Chapter 24

With the addition of new Servants to Chaldea and also Malcador, a being from another universe. The life of the Chaldean didn't change much.

Waking up in the morning, Adam spent a few moments meditating before going about his daily routine of sparring with Servants in the Training Room and working on Mash's martial training until lunch time rolled around.

After lunch, he spends some of his time on his Psychic aspect training until dinner comes around.

After dinner, he either joined with the Servants to socialize or in the library reading books until 12 am before he went to sleep.

That is his routine for the past week. Of course, there are some other things he did too. Like being called by Olga once for a talk, mostly around his identity as an outsider and she wanted to figure out his objectives and motivation to help Chaldea. Then there was one time Da Vinci called him to her workshop, expressing willingness to help upgrade his Power Armor along with Malcador who wanted to take on a supporting role like Da Vinci just like back in the Imperium, supporting the Masters and Servants in the background. Also that one time he got dragged along into a celebration party for the resolution of the recent Singularity and Olga's revival.

All in all, a pretty fun time. A far cry from back in the Imperium where every moment felt bleak and grim. Here, he genuinely is having fun with the people.

Now, back to the present.

He didn't know how this happened. But it reeks of the machinations of that old man, Malcador who is probably hiding in the shadow while rubbing his hands with a grin, he imagined. But he is currently in one of the rooms in Chaldea that no one went too simply because it was empty and far from the normally frequent hubs. Because this section of Chaldea has no importance, there's not even lighting and all it has is a large glass plane separating the outside frozen landscape and the room that only has the moonlight as its only source of light. Next to him was Alina, staring at the beautiful starry sky as they sat there in silence for the past dozen or so minutes and getting increasingly more awkward.

Adam didn't know why he felt nervous. For once in his thousands of years, he felt nervous. He felt like he would rather fight all four of the Chaos Gods at once rather than be sitting here in this situation as he gulped.

On his side, Alina has been sneaking glances at Adam who is making quite a lot of sighs and weird gestures. But perhaps because his emotions are leaking out unconsciously, Alina felt incredibly happy although she remained expressionless as best as she could, resisting the urge to pounce at her lord and answering the question that had been stuck in his throat.

"This is very unlike my usual self." Adam heaved his final sigh and scratched his head before turning to look at Alina. Alina is excited to hear what he had to say, already guessed in advance but still stays calm and collected.

"What is it, Milord?" She feigns ignorance, making Adam stunned before he chuckles. No matter how hard she tries to keep herself calm, her mind is selling herself out.

"I know that I should have said this a long time ago. But, Alina. You have served by my side loyally and steadfastly even at my lowest. You were there by my side, picking me up whenever I fell or stumbled. Even into the depths of hell, you are willing to jump with me by my side." He said and paused for a few moments to check if he had missed out anything. "Without you… I probably wouldn't be the man I am right now. That's why, I would like to ask… Will you continue to stay by my side forever more?" He confessed while his eyes staring up at the moon, trying to hide his embarrassed face.

As for Alina, she of course is ecstatic. But she did her damnedest to stay calm as she had always been and replied,

"That is a foolish question to ask, Milord." She said, "Not even the Emperor or Dark Gods could ever prevent me from standing by your side. Nothing will ever change my mind or conviction. Not even you, Milord."

Adam sighed, sort of expecting such an answer knowing her personality. "Of course, I should have expected that from you. Also… I am not well versed with matters of relationships. But I guess we should do something to officiate it?" Adam asked. But before he could say or do anything else, he found his vision of the moon in the night sky replaced with Alina's blushing face so closely he thought they were kissing.

Oh wait, she is.

"Finally, after ten thousand years of waiting." She said with a hot breath after their lips just separated. "This feeling is so intoxicating. Ah… Milord's lips." She went in for a second round where Adam finally snapped out of it.

When their lips separated for a second time, there was a string of their mixed saliva bridging the two and Alina licked her lips eagerly. Wanting to take another go after taking her breath. But Adam held her head with his both hands and stared deadpanned at her.

"Really?" He asked.

