Sona’s Date

Ok yes I know I haven't updated a date when I said I was gonna but I've been busy with school work and reading code Geass fanfiction as I've gotten really into it. Again. So here's date #2. Enjoy!!


(Y/n) was walking around town at nighttime enjoying the alone time and the breeze. It felt nice to just walk around town and have some fun alone. Sure he loved his girls and his friends and family but sometimes he needed me time.

He blinked as he was pulled into an ally way by a group of thugs and held at gunpoint to his forehead.

"Give us all your money and you may leave with just a few broken bones." The man with the gun said as everyone grinned all them holding a crowbar, baseball bat or other blunt and painful weapons to use.

"Hm... how about... no~." (Y/n) said in a mocking voice as he grinned at them before blinking as he saw a flash and fell down to the ground a bullet fired into his skull.

"Stupid kid... ok let's take his stuff and go quickly. No doubt someone called police." The man with the gun said as they all went to him only to see his body gone.

"Only those willing to kill should be ready to be killed also." (Y/n)'s voice said full of mockery as his eyes glowed with Geass as he held his hand out in a dramatic way "(Y/n) (L/n) commands you, die." He said as they all held guns they apparently had and fired them into their necks as blood splashed onto (Y/n)'s right cheek as he looked at it before wiping it away and quickly vanishing so no one saw him. It wouldn't be good to be found out.

(Y/n) appeared on a building as he stared at the sky and blinked as he was hit with a arrow through his shoulder. Ok this time he didn't die so it hurt a lot more and he let a small moan of

Pain be released.

He narrowed his eyes as he saw a very beautiful girl and a group of females who were also attractive but if he was 12. Not 17.

"Who are you??" (Y/n) asked as he ripped the arrow from his shoulder as it healed. "Die boy in the name of lady artemis!!" A random of the 12 to 14 year old girl group said firing a couple arrows at (Y/n) who got annoyed and simply summoned a ice wall that blocked the arrows but blinked as it went through the ice almost easily.

"Ice will not stop us you filthy male!!" Yelled another as (Y/n) grinned slightly and said "Sorry but I don't give a fuck." Then another wall of ice thinner and smaller then the last one appeared in front of (Y/n) and blocked the arrows easily not even making a dent in it as his ice wall was reinforced with his starlight magic only to be hit in the knee (I used to be a adventure like you till I took an arrow to the knee) and screamed bloody murder as it came from through his now broken ice wall.

"Hurts doesn't it boy?? It's made of dragon slaying properties." A female said walking forward.

"How dare you!!" (Y/n) growled at the women. "Growling like a dog like the male you truly are beneath the foot of Artemis." The women now known as artemis said arrogantly as (Y/n) started laughing.

"That's the funniest thing I have ever heard. You kill me?? It's laughable. Watch." (Y/n) said as he pulled a gun out but didn't point it at them. No he pointed it at himself and shot himself in the forehead to their shock.

"Lady artemis he wasn't supposed to die right??" A random hunter asked. "Yes Harumi. Lord Zeus will not be happy with the blue dragon emperors death." Artemis said as she and along with the others were stunned till they heard a laughing. Almost maniacal.

"Wow... that was probably the funniest death I've had in my 4 to 5 deaths." (Y/n) said laughing like a mad man. The females backed up. He may be a dragon but he isn't supposed to be immortal.

"Now... (Y/n) (L/n) commands you all to follow my orders for all eternity." (Y/n) said dramatically as the Geass symbol flew into the girls eyes as they all bowed to him with Artemis in front.

"We are yours to do as you please master." Artemis said her voice hypnotic like showing she was in a trance.

"Now why were you attacking and following me??" (Y/n) asked seriously. "I'm sorry my lord. Lord Zeus ordered me to test your strength and report back." Artemis said as he nodded. "Good now you will go back to normal and have memories of me beating you in a fight and healing us both before leaving somewhere else saying I didn't kill you cause you gave me a great fight. You will be loyal to me and only me. That is all. You will have no memories of any of this conversation or anything beside the false memory. You will tell zeus I'm immortal as a arrow went through my heart." (Y/n) said before flying away as they all stood up before the new memories settled in.


"You ready to go Sona-hime??" (Y/n) asked sona who had a small blush on her cheeks. She nodded.

They took his car out for a ride around town a bit before arriving at the mall in their casual clothes and poor (Y/n) was dragged around on a shopping spree by Sona as every male threw pity glances at (Y/n) knowing what it was like for the poor fellow male.

'Good luck to your wallet my fellow male.' They all thought and prayed to the wallet primordial who gave a small good luck to our mc's wallet.

After shopping they dropped the new clothes off into the car before getting back into the car before driving off and arriving at a new area. They soon got out of the car and walked through a forest till they arrived on a cliff with a single tree. The sun was setting.

(Yep I'm doing it. Also I'm starting the lemon so skip to all caps bold to see end of the lemon as I have some author notes planned for after)

"It's beautiful. The view." (Y/n) said clarifying to Sona who was confused and seeing it he went a bit more specific. "Your right." "Of course I am you are very beautiful." Sona turned beet red before casting a spell which (Y/n) noticed prevented anyone from coming around them and hiding sound and she grinned as she pulled (Y/n) into a very lustful kiss but still loving which he returned.

They broke apart with their lungs burning for air but significantly longer then humans due to their supernatural heritage. Saliva between their tongues which Sona used her finger to collect before grabbing it and licking it off her finger making (Y/n) blush slightly at how hot 1 of his 2 alphas looked at that moment.

