(I got to school early today so I decided to make the first chapter starting on the way to school. First day hope I don't die of boredom there)
(Y/n) opened his eyes as he tried to sit up and felt wright preventing him from doing it. In his bed was Sona Sitri. Tiamat Khaos Karma. Akeno Himejima. Koneko Toujou. Tsubaki Shinra. He blinked again and again before blushing.
He had 5 girls in his bed. He could understand the first two despite having their own rooms slept in his room. The other three he tried to remember. Closing his eyes to remember what happened.
Mentally he slammed his hand into his other hands palm remembering. Koneko, Akeno and Tsubaki had confessed to him before the dates he had gone on with Tiamat and Sona. He had accepted they loved him and after Sona and Tiamat agreed to let them into his harem but not before reminding them THEY were the alpha and in charge. It was quite funny to him.
(If you want the dates comment on it and I'll make them OVA's and post them before the season 2 preview)
"Good morning (Y/n)~sama." Tiamat purred as she leaned forward to capture (Y/n)'s lips and they both kissed each other. The next thing (Y/n) knew Sona had PUSHED the strongest dragon queen away from his lips before claiming them for herself. Then Akeno pushed Sona away onto Tiamat and too his lips for herself. Koneko did the same thing. Finally Tsubaki did the same but was pulled by Koneko where the five girls started fighting over him.
(Y/n) was clearly upset as he let a burst of power out that turned all 5 on.
(Class started and I had to get my schedule for school at the start but the first week is early release and pretty easy going so I'm gonna try to at least get this chapter to be lengthy
"Now listen!! I will NOT have you fighting over me. Are we clear??" When he didn't get a response he said it again a lot scarier which just turned them on even more. "I. Said. Are. We. Clear!!" The girls quickly nodded and ran out the room to change their now soaking undergarments and get ready for the day.
[Ive honestly never seen a single host of the red, white or blue dragon emperors actually take charge like that usually being scared of their mates as females are scary.] (D/n) said appearing on (Y/n)'s back as the wing bits flowed as he was talking.
"Well if you don't take charge things will never get done. I am 100% assuring you I am scared of divine female wrath... or is it draconic and demonic wrath in this case??" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ they both did. "But anyway, it ruins the relationship of the girls if they fight over me. Sure sometimes a little in fighting can be good in some cases but in this case it would ruin the relationship between them and us which I would not appreciate that. If they are in love with me like they said they won't fight over me. No fighting will be tolerated by me." (Y/n) told his partner who smiled inside his sacred gear. Both were completely aware of all 5 girls outside his door.
The girls all felt guilty about doing that now. They made a silent agreement nodding at each other not to do it again.
(Y/n) and (D/n) smirked in victory.
After that (Y/n) got dressed and ready for the day. He suddenly remembered. He promised to take the 5 girls out for... shopping... clothe shopping specifically. His poor account will be empty. He made a note to self to rob a bank soon. (D/n) just laughed at his partners issues.
"Are you ready yet (Y/n)~sama/kun??" Asked the Tiamat and Sona with the sama part and the three others with kun part.
'The fuck!! Are they ready before me!! The multiverse is being destroyed!!' (Y/n) said in a very dramatic voice running around his room yelling everything's ending and girls being ready before him.
After the girls calmed him down they went out shopping. Males felt pity for the boy and his poor account and wallet. Females smiled kindly at them and glared at their boyfriend or husband why they don't go and take them shopping.
"How does this look (Y/n) the five girls asked posing in new outfits as he flew back with a nose bleed as they were very revealing outfits. The girls giggled and took that as a great.
(Y/n) would lose a lot more blood for a few more hours and then be forced to carry around 100 bags and boxes in total back home with masterful skill of not dropping them.
Males were very impressed and females just glared at their mates. It was pretty funny.
"S-" (y/n) didn't get to speak as Tiamat had pushed him down to the couch and started intensely making out with her mate while the other girls were busy. (Y/n) had wrapped his hands around her waist as they deadened the kiss which made Tiamat moan into it turning (Y/n) on who's dragon instincts were YELLING at him to mate with her. His "little" solder was ready and standing proudly.
Tiamat started grinding her rear on it making (Y/n) give out a little moan. "Tiamat... stop." (Y/n) said with a moan as Tiamat gained a sad look.
"What is it?? Am I not good enough for you?? Am I not beautiful enough??" She asked with tears. (Y/n) leaned forward and hugged her. "No my precious dragon queen." (Y/n) said as he rubbed her back lovingly. "It's just I'm not ready to do that just yet ok." He said as she nodded. But then a light bulb went off.
"If you can't do that then we can do something else to release (Y/n).Jr of his pressure." She said as she quickly burned his pants and underwear. His solder shot up in all its glory. She burned her own clothes as well.
"T-t-Tiamat!!" (Y/n) said blushing beat red. "S-s-stop starring and lick it master." She said as (Y/n) did and started licking her nether regions which made Tiamat red and moan.
"Y-y-Yes like that master!!" Tiamat said in bliss. (Y/n) smirked before shooting his tongue inside her pussy and started going crazy. Meanwhile Tiamat was sucking on his 11 inch soldier.
"Oh I'm CUMMING!!" She yelled out in bliss as her release came and (Y/n) ate it and noticed she tasted sweet. It was tasty to (Y/n). They kept going and Tiamat had came four more times when (Y/n) had not came once.
"Tiamat it's coming!!" He said as she moaned feeling her release and both came at the same time. (Y/n) had his sixth serving and Tiamat had her mouth filled with cum that her cheeks puffed out and she managed to swallow it all nearly but some dropped staining her breast.
"Sorry I didn't take it all in master. I'll do better next time." Tiamat said as (Y/n) summoned a towel and cleaned both them up and Tiamat fell down onto (Y/n)'s chest and said "I love you master (Y/n)." and fell asleep hearing "I love you to Tiamat." Both then fell asleep in a loving embrace neither noticing the four other harem girls watching with major blushes. They couldn't wait for their turns but for now they needed a shower and a new pair of undergarments.
I managed to make this chapter since my days are short this week. But I have a lot of work to do sadly. Such a fucking pain. Anyway I have some homework to do I hope you enjoyed this shorter chapter. 😉 😏