Alina however, no longer has any reservations as if all bets are off. Her cold expression now replaced with that of an intoxicated one as she said,

"I waited for ten thousand years. I deserve more than two hot kisses for my wait."

Adam couldn't come up with a word to dispute her reasoning.

"Fair enough. But, aren't you overstepping your limit? I can count this as an assault upon me." He replied with a faux stern expression before his expression turned playful and caught her in a surprise with his counter attack. Alina didn't fight him off and instead melted in his embrace as they sealed their newly forged bond.

Their kisses become increasingly hungry as their hands wander off on their partner's body and slip under their clothes. But just as they were about to move on, they were interrupted with a loud and deliberate cough.

"Well, I didn't expect you youngsters were that bold to do it in such an open place. Anyway, don't mind me and keep going." The peeper said and saw himself out after emerging from the shadow. But stopped for a moment. "Well, can I expect a grandchild soon?"

That question left unanswered and that same night, the Chaldean was jolted awake by a series of loud explosions on the external wing of the unused section of Chaldea.

Many were startled from their sleep ready to fight off the invader that dared step into the hall of Chaldea only to be reassured by Adam there was no invasion and instead just an experiment went wrong when he practiced his Warp Sorcery. Although no one actually buys his excuse when Malcador was beaten to pulp and tied up by a very unusually furious Alina.

Alina held back no punches considering Malcador is now a Servant and the damage done to him isn't lasting as long as sufficient Mana was supplied to heal him back.


Next morning, basically everyone was weird out by the sudden changes on Alina.

Usually, Alina is rarely seen and always wearing a cold and detached expression and always in her armor. But today, she was actually smiling! She was smiling sweetly like a maiden in love while making the effort to wear casual clothes and basically latched next to Adam like she was glued to him.

While most people figured what happened and connected the dots from the occurrence last night. No one actually cares. Except for Olga that is, who is having quite a foul and snappy mood which made Romani her victim while he is wishing to be released from his torment in tears.

"Heeh, I can basically smell the love in the air." Cu joked while elbowing the person next to him which happened to be the stoic knight, Siegfried who rather not dip his foot into the landmine when he can sense the piercing stare from Olga a few tables away where the Chaldean staff sat and ate.

Then Archer comes around with a tray carrying the special portions for Artoria. "You mutt should learn to mind your own business." He snarked back before serving the food for Artoria.

"What did you say?" Cu of course stand up to the insult. But before the confrontation could go anywhere, Cu sensed a powerful killing intent boring into his head and when he turned around, he saw Alina glaring at him for interrupting her and Adam's moment.

Cu then sat down silently and ate his food. He know not to fuck around with Psyker knowing how good their power are in inflicting mental torture that he rather not try.

After that, no more issues came up as the morning breakfast ended and everyone fell back into their normal routine.

Just as he about to follow after the Servant for their daily training, Adam was stopped by Alina and also Sif. The latter is whining at him to no end.

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry for not paying much attention on you." Adam pacify his pupper's tantrum and caved in to spending time with him in the Simulation Room that is also part of the Training Room but with a simulated reality to create a surreal environment and opponents that can be defeated for strange items that can be used to strengthen Servants but quite costly in energy consumption to produce so the attempt was limited each day. But the one he Alina and Sif in are the one that create none of those materials which can be entered without limit.

It was more like a family outing, Adam and Alina together on a peaceful walk in the simulated terrain of France's countryside while Sif is happily mauling various enemies to death… Well, for them at least. It is indeed a peaceful walk.

Adam and Alina also ride on Sif as she had her fill running around the forest to enjoy the thrill of running freely in nature that is incredibly rare back in their universe.

Although, speaking of Sif. Adam recalled the series of weird dreams he been having since arriving in Chaldea. Specifically the one where he dreamt about Sif having humanoid form. Till now he couldn't comprehend the meaning of the dream since it wasn't induced by his Psychic ability. He checked it to make sure and it came back negative every time.