"Sona." (Y/n) said before nibbling on her neck where her mate mark was on her neck as she moaned at the feeling of her master nibbling on her neck.

Despite being very controlling and strict Sona was very submissive to (Y/n) her mate. Her master. Her lover. Her other half. Her better half. Her most precious person.

"(Y/n)" sona said in bliss as he had started nibbling even harder on the mark. She had just came the first time and he hadn't done anything beside nibble her neck and kiss her. She was like putty to his touch anywhere. Sona removed her clothes quickly.

(SY/n) smiled reassuringly as he saw Sona a bit shy. Sure they had already done it before but that was then and with her sister there. This time it was just the two of them.

"I'll be gentle." He assured her before looking at her breast as Sona seemed to deflate as she said "I know there not that big compared to everyone else." Sona looked down at her feet embarrassed.

(Y/n) wrapped his arms around Sona before greedily taking her lips for himself and shoving his tongue in her mouth as he squeezed her but giving him entrance.

"Sona I love you for who you are on the inside and the outside. It doesn't matter if you have small boobs or even big ones. It's about the Love not the look." He said lovingly as he started to suck on her left breast as she moaned out loud, which was pretty loud to.

"You See this mate mark on your shoulder/neck basically says your body, soul and mind belong to me as my lover, mate and my bishop. So don't be such a downer ok." He said before going back to sucking on her boobs before she climaxed for the second time.

(Y/n) quickly took off his own clothes and neatly put them next to Sona's a good way away from them to avoid being splashed with anything later on. Sona blushed dark red seeing her lovers (Y/n).Jr standing in action and still seemed to want to grow.

Soma grabbed it with her hands and started moving her hands before taking the tip in her mouth and licking it with her tongue seductively which turned him on even more as his shaft got even bigger. Sona soon started to take in the length of her lover as much as she can before going as far as she stood before giving him a blowjob (??) and eventfully 15 minutes later he had to release.

"Sona I'm gonna cum!!" (Y/n) yelled out before grabbing the back of her head and fired a shit ton of semen into her throat and she couldn't handle it all as it started spilling out as her cheeks were puffed out filled with semen.

(Y/n) laid on the ground as Sona stood above him and lowered herself down to his shaft. First she took in the tip. Her speed in taking him in didn't satisfy his draconic instincts and his eyes turned to slits and his dragon force activated and his shaft seemed to grow larger and Sona was worried it might not fit but soon screamed in pain and pleasure as (Y/n) had forced himself fully into Sona with a grin full of lust yet love and a small bit of regret in his eyes also. He waisted for her a little to get adjusted to the size before removing all but the tip and slamming right back inside of her.

(Y/n) kept pounding into her and started picking up pace and strength as he kept going which made Sona into a moaning mess.

"G-g-get ready Sona I'm cumming!!" (Y/n) yelled 20 minutes later before he went faster and harder inside Sona as her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her tongue stuck out as he pushed all the way inside of her before releasing a massive amount of semen into her womb causing her stomach to slightly inflate.

Sona was panting on the ground holding a hand to her stomach. She knew she wouldn't get pregnant due to the mating mark but she blushed at the thought of a family with (Y/n). It made her happy. Just the thought of it.

She suddenly came back to her senses enough to realize (Y/n) had put her on her knees and her butt up and aimed at him. His grin darkly and full of lust and she realized what he was gonna do as she felt his cock picking her asshole.

"No (Y/n)~sama don't!! Please!!" She pleased but screamed in pain and pleasure as he rammed his rod inside her anus and started moving in and out as the screams turned into screams of pleasure.

(Y/n) grinned as he pushed once more into her ass painting the inside of her anus white just like he did inside her pussy.

(Y/n) looked at his handy work as Sona was passed out on the ground. They had gone 2 more rounds before Sona had given out. It was enough to satisfy his instincts though. Lucky for her. If it wasn't she would still be getting fucked by his cock. He gently picked Sona up using a bit of magic to clean the area and remove the barrier and grabbed their clothes before vanishing into a magic circle and reappearing in the bedroom and laid Sona down and soon cuddled up with her as they held each other in a loving way as both slept peacefully.


Ok so yeah. I tried to make the two parts of this chapter each 1,000 words almost or about.

1: What's your opinion of the hunt thing??

2: Don't worry she (artemis) won't be his mindslave much. More like it was a just Incase as he doesn't know he's her grandson. Nor does she know she is his grandmother.

3: I know I forgot to clarify this but her child is not from her finding a male and having sex. She found a human male who was ok. (Took a long time). An then took a bit of blood from him while he was sleeping while giving a blessing of good luck to the male who she took the blood from and used her own blood to make a child from the two bloods.

4: 2 dates down and 6 to go. This is gonna be troublesome as a certain Nara would say.

5: I know I'm updating slowly and I have good reason... ok multiple reason's. I don't have much homework as I don't like having it and do it during class as I get bored and skip ahead being bored a lot of times and do everything else early. Plus I'm studying and taking my test at the DMV tomorrow after school to get my permit since I feel confident and I also have waited enough time plus I have 3 chances if I remember right to take it. That should be good enough for me to try right?? For amy who manage to read this before 3:30pm September 16, 2019 wish me luck on my driving permit test I probably need it despite studying a shit ton for this. Not to mention I'm a bit scared actually. I mean I only have THREE chances to pass this test or I don't think I can ever drive!! So I'm slightly scared but I'm feeling slightly confident after reassurance form s few friends.

6: Well that's all peace out awesome readers!!