(S2) - Chapter 6

"You can come out now... Freed." (Y/n) said as freed arrived from behind a tree.

"Hehe." He laughed as Rias, Akeno and Sona summoned a magic circle. "Hey hey hold up!! I'm just a messenger. My boss wants to meet you!!" He said excitedly as a purple glow dome formed around them and a fallen angel with 10 wings appeared.

"Kokabiel." Rias said distastefully as she smiled her smile clearly real unless you knew her and could tell it was fake.

"Who is he??" Issei asked with Saji also nodding. Tsubaki had already disappeared to get Irina help at Sona's home. "He's Kokabiel a 10 winged angel and one of the leaders of the Grigori. Fought in the Great War against god and the Satan's." Rias said distastefully being near Kokabiel.

"Rias Gremory your hair red like your brother it makes me sick!!" Kokabiel said obviously annoyed with being reminded of sirzechs who probably smacked his ass sometime during the war and made him runaway like a little B.

"So what do you want Kokabiel??" Sona said speaking up. "Oh little sister of serafall. What I want is to start a war!! We were close to wining and yet Azazel called for us to be brought back and pull out!! We the strongest the fallen angels!!" He said arrogantly. Sure he had a right somewhat to be arrogant but he was to arrogant.

"Your a Warhawk!!" Rias yelled out as Kokabiel laughed insanely. "OF COURSE I AM!! I LOVE WAR!!" He said before freed spoke up. "Yep yep. He's such a great boss. I mean look what he gave me." Freed said excitedly as he opened his coat showing 5 Excalibur's. A string around his left arm.

(Imagine That there is 5 Excalibur's in there)

"All but one Excalibur!! Isn't he a great boss!!" He said as Kokabiel soon fired a blast of light spears at them which they blocked (Rias, Akeno and Sona) while the others (everyone else) jumped away.

When it was done Kokabiel and Freed were gone. Koneko said in a tree "They went to the academy."

"Rias head to the academy I'll have my peerage hold a barrier preventing humans from knowing about what's happening." Sona said as Rias nodded her thanks and they headed to the academy quickly.

As they were leaving suddenly a red magic circle appeared under (Y/n).

(Top left one)

"(Y/N)!!" Everyone yelled as he was teleported away.

(We already know what's going on with the others)

When (Y/n) appeared he was in the same spot but everything grayed out.

"So your the one who mastered wanted tested." A person said and they appeared. A male. Black hair. Gold slit eyes. Black snakes made of energy around him with glowing yellow eyes.

"Who are you??" (Y/n) asked carefully as he stared at the boy around his age sizing him up. He quickly sent his necklace to a dimensional pocket so it won't be destroyed again possibly.

"I am Orochimaru Hebi. Wielded of the sacred gear holding the yamata no orochi." He said proudly and arrogantly. "I still don't get why master wanted to test you but anyway you won't leave till I'm beat. Plus just for encouragement." He said and snapped his fingers and they reappeared at the school grounds showing his friends fighting Kokabiel.

"They can't hear or see us and we can affect that world but this world won't affect that one either." He said and should not have said that.

"Good. Means I can go all out." (Y/n) said before entering dragon force and vanishing and giving a strong gut punch to orochimaru who spat a bit of blood at the strength behind it and a snake tried to bite (Y/n) that orochimaru summoned but didn't pierce the skin and instead was destroyed by a blast of starlight magic.

"Time for me to get serious I guess." Orochimaru said as his aura flared high as more snakes appeared and his form started changing. He was a white snake made of a ton of snakes.

"Wow your ugly. Starlight dragons hard fire fist." (Y/n) said as he tried swinging at orochimaru who slithered (??) our the way and smacked (Y/n) with his tail sending him flying.

"This is my balance Breaker. 8 headed snake balance breaker." Orochimaru said with a hiss in his voice. Orochimaru fired a blast of venom at (Y/n) who was injured or would have been if he hadn't thrown a spear of starlight magic that was more like a wall blocking it protecting him. When the giant spear vanished orochimaru was gone and (Y/n) looked around for him suddenly felt something bite his arm.

"AHHHHHH!!" (Y/n) yelled out in pain as orochimaru appeared having bit a hole through (Y/n)'s arm showing the bone he bit through and the blood leaking through it.

"DAMIT!! Starlight dragons roar!!" (Y/n) yelled and a blast of black magic struck the snake. "Starlight dragons brilliant blast!!" (Y/n) threw a orb of magic making a explosion where orochimaru was. "Starlight dragons minimal explosion!!" He threw a smaller orb which made a small nuke.

When the smoke cleared it shows a messed up orochimaru.

(Make it more nasty and more blood and snakes everywhere.)

Suddenly (Y/n) fell to his knees as a smoke covered around them.