Seeing her companion staring a hole into her face, Sif also stared back at Adam before cutely tilting her head to express her confusing. Once Adam noticed the cute gesture Sif made, he ruffles his thick coat of furs around her neck and says,

"It's nothing serious. Just a weird dream I've been having lately. Still, you wouldn't happen to be able to transform into a human would you?" Adam asked out of curiosity which also gained Alina's curiosity but in a bad way.

"We had been a lover for just one day and you already setting eyes on another?" Alina acted like a jealous lover and pouted.

"Are you against it?" Adam shift his attention to Alina with his question and Alina shook her head but explained, "A great personage like Milord are bound to attract many prospects. But at least wait until I am satisfied before you find yourself another lover."

"Hmn, fair enough." Adam nodded and remembers that Alina came from nobility houses where polygamy is common. Like, Alina herself had at least two dozen mothers which half she never even seen before.

"But that's not my point. I had been having this weird dream ever since I arrived at Chaldea about Sif appearing in a human form. I am sure it was not induced by Warp and I am biological incapable of dream. Which made me wonder why am I having this weird recurring dream." Adam explained truthfully to Alina in hope she might can shed some light to him but Alina also clueless.

"Why don't we ask Lord Malcador? Annoying as his recent antics were, he is the most knowledgeable person in the Imperium second only to the Emperor." Alina suggested and Adam find her suggestion is quite a sound one.

Thus, the trio ended their walk in the simulated world early and head to Malcador's personal study next to Da Vinci's workshop since the two seems to mingle quite well.

When they found Malcador who is sitting on a rocking chair and reading a book while smoking a pipe, Adam forwarded the question to Malcador which made hims stared back at Adam like he just asked a stupid question.

"You do know that there was never a wolf in Fenris, right? Fenrisian Wolf isn't real wolf descended from the actual canine species. The original Fenrisian Wolf or the Pureblood Fenrisian Wolf is actually human from the Dark Age of Technology which turned into wolves because they messed up with their genetic modifications. As for the newer Fenrisian Wolves, some are Space Wolf Marines that similarly suffered from severe genetic mutations." Malcador explained before taking another puff off his pipe and said bluntly, "Don't tell me you decide to take in a Fenrisian Wolf without knowing about their history."

"How am I supposed to know that a wolf have somekind of obscure lore behind them?" Adam retorted but not without Sif poking him with her paw and huffed as if saying she is disappointed that Adam didn't bothered enough to learn about her history.

Adam rolled his eyes at Sif and look back at Malcador who is enjoying his mental suffering while smugly smoking his damn pipe.

"Anyway, so Sif is actually a human just shaped like a wolf?" Adam tried to confirm.

"Shouldn't her unnatural intelligence and ability to understand human speech enough as an evidence?" Malcador asked back at him as if mocking Adam's intelligence.

Ignoring the mockery, Adam asked one last question.

"So, can she actually turn into a human form?" Adam asked and described the apperance of Sif he saw in his dream.

Malcador immediately close the book shut with his hand and place it down along with the pipe. He then took a deep breath and exhaled before putting on a very serious and grave expression.

"Adam… I understand you might be new and overwhelmed by the pleasure of flesh. It is nothing unusual for a healthy man like you. But I didn't think you would go that far down into beastiality."

"I am not!" Adam vehemently denied and deadpanned at Malcador. "I am quite serious about this question."

"Well…" Malcador drop tye serious expression and pick up his pipe and place it on his lips and took a deep puff. "There is some that could transform. But under very specific conditions which Sif meet none. So, I doubt she could. But who am I to say it is impossible when the Warp can make anything into reality?"

"The Warp?" Adam said and mutters the word repeatedly as he seems to pick up what Malcador was hinting to and immediately stared at Sif.

There is a good possibility that Sif herself might wished for the ability to transform and like back in his previous universe, with enough belief and faith, anything is possible and nothing is impossible.

Also, Adam might finally figured out the suspects. But he is helpless to do anything about it. Mainly because the suspect is out of his reach and even if he could reach, there's nothing he can do to stop the God from messing with his life.

In certain universe, a certain black cat that is stalking on another young girl behind a bush suddenly sneezed.

"Courting death! Who dare cursing at this Great Venerable!"


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