLIFY, AMPLIFY, AMPLIFY, AMPLIFY, AMPLIFY]

Riser was now pale as shit. "Starlight Dragons Roar Of Destruction." (Y/n)'s face mask vanished and it showed his face full of pure anger as he in hailed a giant amount of air and shoot out a blast of black fire with black lightning around it and raw black energy which hit riser and the entire area was destroyed nearly hitting Issei and Rias who were taken out in time to save them.

Grayfia: "Riser Phenex eliminated. Winner Rias Gremory!!" She yelled out for everyone as Rias started crying in joy and hugged (Y/n) who appeared and said to her that she should Thank Issei for giving up his arm.

He then went to find Sona and found her and said nothing and grabbed her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and walked out.

He asked (D/n) to track Tiamat as (D/n) smiled at his partners idea already knowing it and told him where she was.

Eventually (Y/n) and a confused Sona arrived in a forest and saw a crying and dirty and bleeding Tiamat, she had some very serious wounds and he quickly grabbed her bridal style and vanished in magic circle to his house and set her down in his room and used his starlight dragons magic which has healing properties if he wished due to its holy like nature and it healed Tiamat as he used a cloth and had Sona wet it as he started cleaning the blood and dirt on her.

A hour later Tiamat woke up to a crying (Y/n) hugging her. "I'm so glad your ok. I was so worried when I found you?? What happened??" He asked the Years not being bothered to be hidden. Tiamat looked down in shame. "I tried to kill

Myself." She didn't expect him to cry more and hug her harder.

"Why!! Why would you do that??" He asked and she said "Because if you!! You have her!!" She pointed at Sona. "WHY WOULF YOU CARE ABOUT ME ANYWAY!! YOU LOVE HER NOT ME!!" She broke down crying into a mess.

She didn't expect to be slapped. "You fool. I love both of you equally and could never choose between you two. You two are the two most important people in my life!!" He said and hugged both Sona and Tiamat who were crying at his heartfelt speech.

Tiamat and Sona seemed to have a mental conversation together. They turned to (Y/n) and before he knew it he was kissed by other girls. Both using half his lips.

"Aw. I love you to (Y/n) and I'm sorry for making you worried." Tiamat said and (Y/n) hugged her tightly also along with Sona as Tiamat just hugged back enjoying their warmth of protection and love for her.

"How about this, after my date with Sona tomorrow, I take you out the next day??" He asked and both girls smiled at him and Tiamat accepted.

(Y/n) snapped his fingers cleaning the sheets and blankets and pillows.

"Guess what I unlocked my balance breaker." (Y/n) said and blushed in embarrassment as he remembered what he said when it did.

(D/n): [Thats a understatement partner. Tiamat I'm happy for you. Watch this!!] he said with a cheerful smile as Tiamat thanked him before he replayed the scene of (Y/n) unlocked his balance breaker and Tiamat smiled at him and thanked him for defending her.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Next one will be the party and a special thing happening also.