"This is the smoke of this kind of snake. When we bleed we release a toxin that paralyzes a enemy." Orochimaru explained. "Now I'm gonna have to go all out to kill you!!" Orochimaru said as he had a large aura boost around 8 times more powerful. His form grew larger and larger.

(Ignore The susanoo)

"This is my 8 headed serpent form the equivalent of your juggernaut drive form. My strongest power. I take the form of the Yamata No Orochi in my sacred gear itself." Orochimaru said speaking from all 8 heads at once.

(Y/n) managed to barely stand up.

"I-I-I won't lose!!" (Y/n) yelled as a bird like sigil formed in his right eye.

"I (Y/n) (L/n) order you to kill power down and stand still!!" (Y/n) said in a trance like state as a orange glow like ring was around all 8 heads eyes at once.

"Yes your majesty." The 8 headed snake said going back to human form powering down.

"Starlight dragons roar of destruction of the flaming and lightning star of exploding starlight!!" (Y/n) yelled shooting a giant blast of magic forward from his mouth still in a trance destroying orochimaru shooting his head right in front of (Y/n) who broke from the trance.

"Huh?? What happened??" (Y/n) said and looked down and puked when he saw a very gross destroyed head.

(I would put a picture but that would be disgusting to do)

"D-d-did I do this??" (Y/n) asked scared.

'(Y/n) calm down!! We need to go save everyone first!!" (D/n) said as (Y/n) took a deep breath and nodded stealing himself as he destroyed everything around with another blast of magic as the place shattered and he reappeared where he was teleported from.

"SHIT!!" He cursed before running off to the school and flew through the barrier and flew faster as he saw Akeno about to be pierced by a light spear by Kokabiel where she would be killed and pushed her out the way and took the spear through the heart.

"S-s-s-s-survive." (Y/n) said before he closed his eyes as his body fell to the ground and bounced and rolled before he died face up and eyes closed.

"(Y/n)!!" Everyone said tears in their eyes. Issei in his rage had activated his balance breaker and fought Kokabiel while they tried to heal him but it wasn't working.

*In (Y/n)'s Mindscape To Deep For (D/n) To Reach To Him*

"Huh. I figured I would've been with the other sacred gear wielders not... here." (Y/n) said as he was standing in a throne room. On the throne a person around his age.

"I see you have finally arrived." The man said dramatically moving his arm around.

"Uh who are you??" (Y/n) asked carefully. "I am Lelouch Vi Britannia Lamperouge. 99th Emperor of the Britannia empire. But you are my long long descendent I guess would be what we are." The man said still dramatically.

"My mother's side??" (Y/n) asked as the man named Lelouch nodded. "Let me tell you a story." Lelouch said.

"Back then before the factions beside god and the dragon gods and the 666 beast existed. Back then 2/3 of the world was ruled by my father the 98th emperor. I lead a rebellion under a secret identity of Zero fighting to free people from my fathers rule..." Lelouch would them tell his entire story to (Y/n) from start to finish leaving no detail out.

"I see. But WHY are you telling me this??" (Y/n) asked.

"You see C.C had died cause her whole body was destroyed when her code was messed with due to the world of C being changed and she reincarnated. I want you to find her reincarnation and protect her for me. She will look the same as she did with the Geass mark on her forehead like you will have." Lelouch said.

"Wait what!!" (Y/n) demanded. "Yes. You activated your Geass. Well the absolute obedience part from me anyway. Your Geass is special. You have the power of every Geass that has been kn existence and will ever be in existence." Lelouch said grinning like a mad man.

"You will also inherit my code from me making you immortal so you could use your juggernaut drive for a infinite amount of time if you use your Geass to make the former wielders submit to you or just destroy them. Either way it works. Goodbye my descendent. I name you the 100th emperor of Britannia." Lelouch said as he turned into a Geass that flew right into (Y/n)'s forehead who walked to the throne and got comfy and sat down.

*Outside (Y/n)'s MindScape*

Issei was thrown back as his balance breaker broke. A giant power pushed down on everyone. Even Kokabiel. This power was frightening.

"I'm... BACK!!" (Y/n) said in a demonic like voice laughing like a mad man as BOTH his eyes glowed with the symbol from fight with orochimaru. The same symbol in his eyes on his forehead as his hair flew up showing the code.


Sup!! I wrote 2 chapters in... 25 minutes. Not bad if I do say so myself!! I hope that you enjoyed the two chapters. I'm gonna start doing full school days so chapters might either slow down or possibly speed up. As I can write in the morning and during my fifth period since I have library practice which translates to "sitting behind a desk doing nothing" for now. Hopefully once they finish putting everything up I get to read from the manga selection. Some decent manga at my school surprisingly.

Anyway I'm heading to bed. I'm tired and I have 7 hours of torture now every day besides Wednesday's which hopefully will be ALL short days this year. So tell me what you thought of the chapters. I tried to put a good amount of effort into them and some length also.