Chapter 26

Nero PoV

When the United Empire struck the gate of her capital city. She was hard pressed to repel the invasion forces that outnumbered her legionaries 5 to 1. Even if she alone is very powerful, her presence alone in the battle couldn't turn the tide against such overwhelming numbers.

The United Empire had struck not once but multiple times for the past week. Forcing their way to the heart of her Empire and seize the capital to diminish her authority. This caused her soldiers to not only be exhausted. But also severely weakened by the lack of supplies and logistics.

There is only so much she can do before her army will be annihilated and the gate of her capital breached.

But then, as if her prayer to her ancestors and gods finally answered. Reinforcement arrived. She didn't know if this reinforcement was from Boudica, a general of her serving in the Gaul's expedition force and defending another side of the capital from the United Empire. However, Nero has doubts that this group is part of Boudica's forces. Especially after what they did next.

Of the group, a giant wolf taller than herself while standing, rushed and stopped before her legionaries before the giant man in pure silver armor that shone brilliantly under the sunlight, lifted an equally massive sword with a single hand and caused powerful lightning to burst forth, causing both sides to stop in awe.

"Proud Legionaries of Rome! Heed my call and do not give up for I am here to bring you victory!" The incredibly charismatic voice of the silver clad knight captivated everyone, even herself to be left at awe at his inviolable and almost divine presence as he stood in the battlefield.

It was quite the spectacle, like the God of War, Mars decided to grace them with his presence. It didn't help that immediately after, the exhausted and battered soldiers suddenly felt invigorated and they felt invincible under heaven. Their morale immediately surged forth like a torrential flow.

Then, the silver clad knight and his group lead her soldiers to repel the army of the United Empire.

The miracle didn't stop there as she saw with her own eyes, her soldiers truly become immortal as no matter how the enemies stab and cut to kill them, her soldiers will continue to attack as if they felt no pain. Even when mortally wounded, they continue to fight as if it didn't matter.

That and the fact that the silver clad knight was butchering the soldiers of the United Empire with brutal efficiency and powerful sorcery, the soldiers of the United Empire were nearly decimated and their terrified commander fled with his tail tucked between his legs signaling the retreat of the United Empire.

Only after the battle had ended did Nero snap out of her reverie, a little shaken by the unexpected helper and still reminiscing in the lingering awe as she went to greet her benefactors.


"Sheaths your swords! The battle is over!" Nero ordered her soldiers before she finally turned to address the giant silver clad knight that dismounted from the equally giant wolf along with another woman in silver armor but with a normal size for a human.

"Umu, such a wonderful display just now. You have my thanks, stranger. I do not think you are anyone from within Rome, then I can only assume your group are foreigners." She said as she could her eyes over the Chaldeam before back to Adam who now stood before her with his tall and towering figure. "More importantly, are you perhaps a son of the War God Mars or perhaps the War God Himself?" She tried to guess but his contradicting appearance made her feel doubt with her guess.

Adam then took off his helmet which returned into his Inventory before looking at the girl in front of him whom he learnt is an Emperor of this nation called the Roman Empire.

"I had been hailed as the Victorious War God before. However, I doubt that is what you meant and I am neither a god nor had reached Godhood before." Adam answered with a cordial and friendly tone in hope to gain a favorable impression from this individual that he felt is important for the goal of resolving the Singularity.

"Umu. That is indeed a deserving title after seeing your previous display." Nero nodded with both her arms on her waist which made Adam raise his brow on the bottom part of her garment which he decided not to comment considering how some of the female Servants dressed so far.

"If so, are you perhaps interested in serving under me as my general in such a turbulent moment? You see, I am in need of people like you. An excellent general to lead my soldiers to protect my nation. My glorious empire is under threat as you can see those previous bandits and rebels that wished to annex my capital. As such, anything that you need, I, Nero Claudius, fifth emperor of the Roman Empire, promise to fulfill. That, I swear upon the name of my divine ancestors and the gods." Nero said with a troubled look and genuine worry for her nation's safety, not that of selfishness to exploit the opportunity presented to her. Something that Adam scarcely sees in his thousand years long life, not even on the Emperor of Mankind.

Perhaps because of her sincerity or perhaps pity to see such a young and innocent girl like her to shoulder the burden he once hid and know its difficulty, Adam wished to extend his help. Also helping her will help with the Chaldean's objective. So, he was going to help even if he didn't want to initially.

As for the Chaldean side, they were shocked at how easily Adam wormed into someone's good grace. From his intentional display in battle to how he spoke to the girl they now found out is the infamous Roman Emperor, Nero Claudius.

Romani and Olga discussed with Ritsuko and the Servants about Nero Claudius is perhaps indeed a human of this era and not a Servant and there is high possibility that helping Nero resolving the civil war that is the historical distortion in this Singularity will help resolve the Singularity itself.

Back to Adam.

Hearing Nero's request, he couldn't help but laugh a little which made Nero confused and frowning a little.

"Does what I say sound amusing to you?"

"Ah, no. I was simply reminded of an old, very old memory of mine." Adam apologized which Nero nod understandingly but curiously inquired what could make him laugh in such situations.

"Ah, I too once served for an Empire. I find the situation to be strikingly similar. An Empire in its way to ruin because of enemies encroaching upon them due to the machinations of those foul Daemons." He said and Nero frowned deeper when Adam said her Empire's situation is caused by a Daemon. "The emperor seeks for my aid just like you did. But unlike him, I find you to be truly sincere in your love for your nation."

"Umu! Naturally for I am Rome itself! The title vested upon me is not just a frivolous title. It's the culmination of my lineage, my divine right and also my duty for Rome is myself and I am Rome, then I shall be the true protector of Rome. As long as I draw breath, I shall protect Rome and its people to my last." She proclaimed proudly without a hint of deception or lies that Kiyohime would give her approval if she was here.

"So, what will your answer be, my benefactor?"

Adam looked at Ritsuko who nodded to him in reply. He then turns back to Nero who is brimming with smiles and expectations at him.

"I had once served as an Imperial Regent in the absence of the previous emperor for nine thousand years. I shall use those experiences and wisdom to aid you, Emperor Nero Claudius. Since me and my comrades' objective align with yours to protect your beloved nation." Adam placed his right hand on his chest before tilting his head down slightly as a sign of respect to her afforded by him which impressed Nero enough to forgot about the nine thousand years part entirely as she smiled wider.

"Umu! Well said. As such, hear me, people of Rome!" She proclaimed her declaration to her soldiers and the defenders on the sealed gate of the capital behind them. "Today is a joyous day for me and for Rome! For today I, the Fifth Emperor of Rome, Nero Claudius declared, "I shall appoint him…" She paused for a moment because she remembered she hadn't got Adam's name and Adam was quickly to provide. "Adam Black to be the Imperial Regent of Rome!" She skipped the General and immediately appointed Adam as the Imperial Regent. Mostly out of appreciation of his capability which she and many had witnessed in battle. But there is another more childish reason which is to not lose to the previous Emperor.

Normally, to appoint a stranger you had met for less than a day to such important positions is unheard of. Many would object, especially the other generals under Nero's command. But those said the general had been swooned by Adam's charisma and capability in battle. They basically worship him as the incarnation of Mars. As such, everyone cheered thunderously. Yelling his name with much fervor and cheering joyously.

But their celebrations were cut short when the United Empire army returned with a Servant as the General which Adam and Romani detected.

Adam immediately turned to look at Nero who returned him with a nod and "Umu". He needed no further answer as the eager soldiers who were already brandishing their swords and moved into formation, eagerly awaiting his command while Nero too joined him as the Chaldean.

Adam puts on his helmet before mounting on Sif as he lifts his lightning clad sword high. "To battle!" He roared his war cry and unleashed the Warp Lightning to devastate the enemy's front rank and send the rest of the charging enemy soldiers into disarray.

The soldiers fought with unmatched ferocity and without fear of death. Their faith on Adam granted them a proportional invincibility in battle as the armor of faith shielded their flesh from the steels of the enemies as their enemy dismayed and turned fearful as the previous.

After all, what else you fear more in a battle than an illogical situation like this where their trusted blade couldn't even cut the flesh of their opponent as if they were blessed by god, wreathed in shimmering silver glow.

In no time, the soldiers of the United Empire were decimated. But Nero was locked in battle with the enemy general. A person that she seems to be familiar with since she called him her uncle.

Nero fought and held her ground against the Servant she called Uncle. A Berserker to boot which is a very impressive feat for a human. However, no one is joining in to aid her. She simply didn't need it. At least, she didn't need it yet.

"Uncle… Why must you fight against me? Why must you stand on the side of those traitors?" Nero felt sad and griefed as demanded an answer. However, her Uncle looked too far gone in his madness to even understand her.

"Ah… my dear Nero!" Caligula calmed his rage down for a moment and talked. "Traitors? Traitor… My action is destiny itself! Give up your life and your body. Give it all up!" Caligula declared his intention to covet Nero which made her even more saddened by the state of her uncle which is unlike how she used to remember.

As such, Nero had no other choice. She must harden her resolve and do what she should.

"I'm sorry, Uncle. But I cannot adhere to such wishes. However, I will promise to give you a befitting end." She looks at Caligula which was reduced from a great and excellent Emperor into this due to the whim of a Goddess.

"Why! Why! Why! Why must you defy destiny?" Caligula becomes enraged once more after seeing his wish wouldn't be fulfilled.

The Chaldean on the sidelines are about to join in and aid Nero but Adam suddenly stops them. While Nero and Caligula are talking, Adam and the Chaldean also discussing something. Mostly about Caligula.

There isn't much Olga and Romani could tell about Caligula but what he finds bizarre is Caligula was once depicted as a wise and excellent Emperor but turned into a tyrant and evil once he was 'loved by Diana'. Diana being a Moon Goddess of the Roman people.

From what he can see, this 'love' from Diana is more akin to a curse or evil presence clouding his mind. It's not something difficult to fix.

"Emiya. Jeanne Alter. Try to restrain Caligula without killing him." Adam ordered. He was actually curious what would happen to a Heroic Spirit if he tried to do changes to them and he wished to try it out.

Emiya and Jeanne Alter agreed and went to aid Nero in trying to defeat Caligula without killing him.

"Why would you want to restrain him instead of defeating him, Adam Senpai?" Ritsuko wondered as to the purpose of his order.

Adam glanced at Ritsuko for a moment before he replied that he simply wanted to test out a theory of his. But before Olga could ask further about his theory, Adam already walked away from Ritsuko knowing the Chaldea only connected to Ritsuko instead of him which he wished to stay at instead of hearing the countless questions from Olga nitpicking their every action since he prefer calm atmosphere to focus.

It didn't take much time for Emiya, Jeanne Alter and Nero to defeat and restrain Caligula to the ground.

"Umu, I heard from your companions that you can cure my Uncle's madness. Is that true?" Nero sounded hopeful when Adam arrived.

"I am not completely sure. But I could try." Adam made no promise.

"I see. Go ahead then, I will not fault you if you failed. However, if you do succeed, I will be in your debt." Nero begged Adam to cure Caligula.

Adam said no further and placed his hand on the head of Caligula while his body was being chained by a special chain Emiya Projected.

Adam immediately floods his Psychic power into the head of Caligula and purges the malicious energy in his body rather easily. But immediately after he succeeds, he can feel a powerful hostility directed at him as the sky suddenly darkens and the mirage of a glowing full moon appears overhead.

"Hmph. Dare to come and seek revenge after what you did? This is why you petty leeches must be exterminated and severed from humanity." Adam spat contemptuously at the being that dare to appear in the sky and gathered a ball of Psychic energy in his hand which immediately turn into orb of silvery lightning which he fashioned into a spear-like shape before throwing it at the sky, scattering whatever that was trying to forming above along with the intents.

Although few frowned at his words, it was drowned by Nero's claps and cheers.

"You are truly incredible to prevent a divine punishment from a God." Nero praised before she turned to Caligula which looked less maddened and more sane.

When Caligula lifts his head up with a look of shock and relief in his face, he first looks at Nero and apologizes and Nero being the magnanimous person she is, easily forgives Caligula before he finally looks at his benefactor that fulfilled his true wish.

"I must thank you for releasing me from my madness… However, I do not have much more time left…" Caligula said as his body started to glow golden and his body dissolved into golden motes of light similar to when a Servant fades away.

"Beware of the Court Mage… He isn't a human…" Caligula mutters with great difficulty as he is trying to resist the fading of his body.

"I will, don't worry." Adam nod gratefully at the information.

Then Caligula looked back at Nero. "My beautiful niece, the most dazzling rose of Rome, I seek your forgiveness for what I had done in the past. Beware that your opponents are the past Emperor's, they are not fake nor are they real. They are like me, a Servant and one of them is the Great King Romulus, the founder of the glorious Rome." Caligula finally finished his last words before his body exploded into motes of golden light and faded away.

"Umu. I will, Uncle." Nero looks at the fading golden particles with slight sadness but also joy that her Uncle is finally freed from his madness.


AN: So, which Chaos forces you guys think is suitable for this Singularity? Like a specific Traitor Legion or Chapter or Daemon maybe.

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